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Strickland traduction Portugais

201 traduction parallèle
You know that, Strickland?
Sabes disso, Strickland?
STRICKLAND : Marcus, at least keep her quiet.
Marcus, pelo menos mantém-na calada.
STRICKLAND : David, are you all right?
David, tu estás bem?
I thought Strickland found them. MARCUS :
Achava que o Strickland os tinha encontrado.
Except for David and Strickland.
Excepto o David e o Strickland.
Strickland, I didn't see you.
Strickland, não te estava a ver.
Once we have penetrated the second level... Laura and Strickland will eliminate the inner security.
Assim que penetrarmos no segundo nível, a Laura e o Strickland eliminam a segurança interna.
- Strickland's looking for you.
- O Strickland está à tua procura.
Can I go now, Mr. Strickland?
Posso ir, Sr. Strickland?
That's Strickland.
É o Strickland.
Then Jeff lost his ride with the Strickland team just before the championship race here at Westwood Springs, so I got Phoenix to bail him out with another car.
Jeff perdeu o lugar na equipa Strickland... antes da corrida aqui em Westwood Springs... e pedi à Fundação para arranjar outro carro.
Well, I think the press is almost finished with Strickland.
A imprensa está a terminar a entrevista ao Strickland. Aquele é Carl Strickland?
When I refused to sell him my design patent, Strickland got so mad he dumped me from his racing team.
Quando não quis vender a patente... ele ficou tão bravo que me expulsou da equipa.
This fuel-injection system will make the Strickland the fastest car on the road, which I intend to prove at Sunday's race.
Este sistema de combustível... faz do Strickland o carro mais rápido. E tenciono prová-lo na corrida de domingo.
Mr. Strickland's money.
Sem brincadeira nada foi feito ainda? O dinheiro do Sr. Strickland.
I need more than promises from you, Strickland, I need results.
Preciso mais do que promessas. Quero resultados.
Hans Visser completes a blistering qualifying round in the Strickland.
Hans Visser fez uma óptima volta de qualificação.
Now, with only two cars left to qualify, it looks like Strickland is guaranteed pole position.
Com apaenas dois carros por se qualificarem. Parece que a Strickland garantiu a pole position.
Qualifying time for the Strickland car, 1 : 15 : 58.
O tempo de qualificação para o carro da Strickland é 1 : 15,58.
Oh, he's got a lot of catching up to do if he hopes to beat the qualifying time set by the Strickland entry.
Mas precisa de se esforçar se quiser bater o tempo... do carro da Strickland.
And Strickland stays on top of the series.
E Strickland continuará no topo da série.
I did do a little checking on Strickland.
Verifiquei o Strickland.
Sounds like Strickland blackmailed O'Malley into sabotaging our car.
Parece que Strickland chantageou O'Malley para sabotar o carro.
On the pole, we have Hans Visser driving the black Strickland car, number eight.
Na primeira posição, Hans Visser... no carro preto da Strickland, de número oito.
Not enjoying the race, Mr. Strickland?
Não gostou da corrida, Sr. Strickland?
Visser rolled over on Strickland, so they're both being arraigned on murder charges tomorrow morning.
Visser contou tudo sobre Strickland, e eles vão ser presos... por assassinato amanhã.
Mr. Strickland.
Sr. Strickland.
Mr. Strickland.
- Sr. Strickland.
Hey, Strickland! Yeah!
Why, Mr. Strickland, it's nice to see you, sir.
- Olá, Sr. Strickland, que bom vê-lo.
Marshal Strickland. I didn't know you was back in town.
Xerife Strickland, não sabia que tinha voltado á cidade.
- Strickland.
- Strickland.
Commissioner Strickland.
Comissário Strickland.
That's Deputy Commissioner Palmer Strickland, the prick who busted me out.
É o Comissário Adjunto Strickland, o sacana do hipócrita que me expulsou.
Commissioner Strickland!
Comissário Strickland!
My girlfriend's watching. This is not just my chance. This is your chance to be remembered as the beloved coach Strickland and not as coach suckland.
Esta também é uma oportunidade para si, para ser lembrado como um bom treinador, e não uma porcaria.
Funny, Strickland. Do you have any recommendations how we seal this...?
Bem, fazes alguma recomendação de como selar estes contentores?
Um, You are a funny guy, Strickland.
És um tipo engraçado, Strickland.
I heard the alarm, and I arrived there with Strickland but the time we got in there
Ouvi o alarme, e corri para lá com o Strickland. Mas quando chegamos já estavam derretidos por dentro.
"Horace Strickland, Account Activity"
'Horace Strickland, movimentos de conta'
Horace Strickland had them delivered to drug dealers.
Horace Strickland entregou-os a traficantes de droga.
Strickland had felony drug smuggling charge as in FBI record.
Strickland é acusado do crime de tráfico de droga segundo os registos do FBI.
Strickland's bank account was getting pretty fat minus few payments to Larry Meyers.
A conta bancária do Strickland estava a crescer depressa, tirando uns pagamentos ao Larry Meyers.
He was withdrawing money out of Strickland's, threatening to blow Wilkes on the operation.
Estava a extorquir dinheiro ao Strickland, com a ameaça de expor a operação.
So on the day of the accident, Strickland spike the MZT shippment.
No dia do acidente, o Strickland burrifou o carregamento de MZT.
First of all, if the family of Ronnie Strickland does indeed decide to sue the fbi for
Primeiro, se a família do Ronnie Strickland decidir processar o FBI por...
Strickland was a vampire.
O Strickland era um vampiro.
Though my first four shots obviously missed Ronnie Strickland entirely, with my fifth I was able to shoot out a tire on his car, forcing him to escape on foot.
Embora os quatro primeiros tiros não tenham acertado no Ronnie Strickland de todo, com o quinto acertei num pneu do carro dele, o que o forçou a fugir a pé.
They had Strickland and David.
- Eles tinham o Strickland e o David.
Please, Mr. Strickland,
- Um.

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