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Tish traduction Portugais

164 traduction parallèle
- Tish I'm tee.
... Goca que o meco.
Tish and pish! Gadzooks! Milarky!
Como se atreve a dizer tal coisa?
Well, tish and pish to your advice, Blackadder!
Bem, ao diabo com o seu conselho, Blackadder!
Oh tish!
Oh bolas!
Oh, Tish, that's French.
Oh, Tish. Isso é francês.
It is a milestone, Tish.
É um sinal, Tish.
Oh, Tish.
Oh, Tish.
Tish, how long has it been since we've waltzed?
Tish, à quanto tempo não bailamos um valsa?
Tish, seeing you like this, my blood boils.
Tish, ver-te assim, o meu sangue ferve. Também o meu.
Oh, Tish, what more could we ask?
Oh, Tish, que mais poderia pedir?
I'm arnold Tish.
Sou o Arnold Tish.
I had hoped to go up to Hyannis Port this weekend to spend time with Tish... and do some sailing, but I don't think I'm going to be able to because I'm... spending a lot of time in the office writing testimony to your committee on cancer clusters.
Contava ir dar uma volta no barco com a Tish e tenho de ficar aqui a escrever pareceres sobre cachos de cancro.
- Tish tosh, nonsense!
- Que quê, de nada!
I wonder if they're related to Tish and Bobo Coleman.
A sério? Serão parentes do Tish e da Bobo Coleman?
Oh, tish-tosh.
Deixe-se disso!
Isn't Tish your friend any more?
Já não és amiguinho da Tish?
Sorry, Tish. I've been a bit low recently.
Desculpa, Tish, mas tenho andado um pouco em baixo.
- Tish in 4A.
- Tish do 4A.
Thank you, Tish in 4A.
Obrigada, Tish do 4A.
I don't think so, Tish.
Não me parece boa ideia, Tish.
Shame on you, Tish.
Que vergonha, Tish.
I can't believe you said that about David and Tish at dinner tonight.
Não acredito que disseste aquilo sobre o David e a Tish esta noite.
So hold all my calls and get Tish on the line, please.
Retenha todas as chamadas e ligue-me à Tish, por favor.
I'm kind of concerned about Tish.
Ando um pouco preocupado com a Tish.
- Tish.
- Tish.
So, Tish... what do you do?
Diz-me, Tish, o que é que fazes?
Tish, come here.
Tish, vem cá.
It is often said that good news travels fast. But as every housewife knows, bad news moves quite a bit faster. Tish?
Costuma dizer-se que o bem soa, mas qualquer dona de casa sabe que, se o bem soa, o mal voa.
You are not going to believe this.
Tish, nem vais acreditar!
Tish is making the rounds.
A Tish anda de mesa em mesa.
Tish Atherton...
Tish Atherton...
Tish Atherton...
A Tish Atherton...
- Hello, Tish.
- Olá, Tish.
Tish is very good friends with Carolyn Bigsby.
A Tish é muito amiga da Carolyn Bigsby.
- Carolyn knows Tish?
- A Carolyn conhece a Tish?
Anyway, Tish won't talk to you because you married Orson even after Carolyn told you - that he killed his wife.
Seja como for, a Tish não te fala porque te casaste com o Orson depois da Carolyn te ter dito que ele matou a mulher.
Maybe that hasn't gotten back to Tish.
Bem, talvez a Tish ainda não saiba disso.
They are a regular barrel of... Tish!
São de morrer a...
Why, hello, Bree.
Tish! Olá, Bree.
Tish, I was wondering if you need any help with the Christmas gala.
Tish, estava pensar se não precisa de ajuda na Gala de Natal.
Tish, I'm sorry.
Tish, desculpa.
I know, Tish. Yeah, I know.
Eu sei, Tish, eu sei.
Tish, I really don't think that I can.
Tish, acho que não posso.
Oh, Tish, for God's sakes. Turn on your damn TV.
Tish, pelo amor de Deus, liga a televisão.
Tell Dad, Leo and Tish that I love them too.
Diga a papai, Leo e Tish que os amo também.
How could Tish end up on the news?
Como Tish pode estar no noticiário?
Well, he was getting cosy with Tish a couple of minutes ago.
Bem, ele estava carinhoso com tish 2 minutos atrás.

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