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That was nice of him traduction Portugais

42 traduction parallèle
That was nice of him.
Foi muito simpático.
Well, that was nice of him, wasn't it?
Mas que gentil.
Well, that was nice of him.
Foi bonito da parte dele.
- That was nice of him. - I thought so.
- Legal da parte dele.
That was nice of him.
Foi simpático.
That was nice of him.
Bondade por parte dele.
That was nice of him.
É simpático da parte dele.
Oh, that was nice of him. Jordan. He left it unlocked.
Foi simpático da parte dele não ter fechado a porta à chave.
At least he waited till after the party to attack, that was nice of him.
Ao menos, esperou até depois da festa para atacar, foi simpático.
- That was nice of him to think of you.
- Foi simpático lembrar-se de ti.
That was nice of him. - He's an asshole.
- Que simpático...
Oh! That was nice of him.
Ele foi muito simpático.
- That was nice of him.
- Foi muito simpático.
I thought that was nice of him.
Achei que foi simpático da parte dele.
Well, that was nice of him.
Bem, foi simpático da parte dele.
That was nice of him, right?
Foi simpático, não foi? - Foi.
That was nice of him. Mm-hmm.
Isso foi muito porreiro da parte dele.
- That was nice of him. But this one's actually interesting.
Mas este é interessante.
Oh, that was nice of him to call.
Foi simpático da parte dele ter ligado.
Well, that was nice of him.
Que simpático da parte dele.
That was nice of him.
Que simpático da parte dele.
That was nice of him.
Ele é simpático.
That was nice of him. - He's an asshole.
Que amável da parte dele.
That was nice of him.
Foi simpático da parte dele.
That was really nice of him, wasn't it?
Foi muito simpático da parte dele, não foi?
It was nice of you guys to give him that.
Que bom terem-lhe dado isso.
It was nice of him to give you his ball like that.
Foi simpático da parte dele ter-lhe dado a bola.
Well, that was nice of you to give him a choice.
Bem, foi simpático da sua parte dár-lhe uma escolha.
That wasn't very nice of him, was it!
Isso não foi muito bom da parte dele, não é?
That wasn't very nice of him, was it?
Não foi muito amável da parte dele, não?
That was really, really nice of him, man.
Foi muito, muito simpático da parte dele.
That was very nice of him.
Isso foi muito simpático da parte dele.
Well, that was very nice of him.
Bem, foi um gesto muito generoso.
He was a nice-looking man and there were lots of girls in the community who would've loved to have a date with him, but he never seemed to show much interest in that.
Ele era um homem apresentável e havia muitas raparigas na comunidade que gostariam de sair com ele mas ele nunca se mostrou muito interessado nisso.
And when I watched him watching Revenge of the Nerds, just something clicked in him, which was, he was learning that, like, the bullies and the assholes end up last, and the nerds and the nice guys win.
E percebi que algo ecoou nele, ao ver "A Revolta dos Marados". Ele percebeu que os rufias e os parvalhões acabam por ficar mal. E quem ganha são os tipos fixes e os totós.
I was thinking it might be nice to include something that reminded him of Luann.
E... pensei que seria bonito, incluir algo que o faça lembrar da Luann.
- That was very nice of him.
- Foi muito simpático.
I mean, I don't know if I would've talked to him about any of it but there's something nice about knowing that he was out there, you know?
Não sei se teria falado com ele sobre o assunto, mas era bom saber que ele estava ali, sabes?
Mrs Turner telephoned him at the warehouse. Ah, that was nice of her.
Não falta, mas faz-me sentir que algo de errado se passa.

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