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That's what i wanted traduction Portugais

992 traduction parallèle
It's what I wanted to do originally, too, is, you know, be by myself, take care of myself, do my own thing, and I got that, so pretty content.
era o que eu queria fazer desde o inicio, também, é, estás ver, estar comigo próprio cuidar de mim, fazer as minhas coisas, e eu consegui isso, estou muito contente.
Yes, ma'am. That's what I wanted to ask you about.
Era sobre isso que queria falar consigo.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Era sobre isso que queria falar consigo.
That's what I wanted to know.
Isso é tudo que eu queria saber.
That's what I wanted to tell you padre.
Isso é o que queria dizer-lhe, pai.
That's what I wanted to tell you.
Era isso que lhe queria dizer.
- That's what I wanted to do all day.
- Não queria outra coisa hoje.
To tell you the truth, that's what I've always wanted.
A bem dizer, eu sempre tive isso na ideia.
Chico, that's just what I wanted.
Ai, Chico, mortinha por isso estou eu, homem.
The contact with an audience, that's what I wanted to have.
O contacto com o público, estás a ver? Era isso que eu queria conhecer!
That's what I wanted to say to you.
Era o que eu queria dizer-lhe.
Yeah, I guess that's what I wanted.
Sim, acho que era o que queria.
That's what I wanted to do even when I was a kid.
Foi o que eu sempre quis fazer, mesmo desde criança.
Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about a little later.
Bem, sobre isso queria falar consigo mais tarde.
That's what I wanted.
Sou um idiota.
The people I met her had nothing but contempt for me. That's what I wanted.
As pessoas que conhecia, sentiam desprezo por mim, era o que eu queria.
We love it. What I wanted to say is that, although it's great... it's just as I told you, Father.
Queria dizer-lhe que embora seja genial...
- That's what I wanted you to think.
- É... É o que eu quiz que pensasse.
That's just what I thought you wanted.
Era o que eu pensava que você queria.
That's what I wanted to find out.
Era isso que queria descobrir.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Era sobre isso mesmo que te queria falar, Lewt.
That's what I wanted to tell you after it I didn't want to spoil your supper Sneaked out of the room without my knowing about it
Fui à polícia contar-lhes dos Kellersons.
Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Sim, é disso que quero falar consigo.
It's just that I wanted you to know that no matter what happens, I...
Quero que saiba, que aconteça o que acontecer...
That's what I wanted to hear you say.
É isso que eu queria ouvir.
That's what I wanted them to think, because I was afraid.
Era isso que queria que pensassem, porque tinha medo.
That day in Barney's office, we were both so upset... that I couldn't really say what I wanted to.
No escritório do Barney, estávamos os dois tão perturbados, que não consegui dizer o que queria.
Você queria ficar, não queria?
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensei que era isso o que queria.
- Oh, sure I'll do it, I told you that's what I wanted. Let's get to work while you still got me in mind.
Vamos começar a trabalhar, enquanto eles se lembrarem de mim.
That's what I wanted to say.
Era isto que eu lhe queria dizer.
Marry a "bourgeois." That's what I wanted to say.
Casar com uma "burguesa". É o que eu queria dizer.
That's what I wanted.
É o que queria.
However, that's not what I wanted to talk about.
Contudo, não era sobre isso que queria falar consigo.
That's what I wanted.
Era isso que eu queria.
That's exactly what I wanted, I'm happy now.
E fui eu que quis. Agora, posso ir-me embora.
That's what I wanted to speak to you about.
Foi por isso que a chamei.
That's what I wanted to say.
É o queria te dizer.
- That's what I wanted!
- Era isso que eu queria!
I've always wanted you to have friends. That's what I've always wanted, really.
Sempre quis que tivesses amigos.
Of course, Mr McLintock, and that's what I wanted...
Claro, Sr. McLintock, e isso era o que queria...
That's what I've always wanted for you.
É o que sempre quis para ti.
That's what I wanted to tell you.
Era isso que eu vos queria dizer ainda há pouco.
That's what I wanted to hear.
É mesmo o que te queria ouvir dizer.
But that's what occurred to me, and I wanted to tell you about it.
Mas quer saber uma coisa? Queria dizer-lhe.
That's what I wanted to hear from Party Headquarters.
Era o que queria ouvir do escritório.
That's what I wanted to hear you say.
Era o que eu queria ouvir.
Well, I think that's what he wanted most of all.
Bem, acho que isso é o que ele queria acima de tudo.
That's what I wanted to tell you.
Isso é o que eu queria te dizer.
That's what I wanted to say
Era isso que queria dizer.
Soldiering because that's what I knew I wanted to do.
Era soldado porque era o que eu queria fazer.

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