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To dr traduction Portugais

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Without any further ado, I would like to turn the floor over to Dr. Robert Corrigan.
Sem mais demoras, gostaria de passar a palavra ao Dr. Robert Corrigan.
I'll speak to Dr Hertz and let him know.
Vou deixar o Dr. Hertz a par da situação.
But the new flats aren't being built fast enough. I'll talk to Dr Turner. Perhaps he can help with a medical note.
Vou voltar a trazer tulipas de Amesterdão.
Perhaps you could pop by the telephone box and ask Dr Turner to drop in on his rounds.
Ele quase morreu de sede por minha causa. Pus a vida dele em perigo.
I'd like to place a collect call to Dr. Reva Connors.
Quero fazer uma chamada a cobrar para a Dra. Reva Connors.
Take him to Dr. Shildkret.
Leva-o ao Dr. Shildkret.
Have you spoken to Dr. Nurko?
Falou com o Dr. Nurko?
I was hoping I could talk to Dr. Crites for a few minutes please.
Gostaria de poder falar com o Dr. Crites, por favor.
I'd like to remind all crew on Shaw Beak to submit for a full physical for the ship to Dr. Froid Spark.
- Gostaria de lembrar toda a tripulação do Shaw Beak para se submeter a um exame físico completo com o Dr. Froid Spark.
- May I speak to Dr Lusuardi?
- Passa-me o Dr. Lusuardi, por favor?
Please report to Dr. Marcus immediately.
Vai ter imediatamente com o Dr. Marcus.
Ready to get wet, Dr. Adams?
Pronta para te molhares, Dra. Adams?
This is Dr Vernon's home address, according to his receptionist.
A rececionista do Dr. Vernon, diz que esta é a morada dele.
Had Dr Vernon warned you that Mr Lancaster was likely to die at any moment?
O Dr. Vernon tinha-o avisado que Mr. Lancaster podia morrer a qualquer momento?
Dr Turner has always been happy for us to expedite labour.
Eu regresso, se Ele o quiser.
I visited Mrs Smith - - to arrange for Dr Turner to see her.
Isso não conseguimos, mas posso tomar conta do telefone para ir à aula de Espanhol.
- As you've already been exposed, you'll continue to work with Dr Turner and the family and you'll be removed from other midwifery duties as a precaution.
Vá lá, despache-se. Sim, desculpe.
I don't want to hear another crack like that come out of your mouth, my girl.
Dr. Turner, preciso de si, por favor.
Won't she? Dr Turner is never far away, and in an emergency, you can get to the hospital very quickly.
As regras são rígidas, na maternidade.
The locum's called Dr Godfrey and she's even offered him lodgings at Nonnatus while we're away. Akela's arranged for us to borrow two tents and as much of the Cubs'equipment as we need.
"Todas as noites quando saímos Os macacos..."
But, Sister, IF you want to fast, you must tell the rest of the community what you're doing.
Temos experimentado um novo pó antibiótico... Que terei todo o prazer de discutir com o Dr. Godfrey.
Which I will be delighted to discuss with Dr Godfrey.
- Ainda estou pior por não dormir. - O que aconteceu?
MATURE JENNY :'New truths were being spoken at Nonnatus House'but some remained concealed...' ♪ And for thy righteousness sake... ♪... while one voice rose, striving to erase its agony in song.
Quando o verão se aproximava do fim, o Dr. Turner encontrou um substituto melhor e a família teve férias decentes.
After a great deal of prayer and reflection, I have asked Dr Turner to come and talk to us about the new contraceptive pill, which will be available within the next few weeks.
Depois de um grande período de oração e reflexão, pedi ao D. Turner que viesse falar-nos àcerca da nova pílula contraceptiva, que ficará disponível, dentro de poucas semanas.
Sister Monica Joan, I really don't think Dr Turner wants to be competing with the Black and White Minstrels.
Irmã Monica Joan, eu realmente não penso que o dr. Turner queira competir com os'the Black and White Minstrels'.
If it's about this contraceptive pill, all I've got to say is, it's typical of Dr Turner.
Se é àcerca desta pílula contraceptiva, tudo o que tenho a dizer é que é típico do Dr. Turner.
Dr Turner diagnosed her with anxiety leading to sleeplessness.
Dr Turner o diagnosticou com ansiedade levando a insônia.
I work with Dr. Burstein, but that's to do psych-evals for the patients he works with.
Trabalho com o Dr. Burstein, faço avaliações psiquiátricas dos pacientes dele.
Hey, Dr. Green stopped by with some medicine for your mother... to help her sleep better tonight.
O Dr. Green passou cá com medicação para a tua mãe... para ajudá-la a dormir melhor à noite.
Not to mention the dr. Ford factor.
Para não mencionar o fator Dr. Ford.
Beverly, we gotta get him on a monitor and to see Dr. Powell.
Temos de o levar para o monitor do Dr. Powell. Vamos.
Dr. O'Neil to the ER, please.
Dr. O'Neil às urgências, por favor.
Dr. O'Neil to the ER.
Dr. O'Neil às urgências.
I just wanted to make sure that Dr. Nurko had received my letter.
Só queria certificar-me de que o Dr. Nurko recebeu a minha carta.
I am Dr. Greg Coulter and you are listening to the Love and Living Channel on Gravity Satellite Radio.
Sou o Dr. Greg Coulter e estão a ouvir o Canal do Amor e da Vida na Gravity Satellite Radio.
I don't want to see your face till we make port.
Mas o Dr. Fletcher. Eu não quero ver a tua cara até que aportar-mos.
Paging Dr. Holmer to neurology.
Chamando Dr. Holmer para a Neurologia.
Paging Dr. Holmer to neurology.
Chamando o Dr. Holmer para a Neurologia.
- Dr. Ulmer would like to speak with you.
- Sim. Dr. Ulmer gostaria de falar contigo.
Dr. Ulmer would like to speak with you.
Dr. Ulmer gostaria de falar consigo.
Dr. Jones to ER.
Dr. Jones vá à Emergência.
Uh, things get particularly "traumaticals," I can ask Dr. Ross, who's my kidney doctor, and he always has some money around to give to a worthy cause.
Se as coisas ficarem traumáticas, pedirei ao Dr. Ross, o meu nefrologista, que sempre há dinheiro para dar para uma boa causa.
How you feeling? Good to see you.
- Dr. Ross, olá.
The other thing I want to say to you, Dr. Ross... in many ways, I feel like you're a brother to me.
Também quero dizer, Dr. Ross, é que sinto que é como um irmão para mim.
You have to show it.
Precisa dr o mostrar.
Uh, Damien Thorn, here to see Dr. Raiman.
Damien Thorn, estou aqui para ver o Dr. Raiman.
Dr. Smith, I'll show you to your pod.
Dra. Smith, vou mostra-lhe o seu casulo.
Erica, show Dr. Bergs to hers.
Erica, mostre à Dra. Bergs o dela.
Need I remind you, Dr. Smith, once we go to lockdown, if anything goes wrong, you're on your own.
É preciso lembrá-la, Dra. Smith, que mal fique bloqueado, se algo correr mal, está por sua conta.
Dr. Berg is going to join you.
A Dra. Berg vai ter consigo.
Dr. Ford : Best to move forward with clear eyes.
É melhor seguirmos em frente com a cabeça limpa.
to drink 29
dragon 140
drama 279
drink 1827
drive 1003
drake 350
drone 23
drew 774
dracula 73
dream 159
drago 47
driver 460
drop 229
drivers 45
drugs 794
dresses 43
drunk 358
drum 27
draw 148
drinks 220
drops 39
drag 70

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