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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ R ] / Raining

Raining traduction Portugais

1,803 traduction parallèle
It being Friday, raining and all.
Era uma sexta-feira, e estava a ser muito chuvosa.
It's not raining.
- Não está a chover.
My mom was putting us both to bed, and it was raining outside.
A minha mãe tinha-nos deitado, e estava a chover lá fora.
It was raining, visibility was low, my car simply couldn't stop.
Estava a chover, a visibilidade estava baixa, não consegui parar o carro.
I should have waited until it stopped raining.
Devia ter esperado que parasse de chover.
Most of the time, the kids'll exercise out in the field. But if it's raining or I'm hung-over, they stay inside and play dodge ball.
Na maior parte das vezes, as crianças gostam de se exercitar no campo, mas se estiver a chover ou eu for atropelado, ficam cá dentro a jogar ao mata.
- Ollie. - It's raining sideways.
- Está a chover de lado!
Come on, it was raining.
Até estava a chover.
It was raining.
Estava a chover.
Just - - it's raining.
Está a chover.
The movie I saw once and hated, the city I'll never go back to'cause it was raining the day I visited.
O filme que detestei, a cidade onde nunca voltarei porque choveu quando eu a visitei.
It's not raining here.
Não está a chover aqui.
It was raining. Thank you. I was running an errand.
- Fui tratar dumas coisas.
I know you think I'm raining on your parade, but I need you to leave first thing in the morning.
Eu sei que pensas que te estou a estragar a jogada, mas preciso que sais logo de manhã.
It's been raining every afternoon.
Tem chovido todos os dias.
It's raining every afternoon.
Tem chovido todos os dias.
It's gonna start raining in one minute.
Vai começar a chover dentro dum minuto.
It's raining, Gibbs.
Está a chover, Gibbs.
Well, I cannot believe I'm saying this, but it's raining in the O.C.
Mal posso acreditar que estou a dizer isto, mas está a chover, em O.C
That was before it was raining men in my apartment.
Isso foi antes de haver homens a rodos no meu apartamento.
It was raining, and you were wearing a blue sweater.
Estava a chover, e trazias uma camisola azul.
It's raining!
Está a chover!
- lt's fucking raining!
- Está a chover!
Oh, it's raining outside.
Está a chover cá fora.
Blood is raining from the sky!
Está a chover sangue do céu!
Every time I visited her, it was always raining out.
Sempre que a ia visitar, chovia imenso.
I remember this one time she, she was watching over me and it was raining, and we went to the store right as it was closing, you know, when the lights were being turned off.
Lembro-me de uma vez ela ficar a tomar conta de mim e de estar a chover, e irmos a uma loja à hora de fechar, quando estavam a apagar as luzes.
When it's raining, Dean and I'm in the bedroom, and I want a cup of tea I have to put on rubber boots so my slippers don't get wet on the way to the kitchen.
Quando está a chover, Dean e estou no quarto e me apetece uma chávena de chá, tenho de calçar galochas, para não molhar os chinelos a caminho da cozinha.
" and you can see the Two Towers, a huge explosion, raining debris on all of us.
" e pode ver as duas torres, uma explosão enorme.
The interesting thing is it all happen without ever raining here.
O interessante é que isso pode acontecer sem nunca chover aqui.
Ah, it stopped raining.
Ah, parou de chover.
- Oh, I can't believe it's raining again.
Não posso crer que chove outra vez.
It's raining, you know. And you know what you get with rain?
Está a chover, sabias?
It's raining, you know. And you know what you get with rain?
E sabes o que ganhas com a chuva?
I don " t wanna be raining on your parade, but I gotta tell you... ... that was some of the dumbest driving I have ever seen in my life.
Não quero estragar a festa, mas tenho de te dizer foi a condução mais estúpida que vi na vida.
After leaving the theater, it was raining over-fed, and Lissa was to jump through puddles...
Depois de sairmos do teatro, estava a chover que se farta, e a Lissa estava a saltar pelas poças...
It's raining pretty bad.
Está a chover muito.
- It's always raining there. - Not like here. It's always raining.
Só quero apanhar ar, correr um pouco.
It was raining, and we were hiking.
Estava a chover e nós estávamos a fazer uma caminhada.
Giants balls of furry lava the size of mammoths raining from the sky.
Bolas gigantes de lava peluda do tamanho de mamutes a chover do céu.
It's raining heavily, Lady Enid.
- Tá uma chuvarada, Lady Enid.
It's raining out there.
Está a chover lá fora.
All right, it's raining a little bit.
- Está a chover um bocadinho.
It's raining cats and dogs.
Chove a cântaros.
I said, it's raining cats and dogs.
Disse que está a chover a cântaros.
It was raining and thundering.
Estava a chover e a trovejar.
It's raining hail the size of Yao's ball sack.
Está a cair granizo do tamanho das bolas do Yao.
Besides, look, it's raining men right now.
Além de que, olha, está a chover homens.
Black fluid flowed where the rain fell. It was raining black fluid.
Quando essas cinzas se misturam com o ar frio e húmido da atmosfera, formam grossos e negros pingos de chuva que caem na cidade.
- It's raining!
Está a chover!
It's stopped raining.
Parou de chover.

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