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That was nice of you traduction Portugais

169 traduction parallèle
That was nice of you.
É muito amável da sua parte.
That was nice of you.
- Isso foi muito atencioso.
That was nice of you.
Foi gentileza sua.
Oh, that was nice of you.
- Foste muito gentil.
That was nice of you.
- Foste muito simpático, Al.
That was nice of you.
Foi simpático da sua parte...
That was nice of you.
Foi muito gentil.
That was nice of you to steal that information.
Roubou essa informaçâo?
That was nice of you, you pig!
Foi simpático da tua parte, seu porco!
That was nice of you.
Um pequeno detalhe da tua parte.
That was nice of you.
Isso foi muito simpático da sua parte.
That was nice of you.
Que gentil da sua parte.
That was nice of you.
Foi muito simpático da sua parte.
Hey, that was nice of you guys to back off and let Joey get the girl for once.
Foi simpático da vossa parte desistirem dela e deixar o Joey ficar com a rapariga, uma vez na vida.
That was nice of you to talk with Claire's friend this morning,
Foste muito simpático em falar com a amiga da Claire, de manhã.
That was nice of you.
Foste simpático.
I woke up this morning, you know... and the sun was shining... and it was nice... and all that type of stuff.
Esta manhã acordei... e o sol brilhava... e estava bom... e todo esse tipo de coisas.
It was nice of you to come with a guy that doesn't turn on.
Fixe da tua parte estar com um tipo que não fuma.
That sure was nice of you, Jesse.
Fez uma boa acção, Jesse.
It was nice of you to come out. You didn't have to do that.
Obrigado por teres vindo, mas não era preciso.
I was just thinkin', you know, that just maybe between the two of us, that we could make somethin'happen, somethin'special, somethin'really nice. You know?
Estava só a pensar que, entre os dois, podíamos criar alguma coisa, algo especial, algo muito bom.
That was very nice of you.
Foi muito simpático.
That was so nice of you.
Que agradável.
- Oh, that was very nice of you.
- Foi muito simpático.
You're trying to be nice and that's very sweet of you, but sir, please, I can take it, I was hopeless.
Está a tentar ser simpático e é muito querido da sua parte, mas sir, por favor, eu aguento, fui uma desgraça.
It's nice of you to say that. lt was nice of you to come.
É simpático da sua parte ao dizer isso. Foi bom ter vindo.
Please tell the Andersons- - what was that about? This was very nice of you.
Isto foi muito simpático da tua parte.
That was really nice of you.
Foi muito simpático da tua parte.
Thanks, Harvey. That was really nice of you.
Eu vou tentar não atirar quando eu passar por ti pelo caminho.
Vittorio, I was thinking that since you're such a lover of modern art... that it would be nice if you could come up and help me when I hang my paintings.
Vittorio, estou a pensar que, uma vez que é um amante de arte moderna, talvez fosse agradável vir ajudar-me a pendurar os meus quadros.
A land where that nice old lady from Fort Lauderdale who had the stroke three cabins down was probably parked next to the thawed-out halibut you'll eat tonight while your floating hotel chugs through the Hecate Strait to deliver its precious load of geriatrics to the hungry Visa-card-accepting denizens of our northernmost and most mosquito-infested state!
Terra onde a velhinha sorridente de Fort Lauderdale... que teve o derrame três cabines abaixo... provavelmente jaz ao lado do peixe que você comerá à noite... enquanto o seu hotel flutuante desliza no Estreito de Hécate.... para despejar seus preciosos grupos geriátricos... aos habitantes famintos por um cartão Visa... do nosso estado mais ao norte e mais infestado de mosquitos!
Foi muita gentileza tua.
( sighs ) It's so nice that... both of you could join us for a glass of wine. Well, I knew there was no way
Bem, eu sabia que não havia maneira nenhuma deste aqui sair de casa sem mim, então eu finalmente disse, "Willie, chega de esfregar os pés."
Well, uh, that was really nice of you to ask Valerie out- - Well, to get Gordie to ask Val- -
Tu achas que ele é obsessivo-compulsivo?
That was very nice of you.
Foi muito simpático da sua parte.
- Thank you, that was really nice of you.
- Obrigado, foste muito simpático.
That was so nice of you.
Foi tão simpático da tua parte.
Oh, that was nice of you, Sis.
Fomos visitar o Michael.
- Sure. That was so nice of you to do that.
Foi tão simpático em examinar-me.
That was awfully nice of you.
Foi muito simpático da tua parte.
That was really nice of you, thanks.
Foi simpático da tua parte, obrigada.
And it was nice of you to only charge half price on the chair that Yung Hee broke.
Foi simpático só cobrares metade do preço, - pela cadeira que o Yung Hee partiu.
So, Mom, it was a very nice bunch of people you had at that auction.
Mãe, quem foi ao leilão era um grupo muito simpático.
You know, Steven, it was really nice of you to get that ticket for Eric.
Sabes, Steven, foi muito simpático teres comprado o bilhete para o Eric.
That was very nice of you, Roy.
Isso foi giro da tua parte, Roy.
It was nice of you to step in like that.
Foste simpático em intervir.
It was nice of you guys to give him that.
Que bom terem-lhe dado isso.
That was so nice of you to do that.
- Foi muito amável da sua parte.
That was very nice of you.
Foste muito simpática.
That was very nice of you. Well...
Eles têm um gabinete, que normalmente está trancado, na sala multimédia.
- That was very nice of you.
- Foi muito simpático da tua parte.

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