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There was no other way traduction Portugais

141 traduction parallèle
There was no other way.
Näo havia outra solucäo.
Eve, I hated to tell you that phony story in your car that time but there was no other way.
Eve, odiei ter de te contar aquela história falsa no teu carro, mas não havia outra maneira.
There was no other way. Even so, I envy her.
Pediram-nos para salvar Vossa Alteza, não havia outra forma.
There was no other way, Mark.
Não havia outra maneira, Mark.
There was no other way to bring me back to you.
Tanto tempo perdido!
There was no other way for me.
Não tive escolha.
And forgive me if I bend your arms and put you in this little box but you are my inspiration and there was no other way I could bring you with me close to my heart.
Perdoai-me se Te dobro os braços... e Te meto nesta caixinha... mas Tu és a minha inspiração e não havia outra forma... de Te trazer comigo junto ao coração.
" Kris, it's terrible that I had to deceive you, but there was no other way.
" Chris, sinto-me muito mal por te ter de atraiçoar. Mas não tenho outra saída..
I'm sorry, Captain Kirk, but there was no other way.
Desculpe, Capitao Kirk, mas nao havia outra forma.
Conan, I'm sorry that I hit you, but there was no other way to stop you.
Conan, perdoa-me ter-te batido, mas foi a única maneira de te deter.
There was no other way out.
Não havia outra saída.
There was no other way, and you know it very well.
Não me perguntes, em meu lugar você também faria o mesmo.
But when you hear the reason why... you and the Don are gonna understand there was no other way we could go.
Mas quando souber a razão... você e o Don perceberão que não havia alternativa.
Buying someone to make him kill another - it's monstrous! There was no other way.
Comprar a vida de um homem para o convencer a matar é horrível!
There was no other way.
- Não havia outra hipótese.
There was no other way.
nao havia nenhuma outra soluçao.
He was a real pain we had to go... even if it poured, there was no other way.
Quando íamos, era sempre uma chatice, a purificação.
There was no other way out. Otherwise, there would have been an emergency,
Senão teria mesmo havido uma emergência.
Secondly... I want an army of experts citing thousands of lab experiments... telling any idiot with a camera that there was no other way!
Em segundo lugar... quero que um exército de peritos proceda a milhares de experiências... e mostre à imprensa que não existe outra via possível!
There was no other way for him to cast out his demons.
Não havia outro jeito para ele expulsar os seus demónios. Ele...
There was no other way.
Era inevitável.
In those days there was no other way.
Naquela época, não havia outra maneira.
I'm sorry if I had to force you to come here but there was no other way.
Lamento tê-la forçado a vir até aqui... mas não havia outra maneira.
There was no other way.
Não havia outra maneira.
I repent there was no other way open to me.
Eu não me arrependo de nenhuma maneira.
There was no other way, Colonel.
- Não foi de outro jeito, coronel.
I apologize for the deceit, but there was no other way our signal could reach across the void.
Desculpem-me pela farsa... mas era a única forma de nosso sinal alcançá-los pelo vazio...
There was no other way to approach me.
Não havia outra maneira de me abordar.
I thought so too, but there was no other way.
Eu também pensei assim, mas não tinha outra saída.
But if you tell us there was no other way, then it's no different when we take aim at you.
Se dizes que não há outra saída, não faz diferença o momento em que atiramos em ti.
I'm sorry, there was no other way.
Desculpa, não havia outra solução.
There was no other way.
Não existia outra forma.
There was no other way.
Não havia outra solução.
So I got an unlisted number, but there was no other way.
Arranjei um número que não vem na lista, mas não havia outra solução.
Fiona, there was no other way.
Fiona, não havia outra maneira.
There was no other way.
Não havia outro jeito.
Durga, there was no other way.
Durga, não havia outro caminho. Tu e o...
There was no other way of saving our job.
Não havia outra maneira de salvar o nosso emprego.
That's what he never understood. That there was no other way.
Ele não percebeu que não havia outra maneira.
Well, whatever the reason, there was no other way to retrieve this intel.
Bem, seja lá qual for a razão, não há outra maneira de recuperar esta informação.
You know how silly Mother is about banks and all that cash she keeps in her room.. Well, I got into a jam last week and there was just no other way to get out of it.
Sabes como a minha mãe é tonta com os bancos... todo o dinheiro que guarda no quarto, bem, meti-me num sarilho a semana passada... e não havia outra madia de saír dele.
There was no other way.
Näo havia mais nenhum.
If I had to. If there was no other way.
Se não tivesse outro modo.
There was nothing in the journal about any other way out
Não há nada no diário acerca de outra saída.
Was there no other way?
Não existe outra maneira?
I was scared to death. There's no other way to put it :
Senti um medo de morte, não posso dizê-lo de outra forma.
There was... no choice... no other way.
Nao havia outra escolha. Nenhuma outra forma.
There was no other choice. No other way to preserve us.
Nao havia outra opçao, nenhuma outra maneira de nos preservar.
There was no way of knowing if she was more intelligent or more beautiful than the thousands of other girls about.
Não hà maneira de saber se ela era mais inteligente ou mais bela que os milhares de outras raparigas,
There's no other way to explain it. And I must use that freedom I was given towards a... a greater purpose.
Tenho de usar essa liberdade que me foi concedida para atingir um grande propósito.
I mean, in my own defense, there really was no other way out.
Quero dizer, em legítima defesa, realmente não tinha outra saída.

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