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Ratchett traduction Portugais

80 traduction parallèle
Excuse me, gentlemen, but Mr Ratchett has reservations, and we'd be grateful if we could board immediately.
O Sr. Ratchett tem reserva e eu agradeceria se pudéssemos nos instalar.
- Yes. Yes, Mr Ratchett.
Sim, Sr. Ratchett.
My name is Ratchett.
Meu nome é Ratchett.
Mr Ratchett, I have made enough money to satisfy both my needs and my caprices.
Sr. Ratchett, tenho dinheiro suficiente para satisfazer minhas necessidades e caprichos.
And to the right, in number ten, is Mr Ratchett.
E à direita, no 10, o Sr. Ratchett.
- Beyond Mr Ratchett, in the number 11.
Depois do Sr. Ratchett, no 1 1.
Ah, bien, Mr Ratchett.
Bem, Sr. Ratchett.
"Madame," said Mr Ratchett, "if this was 20 years ago, I'd have said come in."
" Há 20 anos eu a teria seguido ´ `, disse o Sr. Ratchett.
Your Amber Moon, Mr Ratchett.
Seu fortificante, Sr. Ratchett.
Mr Ratchett has been frontally stabbed ten, eleven, twelve times.
O Sr. Ratchett foi apunhalado pela frente umas 10, 1 1, 12 vezes.
Excuse me. The man must've entered my compartment to gain access to Mr Ratchett.
O homem entrou no meu camarote para chegar ao do Sr. Ratchett.
Let us proceed with the matter in hand. Your relationship with Ratchett?
Prossigamos então sua relação com Ratchett?
It was a pleasant enough job. What part of America did Ratchett come from?
De que parte dos Estados Unidos era Ratchett?
At least we know that by the time of the murder,
pelo menos sabemos que nesse momento Ratchett estava drogado e não gritou
It means we know the true identity of Mr Ratchett.
Significa que conhecemos a verdadeira identidade do Sr. Ratchett
And Ratchett was her murderer?
Ratchett a assassinou. Não.
Much earlier, soon after 12 : 30, you and I both heard Mr Ratchett ring his bell several times and apologise for having had a nightmare.
Mais cedo, cerca de 24h30 o Sr. Ratchett chamou e se desculpou por ter tido um pesadelo.
Who rang the second bell while you were answering Mr Ratchett's?
Quem chamou quando você atendia o Sr. Ratchett?
The passkey to Ratchett's room.
A chave-mestra do camarote.
Ratchett was, as you yourself suspected, merely an alias.
Ratchett era, como você suspeitava, um nome falso.
How did you, er figure out Ratchett's identity?
Como descobriu a identidade de Ratchett?
When you took Mr Ratchett his valerian drops about 9 : 40 yesterday evening, was he already in bed?
Quando levou suas gotas de valeriana ao Sr. Ratchett cerca de 21 h40 ontem, ele já estava deitado?
Mr Ratchett always retired early on trains.
ele se deitava cedo nos trens.
How did you come to be employed by Mr Ratchett?
Como o Sr. Ratchett o contratou?
Belgian. Did you know that Mr Ratchett was of Italian extraction?
Sabia que o Sr. Ratchett era de ascendência italiana?
Hmm? When you suggest he should have been stabbing Mr Ratchett?
na hora que sugere que apunhaIava o Sr. Ratchett?
By now, Mr McQueen has doubtless informed you - of the true identity of Mr Ratchett?
Imagino que McQueen informou a identidade de Ratchett.
Wasn't the door locked on your side of the door that communicated with Mr Ratchett's compartment?
a porta para o camarote do Sr. Ratchett estava fechada ao deitar-se?
Mon colonel, Ratchett was responsible for five deaths.
Ratchett foi responsável por cinco mortes.
Then, in my opinion, Ratchett deserved what he got.
Acho que Ratchett merecia o que Ihe aconteceu.
Or are you suggesting that I'm fool enough to have entered Ratchett's cabin, murdered him, cleaned my "peep"
Ou acha que entrei no quarto de Ratchett, o assassinei
- Stamboul branch. Ratchett asked them for an American bodyguard.
Ratchett pediu escolta e me designaram.
The obvious implication is that the murderer, disguised as a conductor, boarded the train at Belgrade, made his way by means of the convenient passkey to Ratchett's compartment, stabbed him to death, planted the dagger and the uniform, and then departed, since the train was now halted in a snowdrift.
A implicação óbvia é que o falso condutor tomou o trem em belgrado entrou no camarote de Ratchett com a chave-mestra o apunhalou, plantou a adaga e o uniforme e fugiu do trem bloqueado pela neve.
Was Mr McQueen lying when he denied ever having known that Ratchett was Cassetti?
Mentia quando negou saber que Ratchett era Cassetti?
Or did he become Ratchett's secretary as part of a deliberate plan to avenge Mrs Armstrong's death?
Ou se converteu em seu secretário para vingar a morte da Sra. Armstrong?
Doctor, how many wounds were there in Ratchett's body?
Quantos ferimentos havia no cadáver?
Mr McQueen, how many capital letters, each inscribed by a different hand, were contained in each of the two threatening messages you showed me in Ratchett's correspondence file?
Quantas maiúsculas haviam sido escritas em cada uma das cartas que me havia mostrado?
Ratchett never asked you to be his bodyguard, he asked me.
Ratchett não Ihe pediu para ser seu protetor.
"Signed, Ratchett."
Asslnado Ratchett.
Bien, Mr Ratchett. May you now have pleasant dreams.
Bem, Sr. Ratchett felizes sonhos.
And since Mr McQueen had overemphatically said that Ratchett spoke no languages, I was being deliberately manoeuvred into believing that Ratchett was already dead when a voice cried out from his room in French.
E como o Sr. McQueen havia dito enfaticamente que Ratchett não sabia idiomas me faziam crer que Ratchett já estava morto quando a voz gritou desde sua alcova, em francês.
- Nurse Ratchett?
- A enfermeira Ratchett?
You call him Mr Ratchett and him Mr Hayter.
Chamas-lhe a ele Sr. Ratchett e a ele Sr. Hayter.
Mr Ratchett, sir, whilst I don't wish to be rude, I do believe that you watched too many Tarzan films as an impressionable child.
Sr. Ratchett, senhor, embora não queira ser grosseiro, acho que viu demasiados filmes do Tarzan, como criança impressionável.
I know that I can help you, Mr Ratchett, sir.
Sei que o posso ajudar, Sr. Ratchett, senhor.
I will do anything, Mr Ratchett.
Faço qualquer coisa, Sr. Ratchett.
You know how Ratchett's going on about his dodgy knee?
Lembras-te de ouvir o Ratchett falar dos problemas no joelho?
Ketch has just floored Mr Ratchett.
Ketch derruba o Sr. Ratchett!
The pleasure possibly, Mr Ratchett, the intention certainly.
O prazer, talvez.
Ratchett was too drugged to cry out or defend himself with this.
nem se defendeu com isto.
He had constant access to Ratchett.
Tinha acesso a Ratchett.

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