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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ T ] / There were two of them

There were two of them traduction Portugais

120 traduction parallèle
He saw that there were two of them.
Ele viu que havia duas.
- There were two of them?
- Eram os dois deles?
I told you there were two of them.
Eu lhe disse que havia dois deles.
- My man found him lying in the street. - There were two of them.
Meus homens o envontraram de ¡ tado na rua.
And because there were two of them they wished for various love affairs.
E como eram dois, queriam várias paixões amorosas.
There were two of them.
- Eles eram dois...
- There were two of them.
- Havia dois deles.
I said there were two of them.
Eu disse que eram dois.
I just said there were two of them.
- Acabei de dizer que eram dois.
I just said there were two of them!
Acabei de dizer que eram dois!
There were two of them, two boys.
Eram dois.
And there were two of them.
E havia dois homens.
There were two of them, and that had never happened before because man-eaters are always alone.
Eram dois deles, o que nunca acontecera. Leões que comem homens caçam sozinhos.
There were two of them.
Eram dois.
There were two of them.
Havia duas delas.
There were two of them.
Eram dois. Na mesa seis.
There were two of them.
Na loja de animais de estimação.
- There were two of them - Oh
Eram dois.
There were two of them they grabbed me lifted my skirt.
Eram dois... agarraram-me... levantaram-me a saia.
I don't know his brother's name, but there were two of them.
Não conheço o nome do irmão, mas eles estavam juntos.
There were two of them. I was outnumbered.
Elas eram duas. Eu estava em inferioridade numérica.
- Cap, he says there were two of them! - He was with us! They said there were two!
Ele disse que tinham mais duas pessoas nesse andar.
There were two of them?
- Eram dois?
Just like you said, there were two of them.
Como tinha dito, eram dois.
Yeah, there were two of them.
Um minuto atrás. Eram duas pessoas.
So there were two of them.
Então elas eram duas.
- There were two of them.
- Eles eram dois.
Hoo é que pode ter havido até 50 pessoas neste quarto com a vítima antes de ele ser morto desde que só duas pessoas fossem fumadores.
Yeah. We know there were at least two of them.
Sabemos que foram no mínimo duas pessoas.
It looked in return e the two men who were there they had had of if dressing and going with them.
Olhou à volta e os dois homens que lá estavam tiveram de se vestir e ir com eles.
There were two of them.
- Eram dois.
Now if there were two of them....
Agora, se fossem duas...
There were two guards, one of them was killed. They never found the money.
Havia dois guardas, um foi morto e nunca encontraram o dinheiro.
Come on. There were only two of them.
Só havia aqui duas pessoas.
There were two separate noises one of them could have been an owl but the other was a cackling.
Havia dois barulhos vindo de duas camadas de espaço aqui... e um deles parecia... poderia ter sido uma coruja... mas o outro era um cacarejar.
Well, she was there talking to her friend... that Gloria Other-piece-of-trash, old man Holmes's youngest girl... the one with them two illegitimate mulatto kids... and they were staring at me, pointing', talking all hush-hush.
Bem, ela estava lá conversando com seu namorado... aquela Gloria não-sei-o-quê, a garota mais nova do velho Holmes... aquela com seus dois filhos mulatos adotados... e estavam me encarando, apontando, cochichando.
To be honest, once she finished fucking and sucking those two assholes... she was carried into another room, and boys were going in and out of there... but I don't know if she was fucking them.
Quando acabou de foder e chupar aqueles dois parvalhões, foi levada para outra divisão e os rapazes entravam e saíam de lá, mas não sei se fodeu com eles.
Chief Inspector Japp made enquiries and discovered that there were in the area two nursing homes. And at one of them, there had been admitted early on Saturday morning a certain Mr Smith.
O Inspector-Chefe Japp investigou e descobriu que há nesta área duas clínicas de repouso numa das quais foi admitido, no sábado de manhã cedo, um tal de Sr. Smith.
No, there was two of them, but they were the same guy.
Não, mas eles eram dois, só que eram a mesma pessoa.
There were only two people in there and now one of them is dead.
Só lá estavam duas pessoas e agora uma delas está morta.
That's why the security guard didn't know whether there were two or three of them.
Por isso o segurança não sabia se eram dois ou três assaltantes.
Well, about twenty years ago, there were two students. Brothers. One of them killed the other.
Há cerca de vinte anos, andavam cá dois estudantes, irmãos.
There were two airmen in the gate room and two technicians in the control room. But none of them saw or heard anything out of the ordinary prior to the flash.
Estavam 2 pilotos na sala do portal e 2 técnicos na sala de controlo mas nenhum deles viu ou ouviu qualquer coisa antes do clarão.
Five ships,... two of them Battlestars,... they were destroyed right there.
3 ou 4 bombas nucleares... 5 naves, 2 das quais naves-base foi destruído imediatamente.
There were two distinct dna samples on the bottle, and one of them matched the victim.
Havia duas amostras de ADN distintas na garrafa, e uma delas pertence à vítima.
There were at least two of them.
Eram pelo menos dois.
There are maybe three people on Earth smart enough to pull that off. Two of them were already on the Watchtower, and that leaves...
Há talvez 3 pessoas inteligentes no mundo que poderiam fazer isso... duas delas já estavam na Torre de Vigilância.
There were two of them.
Eles eram dois.
There were a few things I missed about being married to Joy. Her children were not two of them.
Tinha saudades de algumas coisas da Joy.
There were more than two of them.
Não eram só dois.
And I hate you, because in the Holy Land there was two of us and we were a team and the things we went through, the horrors we saw, we went through them together.
E eu odeio-te. Porque na Terra Santa, éramos nós os dois e éramos uma equipa e as coisas por que passámos e os horrores que vimos... Superámo-los juntos!

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