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That's what i wanted to say traduction Portugais

49 traduction parallèle
That's what I wanted to say to you.
Era o que eu queria dizer-lhe.
We love it. What I wanted to say is that, although it's great... it's just as I told you, Father.
Queria dizer-lhe que embora seja genial...
That's what I wanted to hear you say.
É isso que eu queria ouvir.
That day in Barney's office, we were both so upset... that I couldn't really say what I wanted to.
No escritório do Barney, estávamos os dois tão perturbados, que não consegui dizer o que queria.
That's what I wanted to say.
Era isto que eu lhe queria dizer.
Marry a "bourgeois." That's what I wanted to say.
Casar com uma "burguesa". É o que eu queria dizer.
That's what I wanted to say.
É o queria te dizer.
That's what I wanted to hear you say.
Era o que eu queria ouvir.
That's what I wanted to say
Era isso que queria dizer.
That's what I wanted to say to you.
Era isso que eu queria te dizer.
That's not what I wanted to say...
Não era isso que eu queria dizer...
See when I passed on the deal, I thought that's what Jerry wanted me to say.
Quando recusei o contrato, julgava estar a fazer o que o Jerry queria.
That's what I wanted to say. The rest doesn't matter.
Queria que o soubesses e o resto já deixou de ter importância.
That's what I wanted to say to him last night, but he was too drunk to listen.
Era isso que eu queria dizer-lhe ontem à noite, mas ele estava demasiado bêbedo para ouvir.
But if I said what I really wanted to say right now, that's what I'd do.
Mas se dissesse o que queria dizer, é o que faria.
Yeah. That's not what I wanted you to say.
Não queria que dissesse isso.
I thought that's what he wanted me to say.
Pensei que isso era o que ele queria que eu dissesse.
There, that's- - You know, that's what I wanted to say, okay?
Era isso que queria te dizer, ok?
But what I wanted to say is, you know, when you're a kid, they tell you that it's all grow up, get a job, get married, get a house, have a kid and that's it.
Mas o que queria dizer, sabem, quando são pequenos, dizem-vos que têm de crescer, arranjar um trabalho, casar, comprar uma casa, ter um filho e acaba por aí.
I agree, I was just saying that'cause that's what I thought you wanted me to say.
Concordo contigo, estava apenas a dizer isto, porque pensava que era aquilo que querias que eu dissesse.
No, but that's what I wanted to say to those bastards.
Não, mas era o que eu queria dizer àqueles sacanas.
Well, uh let's just say that I spent too many years being what other people wanted me to be, and I'd finally just had enough.
Bem, uh digamos que eu passei muitos anos sendo o que outras pessoas queriam que eu fosse, E finalmente eu me cansei.
I mean, yes, but that's not what I wanted to say.
Quer dizer, sim, mas não era isso que queria dizer.
That's not what I wanted to say.
Não era isso que queria dizer.
That's... that's what I wanted to, uh, to say, Kate.
Era isso que queria dizer, Kate.
Uh, i-I just wanted to say That i don't know what's gonna happen with us, but, um... I'm really glad you came back for me.
Só queria dizer que não sei o que vai acontecer connosco, mas... estou muito feliz por teres voltado por mim.
No, wait, that's what i wanted to say.
Espera, isso é o que eu gostava de ter dito.
And then I wanted this music just to represent kind of that story and, like, what that is to say that there's this other part of it.
E eu só queria que esta música representasse esta história e isso para dizer que isto tem outra parte.
What I wanted to say is that I... I heard about the whole 2007 New Year's Day, you know, with the Armenian mob, when they came in and dragged the...
o que queria dizer é que eu soube tudo sobre o dia de Ano Novo de 2007, sabem, com a máfia Arménia, quando vieram e arrastaram...
That's what I wanted to say to you. Have heart, humility, consideration and respect.
O que quero dizer é que... é preciso ter coração, humildade, honra, respeito.
That's exactly what I wanted you to say.
Era exactamente o que estava à espera de ouvir.
Anyway, that's not what I really wanted to say.
Mas não é isso que eu queria dizer.
That's what I wanted to say.
Era o que queria ter dito.
That's what I wanted to say.
Exactamente o que eu diria.
That's what I wanted to tell you. That's what I had to say.
Era isto que eu tinha para te dizer.
- Ah, but that's not what I wanted to say.
Mas não é isso que queria dizer.
What's, uh, what's going on? I wanted to say that I'm sorry.
Quer dizer, tu sabes, tirando o facto que o casamento dele foi por água a baixo.
So... that-that's... that's what I wanted to say.
Então... Era isso o que eu queria dizer.
That's what I wanted to say.
Era isso que queria dizer.
"I should've called the police as soon as Wyatt called us, but I let you talk me out of it, and if we had done what I wanted to do, then Callie would be safe right now." Yes, that's exactly what I want to say, because it's true.
É exactamente o que queria dizer porque é verdade.
That's what I wanted to say on the beach.
Era isso que queria dizer-te na praia.
That's what I wanted to say. I am... sorry.
Por isso, quero dizer... que sinto muito.
Look, what you did for Sara and me, that's a life-changer, and I just wanted to say thank you.
Olha, o que fizeste pela Sara e por mim vai mudar as nossas vidas e queria agradecer.
That's what I wanted to say.
É o que te queria dizer.
I think what they really wanted as to express what they felt inside it was a thing to say, look at Daft Punk latest album, it's not as good we were waiting for something else they're done... these were the discussions at that time
Acho que o objetivo deles era exprimir o que tinham no interior. As pessoas gostam de dizer que esse álbum dos Daft Punk não correu muito bem. Esperavam outra coisa deles.
I guarantee that's not what Walter wanted you to say to me.
O Walter não queria que me dissesses isso.
For Kai's sake, you wanted me to say what I needed to say, and I figured out what that is.
Pelo bem do Kai querias que dissesse o que eu precisava de dizer e eu percebi o que era.
That's what i wanted to say.
Isto era o que te queria dizer.
I wanted to say something that would make him feel so bad about what he did that he'd be like, " Oh, my God, I have to think before I speak and put myself in other people's shoes.
Queria dizer-lhe algo que o fizesse sentir-se tão mal sobre o que fez, que ficasse : " Credo. Tenho de pensar antes de falar e pôr-me no lugar dos outros.

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