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Ridgeway traduction Portugais

165 traduction parallèle
Charlie Blackfoot was seen in the town of Ridgeway.
Viram o Charlie Blackfoot em Ridgeway.
You know where, uh, Ridgeway Drive is?
- Sabe onde é Richwood Drive?
I'm looking for Ridgeway Drive.
Sabe onde é o Richwood Drive?
It's her. The Ridgeway girl.
É ela, a filha dos Ridgeway.
Linnet Ridgeway marries penniless Prince Charming after whirlwind romance!
"Linnet Ridgeway casa com Príncipe Encantado sem um tostão."
So that's the Ridgeway girl.
- Esta é que é a filha dos Ridgeway.
Sorry, Miss Ridgeway.
- Desculpe... Miss Ridgeway.
? Melhuish Ridgeway ruined my family.
- Ele arruinou a minha família.
Linnet Ridgeway's a leech. A parasite on the skin of society.
- A Linnet Ridgeway é uma peste.
Because her father was Melhuish Ridgeway, whose unscrupulous business methods ruined your father... and condemned you to a servant's life.
Porque o pai dela arruinou o seu, levando-a a uma vida de servir.
Carla, did you have the soft drinks delivered to Mrs. Ridgeway's house for the party tomorrow?
Carla, tu entregaste os refrigerantes para a casa da sra. Ridgeway para a festa de amanhã?
Thank you, Mrs. Ridgeway.
Obrigada, sra. Ridgeway.
The Joined-directing thing, you. Ridgeway.
O Director-adjunto, o Sr. Ridgeway.
But you. Ridgeway it is above any suspicion.
Mas o Sr. Ridgeway está acima de qualquer suspeita.
And one would be you. Ridgeway taking the titles?
E se tivesse de ser o Sr. Ridgeway a levar os títulos?
You. Ridgeway?
O Sr. Ridgeway?
Monsieur Ridgeway, this one is my partner, the Captain Hastings.
Monsieur Ridgeway, este é o meu sócio, o Capitão Hastings.
- What his car is, Mr. Ridgeway?
- Qual é o seu carro, Sr. Ridgeway?
I am the fiancee of Philip Ridgeway.
Sou a noiva do Philip Ridgeway.
You. Ridgeway is very punctual.
O Sr. Ridgeway é muito pontual.
You. Ridgeway.
O Sr. Ridgeway.
This one goes with you, Mr. Ridgeway.
Esta vai consigo, Sr. Ridgeway.
Like you. Shaw cannot, he will be you. Ridgeway.
Como o Sr. Shaw não pode, terá de ser o Sr. Ridgeway.
- Bonjour, Monsieur Ridgeway.
- Bonjour, Monsieur Ridgeway.
Good night, Ridgeway.
Boa noite, Ridgeway.
Well, it seems that it lost everything, Ridgeway.
Bem, parece que perdeu tudo, Ridgeway.
- Ridgeway!
- Ridgeway!
And where the fact is that it was the night completely, Mr. Ridgeway?
E onde é que esteve a noite toda, Sr. Ridgeway?
It can go out, Mr. Ridgeway.
Pode sair, Sr. Ridgeway.
In this case it is possible to have been only the Ridgeway.
Nesse caso só pode ter sido o Ridgeway.
The box of the Mr. Ridgeway have door for this side, it has not?
O camarote do Sr. Ridgeway tem porta para este lado, não tem?
- And you. Ridgeway?
- E o Sr. Ridgeway?
When it came to have with me, it was because it was afraid of Monsieur Ridgeway, yes?
Quando veio ter comigo, foi porque tinha medo de Monsieur Ridgeway, sim?
Since it wanted to save the Monsieur Ridgeway, he wanted that we were believing that the key what opened the bad era of his chief.
Como queria salvar o Monsieur Ridgeway, quis que acreditássemos que a chave que abriu a mala era do seu chefe.
You. Vavasour and you. is Ridgeway imprisoned?
O Sr. Vavasour e o Sr. Ridgeway estão presos?
The Monsieur Philip Ridgeway it would keep the fault.
O Monsieur Philip Ridgeway ficaria com a culpa.
Monsieur Ridgeway, with his problems of play.
Monsieur Ridgeway, com os seus problemas de jogo.
It is therefore that it was essential what the Ridgeway digs in the ship.
Por isso é que era essencial que o Ridgeway fosse no navio.
The Ridgeway!
O Ridgeway!
It was completely an essential part of his plan for what Monsieur Ridgeway it was taking his place in the ship.
Foi tudo uma parte essencial do seu plano para que Monsieur Ridgeway tomasse o seu lugar no navio.
Come, Ridgeway.
Venha, Ridgeway.
Because, Monsieur Ridgeway, I saw the loan sharks á his wait in Southampton and I thought that it would be more safe in a cell of prison.
Porque, Monsieur Ridgeway, vi os agiotas à sua espera em Southampton e achei que ficaria mais seguro numa cela de prisão.
Ridgeway, get out of there!
Ridgeway, sai daí!
The way you expressed your opinion to Bobby Ridgezay?
Do modo como a exprimiste ao Bobby Ridgeway?
Bobby Ridgezay's balls?
Os tomates do Bobby Ridgeway?
Todd Ridgeway, Arizona State.
Todd Ridgeway, Arizona State.
San Clarita power station, 417 Ridgeway Road.
Central de San Clarita, 417 Ridgeway Road.
Welcome to Wode Hall, Miss Ridgeway.
Bem-vinda a Wode Hall.
You are the Ridgeway girl, aren't you?
- Você é a herdeira dos Ridgeway.

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