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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ T ] / Tamar

Tamar traduction Portugais

27 traduction parallèle
Tamar, stand clear.
Tamar, afasta-te.
Myself, Tamar, who's dead now, - and one other.
Eu, o Tamar, que agora morreu, e um outro.
Tamar was my contact.
O Tamar era o meu contacto.
And this is the light-faced Tamar.
E esta é Tâmara, Semblante Claro.
Dev locked her up in a dark dungeon, but the darkness lifted, the doors of the dungeon opened up, and the divine Tamar is shining again, as a morning star in the sky.
Dev trancou-a numa masmorra, mas as trevas dissiparam-se, a porta da masmorra abriu-se e a divina Tâmara voltou a brilhar nos Céus, qual estrela da manhã.
And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar.
"E Judá gerou, o Tamar, a Perez e a Zerá."
If we're gonna end up striking bases later on in Tamar and Laddi we'll need some element of surprise.
Se vamos atacar bases em Tamar e Laddi precisamos do elemento surpresa.
Tamar Tesler
Tamar Tesler
Tamar, we've got to talk.
Tamar, temos de falar. Eu...
- Tamar, you can't fly.
- Tamar, tu não podes ir.
Take the money to the Tamar Carnival
Leva o dinheiro ao parque de diversões Tamar.
Take the money to the safety boxes in Tamar in one hour
Leva o dinheiro à feira. Tamar dentro de uma hora.
Sam got news the suspects would turn up at the Tamar
Sam descobriu novidades dos suspeitos. Devem aparecer de novo no Tamar.
'Judah became the father of Perez and Zarah by Tamar.'
Judá, com Tamar, tornou-se o pai de Peres e Zera.
Zambakhidze Tamar, my mother.
Zambakhidze Tamar, a minha mãe.
Based on the treatment so far, what are You up to,
Baseado no que já fez, o que está a tamar a seguir?
Rhoda and Tamar, the wives of our sons Simon and Levi, and we ask that you welcome them, as we have, into your loving embrace.
Rhoda e Tamar, as mulheres dos nossos filhos Simon e Levi, e pedimos-te que as acolhas, como nós fizemos, no teu carinhoso abraço.
Maya. This is Tamar.
Maya, este é a Tamar.
The Wessex-Cornwalum border is this river, - the Tamar river.
A fronteira Wessex / Cornualha é este rio, o Tamar.
And my pearl, Tamar.
E a minha pérola, a Tamar.
And here, the one Judah gave his daughter-in-law Tamar.
E eis o cajado que Judá deu à sua nora Tamar.
Now you've disrupted Tamar's death. I'll going to have to ask you to leave.
Perturbaram a morte do Tamar.
Tamar's decided that I'm the only one that can keep her safe, and...
A Tamar decidiu que sou a única que a pode proteger
tamara 237

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