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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ R ] / Rance

Rance traduction Portugais

163 traduction parallèle
- No, no. Rance.
- Não, não, Rance.
Surely you're going to Capitol City and talk to the assembly?
Rance, decerto que vai a Capitol City falar à assembleia?
He didn't carry no handgun, Rance.
Ele não usava arma, Rance.
Goodness, Rance, aren't you finished yet?
Credo, Rance, ainda não acabaste?
Here's the supper for Rance.
Toma, a ceia do Rance.
- Rance, do you think I could?
- Rance. Achas que eu podia?
- Rance'll learn me to read.
- O Rance vai-me "aprender" a ler.
Rance, I'm sorry.
Rance, lamento.
O Rance?
Rance, we'll need you for some of that legal stuff later.
Vamos precisar de si para as coisas legais que virão depois.
Rance, please. There are other men... Give me a drink.
Rance, por favor, há outros homens que... dê-me uma bebida.
You should hear what he's swearing to do to Rance.
Devia ouvir o que ele está a jurar fazer ao Rance.
Mr Rance, I have the buckboard out here.
Sr. Rance, tenho aqui a carroça.
Go, Rance.
Vá, Rance.
Rance Stoddard?
Rance Stoddard?
Rance is out front with a gun!
O Rance está lá fora com uma arma!
You all know that Rance Stoddard couldn't shoot the hat off his head with a gun in his hand.
Sabem bem que o Rance Stoddard nem acertava no próprio chapéu a disparar da cintura.
Rance, if it had been you instead of Valance, I would...
Rance. Se tivesses sido tu em vez do Valance, eu...
- Rance, this is Handy Strong.
- Rance. É Handy Strong.
Come on, Rance.
Venha, Rance.
He's right, Rance.
Ele tem razão, Rance.
- But, Mr Rance...
- Mas, Sr. Rance...
- Rance...
- Rance...
Can't she stay until her remembrance come back, Mr. Rance?
Ela não pode ficar ao menos até recuperar a memória, Sr. Rance?
- Thank you, Mr. Rance.
- Obrigada, Sr. Rance.
This is the young lady, Mr. Rance. And this is Mr. Rance Butler.
Esta é a jovem, Sr. Rance... e este é o Sr. Rance Butler.
- Why, Rance!
- Ora, Rance.
Oh, why, Rance, what a thing to say!
Ora, Rance, que coisa.
Oh, why, Rance, you can't be serious.
Rance, você não fala sério.
Rance. Rance, let me go.
Rance, solte-me.
- I happen to know from over-listening that Mr. Rance is going to marry her.
Acontece que eu andei escutando... que o Sr. Rance vai se casar com ela.
Mr. Rance, you about to commit bigotry.
Sr. Rance, o senhor está prestes a cometer bigamia.
Rance, no! Let him go.
Rance, não, solte-o.
Oh, Rance. Look what you've done!
Rance, veja o que você fez!
They've been missing all day. RANCE :
Eles desapareceram.
- Dawson's got them. - Where? RANCE :
- O Dawson apanhou-os.
'Cause as soon as Rance gets back here with Mrs. Morgan... you are gonna get a whole new understanding... of the will of the people.
Porque assim que o Race chegar aqui com a Senhora Morgan vocês vão compreender como funciona a vontade do povo.
Rance radioed and said the MPs are on their way.
O Rance diz que a Polícia Militar está a caminho.
Tomorrow I go see an ex-Newfoundlander and who lives now on the Rance river.
Amanhã, vou ver um marinheiro que esteve em Terre-Neuve... e que mora em Bords de Rance. Se quiser vir...
No, I was out walking along the river with friends.
É que eu saí... pra dar uma volta perto de Rance com uns amigos.
I'd like to take this moment to thank Mr. Rance for interrupting a busy travel schedule to pay us a visit.
Gostaria de aproveitar para agradecer a Mr. Rance ter interrompido a sua viagem para cá vir.
Mr. Rance met with John and me earlier to make another bid for our involvement in the unions.
Mr. Rance reuniu comigo e com o John para fazer nova proposta para o nosso envolvimento nos sindicatos.
And I told Mr. Rance what I told him before :
Eu disse a Mr. Rance o que já lhe tinha dito :
This is Mr. Rance in the bridal suite.
Fala Mr. Rance da suite nupcial.
DAWSON : Rance.
Longe do Xerife.

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