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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ S ] / Stinson

Stinson traduction Portugais

224 traduction parallèle
- You worked the Stinson Rodeo with him.
- Trabalhaste com ele no Stinson Rodeo o ano passado.
I've got a little VW at Stinson Beach with a cracked block.
O meu Volkswagen ficou em Stenson's Beach com o bloco partido.
- Stinson.
- Stinson.
Stinson, get me those Mayflower plans.
Stinson, traga-me os planos da Mayflower.
Hello, Stinson.
Olá, Stinson.
She's at the beach house at Stinson.
Está na casa de praia em Stinson.
I got hung up at Stinson.
Tive de ir a Stinson e atrasei-me.
" Are you on an Outward Bound canoe trip, like Brook Stinson?
"Andam a tratar do ambiente, como o Brook Stinson?"
You take the Stinson, cover west towards Bathurst.
Ficas com o Stinson e cobre a parte oeste de Betherst.
Little Timmy Stinson cut his finger off in a whittling event.
O Timmy Stinson cortou-se na prova de esculpir madeira.
Barney stinson. So, uh...
Barney Stinson.
Laugh for barney stinson.
Riam-se do Barney Stinson.
Ed, you remember Don Stinson.
Ed, lembraste do Don Stinson.
What'd you find on the screaming next to Stinson's room?
O que é que descobriste sobre os gritos do quarto ao lado do Stinson?
Mr. Stinson is convinced his daughter didn't make it up.
Mr. Stinson está convencido que a filha não inventou.
You know, Mr. Stinson's daughter.
Sabe, a filha de Mr. Stinson.
It's starting to affect Stinson's play.
Está a começar a afectar o modo de jogo do Stinson.
Is Stinson happy?
O Stinson está feliz?
Have you ever heard of the Levi Stinson sanctuary house?
Já ouviste falar da Santa Casa Levi Stinson?
Mr. Stinson, this is Willis from lobby security.
Sr. Stinson, é o Willis da segurança do átrio.
- Mr. Eriksen, Mr. Stinson is no longer...
Sr. Eriksen, o Sr. Stinson já não...
And so Mr. and Mrs. Stinson, after two weeks of marriage, decided to call it quits.
E então o Sr. e a Sra. Stinson, duas semanas depois do casamento, decidiram acabar.
Barney Stinson.
Barney Stinson.
Hey, Stinson.
- Melinda and Duncan Stinson.
- Melinda e Duncan Stinson.
I got the test back from the Stinson's.
Já tenho a análise dos Stinson.
And the Stinson baby belongs to the O'Brien's.
E o bebé Stinson é dos O'Brien.
But you were, Mr. Stinson.
Mas o senhor sabia, Sr. Stinson.
Mr. Stinson, people's lives have been altered.
Sr. Stinson, isso afectou a vida das pessoas.
I'm talking about Duncan Stinson.
Estou a falar do Duncan Stinson.
- You can't complain, Stinson.
Não te podes queixar. Casaste com uma chefe de claque.
- Ah, Ms. Stinson. Special Agent Booth.
Sra. Stinson, agente especial Booth.
- Well, uh - - Thank you, Ms. Stinson.
Obrigada, Sra. Stinson.
Could you please call up Terry Stinson from the Foothill yearbook? Mm-hmm.
Podes telefonar ao Terry Stinson, do anuário de Foothill?
Alex Stinson shows three classic examples of Mendelion inheritance.
O Alex Stinson exibe três exemplos clássicos de hereditariedade Mendeliana.
Could you please replace Terry Stinson with Roger Dillon?
Podes substituir o Terry Stinson pelo Roger Dillon?
Twenty years ago, Terry Stinson finds out... that Roger Dillon has sex with his girlfriend.
Há 20 anos atrás, o Terry Stinson descobre que o Roger dormiu com a namorada dele.
Ms. Stinson, did you tell Roger that he had gotten you pregnant? Yes.
- Disse-lhe que tinha engravidado?
Like Terry Stinson.
- Como o Terry Stinson?
Barney stinson.
Barney Stinson.
- Wendy the waitress-Stinson.
Wendy, a Empregada-Stinson.
Barney Stinson, from Staten Island Boulevard.
O Barney Stinson de Staten Island Boulevard.
Hey, Barney Stinson from Staten Island Boulevard. What can I get you?
Olá, Barney Stinson de Staten Island Boulevard, o que vai ser?
"There's stands Barnabus Stinson."
"Ali permanece Barnabus Stinson".
You know that club over there on Stinson Street?
Sabes aquele bar que fica no Stinson Street?
Barney Stinson, buckle up.
Barney Stinson, aperta o cinto.
your jaws- - because Barney Stinson is about to aid and abet a marriage.
Os vossos queixos... porque o Barney Stinson está prestes a ajudar um casamento.
"Barney Stinson, come on down!"
"Barney Stinson, venha!"
- Bob, it's Barney Stinson!
- Bob, é o Barney Stinson!
- Stinson.

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