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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ S ] / She didn't

She didn't traduction Portugais

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Rayna used to say that she had to kill me, but she didn't want to.
A Rayna dizia que tinha que me matar, mas que não queria.
She didn't listen, did she?
Ela não me deu ouvidos, pois não?
She didn't mean to.
Não foi de propósito.
- I didn't think she was capable at such a young age, but maybe she is.
Não pensava que era capaz sendo tão nova, mas talvez, seja. A Diana?
It didn't work? - Well, we thought it did, and then she woged and had some kind of seizure.
Achávamos que sim, mas aí ela transformou-se... e teve um tipo de ataque.
You started writing the second she came back, didn't you?
Começaste a escrever no segundo em que ela voltou, não foi?
She didn't. - They killed Guero.
Ela podia ter-me morto.
Why didn't she kill me when she had the chance?
Porque é que ela não me matou quando teve a oportunidade?
She used to be very bitter with me in the beginning.. Then I didn't release when I slowly started falling in love with her.
Ela costumava ser muito amarga comigo ao princípio então eu não deixei estar quando lentamente comecei a apaixonar-me por ela.
He didn't talk for days when she died. - Died?
- Esteve calado dias quando ela morreu.
Maybe she didn't want to hurt his feelings.
Talvez não quisesse magoá-lo.
She didn't know anything about schizophrenia.
Não sabia nada de esquizofrenia.
That's why she didn't tell me about it until she had a health scare a couple years ago.
Por isso, ela não me contou nada até ter apanhado um susto de saúde há dois anos.
At the time of the trial, she probably didn't know what she had.
Na altura do julgamento, ela nem devia saber o que tinha.
Her brother said she didn't want anything out there that could mess up her job prospects.
O irmão dela disse que ela não queria estragar possíveis empregos.
My ex, Tiffany? She didn't die. She left me.
A minha ex, a Tiffany não morreu, deixou-me.
She didn't show up at City Hall for the first time in 20 years.
Não apareceu na câmara. É a primeira vez em vinte anos.
My father didn't know she was pregnant.
O meu pai não sabia que ela estava grávida.
Maxine meant to say she didn't vote for your husband.
A Maxine quer dizer que não votou no teu marido.
A guy who keeps insisting he wasn't close her, didn't know where she went, and definitely wasn't with her.
Um homem que insiste em dizer que não eram próximos, que não sabe para onde é que ela foi, e que de certeza não estava com ela.
Reason - the page on which she wrote out her report was already full because she didn't write this on the night of the incident but much later.
Isso passou-se porque na página onde ela escreveu o relatório estava tão cheio que ela escreveu o relatório no outro dia a seguir.
She was saying... The girls didn't take money and yet admitted to it.
Ela disse as raparigas não pediram dinheiro e admitiram isso.
. Once you saw that Minal is making a drink for herself Didn't you feel that she might be one of'those'girls and you should leave!
Quando viu Minal preparar uma bebida para ela pensou que ela poderia ser uma rapariga má?
Probably why she didn't bother getting rid of it.
Talvez por isso nem se tenha dado ao trabalho de se livrar dela.
Mom didn't play her part, didn't act the way everyone thought she should, so the system reamed her.
A mãe não fez a parte dela, não agiu da forma que todos pensavam que devia agir, e por isso, o sistema puniu-a.
Suggests she found something that didn't look good for Penny.
Sugere que ela descobriu qualquer coisa que não favorecia a Penny.
Yeah, but she didn't love me, Tommy.
Mas ela não me amava, Tommy.
She said she didn't think it was possible.
Ela disse que não achava possível.
Well, if she didn't really know him, it's not, is it?
Isso não é normal, já que ela não o conhecia?
She didn't say.
Não disse.
I personally choose to believe that she didn't kill him.
pessoalmente prefiro acreditar que não o matou.
She seemed pretty angry. I didn't know she was capable of being angry.
Não sabia que ela era capaz de se zangar.
You didn't know she told me.
Não sabias que ela me disse.
No, she didn't.
Não, não disse.
He said she reported for work yesterday at 6 : 46 a.m. and didn't leave till noon, which means the arsenic was ingested while there.
Ela apresentou-se ontem ao serviço às 6h46 e só saiu ao meio-dia, o que significa que o arsénio foi ingerido lá.
She didn't have clearance for the documents she needed, wasn't getting traction from her superiors.
Ela não tinha acesso aos documentos de que precisava e os superiores dela não lhe ligaram.
She didn't mention it.
Ela não mencionou isso.
You didn't tell us you met Danielle under the Crescent City Connection, and she gave you $ 15,000 in cash.
Não disseste que te encontraste com a Danielle sob a Ligação de Crescente City e que ela te deu 15 mil dólares.
No, there was this guy she met online, but that didn't pan out.
Não, havia um tipo que ela conheceu "online", - mas, as coisas não correram bem.
She clearly didn't want to talk about it.
Ela, claramente, não queria falar sobre isso.
I also spoke with the Mexican government- - I figured maybe there was something she was into over there that followed her over here, but they said they didn't know anything about that.
Também falei com o Governo mexicano. Pensei que ela pudesse estar envolvida em algo lá que a seguiu até aqui, mas, disseram-me que não sabiam nada sobre isso.
I'm sure Gabriel didn't tell Vanessa where he is, okay, but what if, what if she knows how to get in touch with him?
- Tenho a certeza que o Gabriel não disse à Vanessa onde é que está, mas, e se ela sabe como entrar em contacto com ele?
No. She didn't have any food allergies.
Não, ela não tinha alergias alimentares.
Maybe those were the times she didn't see eye-to-eye with the DA?
Talvez das vezes que não concordava com o MP.
She didn't think anyone on the team should take it.
Ela achava que ninguém da equipa o devia fazer.
She didn't slug him.
Ela não lhe deu um socou.
Bet you didn't expect your daughter to record the conversation the two of you had a few hours ago, where she confronted you and you told her everything.
Não esperava que ela gravasse a conversa que os dois tiveram há algumas horas, onde ela o confronta e você lhe conta tudo.
- What? - She said Meyerism was the part of me that mattered and that she didn't want to take that away.
Disse que o Meyerismo era a parte de mim que importava e que não queria tirar-me isso.
She didn't.
Ela não entregou.
Juice would have raped her if she didn't press that button.
Não faria isso com seus amigos.
( prisoner 2 ) Yeah, she didn't want to, though.

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