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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ P ] / Perhaps i can help you

Perhaps i can help you traduction Portugais

79 traduction parallèle
If you're in trouble, perhaps I can help you.
Se estás com problemas, talvez eu te possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu o possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you to forget.
Talvez eu possa ajudar-te a esquecer.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez vos possa ajudar.
( Peter ) Perhaps I can help you, Demetrius.
Talvez eu te possa ajudar, Demetrius.
But if you feel that strongly about it, perhaps I can help you.
Mas se acredita sinceramente nisso, talvez eu o possa ajudar.
- My child, perhaps I can help you. If only you could...
- Talvez eu possa ajudar-te.
I think perhaps I can help you.
Acho que talvez o possa ajudar.
- Perhaps I can help you.
- Talvez possa ajudá-lo.
Perhaps I can help you.
- Talvez possa ajudá-lo.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu possa ajudá-lo.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez os possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you find...
Talvez eu o possa ajudar a procurar...
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu o possa ajudar...
Perhaps I can help you clean it up.
Talvez o possa ajudar a limpar tudo.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu te possa ajudar
Huh. Well, perhaps I can help you find it.
Bem, talvez possa ajudar-te a encontrar.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu possa ajudá-los.
Perhaps I can help you.
Não a posso ajudar?
Please come to see me. Perhaps I can help you
Por favor venha falar comigo.
- Perhaps I can help you. - Perhaps you can't.
- Talvez eu possa ajudá-lo.
- Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu possa ajudá-la.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez o possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you refocus on your real target.
Talvez possa ajudá-lo a voltar a concentrar-se no verdadeiro alvo.
- Perhaps I can help you.
- Talvez te possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you with that.
Talvez aí eu te possa ajudar.
If you give me the tiniest clue as to what you're talking about, perhaps I can help you.
Se me der uma dica do que está a falar, talvez o poderei ajudár.
In exchange, perhaps I can help you out, too.
Em troca, talvez também o possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you achieve some clarity.
Talvez te possa ajudar a veres com mais clareza.
Perhaps I can help you with your inquiry.
Talvez possa ajudá-lo no seu interrogatório.
Perhaps I can help you get what you want...
Talvez possa ajuda-la a conseguir o que quer...
Perhaps I can help you with that.
Talvez o possa ajudar com isso.
Perhaps I can help you speed that along.
- Posso ajudá-lo a recuperar.
Perhaps I can help you in your scans for the Anti-Monitor.
Talvez possa ajudar-te nos teus exames do Anti-Monitor.
After you've helped me find my subway pusher, perhaps I can help you find Callie Burrell.
Depois de me ajudar a encontrar o assassino do metro, talvez consiga ajudá-la a encontrar a Callie Burrell.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu te possa ajudar.
I can't afford to be as generous as you are, sir. But perhaps a little contribution might help. I say, old chap.
Não posso ser tão generoso, mas uma pequena contribuição talvez possa ajudar o rapaz.
If you'd tell me what it is, perhaps I can help.
Se me dissesses o que é, talvez te pudesse ajudar.
Whether they have dogs, guns, servants, insurance. For old times'sakes, perhaps I can help you.
Pelos velhos tempos, talvez te possa ajudar.
- If you don't know, perhaps I can help.
- Se não sabe, talvez eu possa ajudá-lo.
- I go with you, perhaps I can help.
- Vou convosco, talvez possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you with your investigation. That will not be necessary.
Talvez o possa ajudar com a sua investigação.
I can't help you with the bullet, but I can, perhaps, help you get a little closer to the source of the artifact.
Não posso ajudá-los com a bala, mas talvez possa ajudá-los a ficar mais perto da fonte do artefacto.
You know... Perhaps i can help here.
Talvez possa ajudà-lo.
- Perhaps i can help, if you tell me do i trust a thief who ran away with my belongings?
- Talvez I pode ajudar, se você me fala faça l confiam em um ladrão que corrido fora com meus pertences?
Perhaps Kahlan and I can help you decipher this final riddle.
Talvez a Kahlan e eu consigamos ajudar-te a decifrar o último enigma.
Well, perhaps if you tell me, I can help you.
Bom, se me disser o que é, talvez eu possa ajudar.
Perhaps you can help us. I can't decide whether to take out an "I told you so" ad in the New England Journal or stay classy and just spray-paint it on your car.
Não sei se faço um anúncio do tipo "Eu disse-te", no jornal New England ou "Mantenho a classe"
I just thought that perhaps I could reach out and, um, help you both, any way I can.
Eu achei que, se calhar, podia ajudar-vos aos dois, da melhor maneira que puder.
The other Avatars may not be able to help you anymore, but perhaps I can.
Os outros avatares talvez já não possam ajudar-te, mas talvez eu possa.
Well, perhaps you're not Athos... but, with the Cardinal's help, I can still make something of you.
Talvez você não seja o Athos... Mas, com a ajuda do Cardeal, posso fazer algo de si.

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