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Tolliver traduction Portugais

208 traduction parallèle
Tell Colonel Tolliver to reform and hold at all costs.
Diga ao Coronel Tolliver que corrija e mantenha por todos os meios.
Lordy, my father's president of the bank. Tolliver Latham.
O meu pai é o presidente do banco, Tolliver Latham.
Jim Tolliver spoke of peace.
O Jim Tolliver falou de paz.
Elsa, this here's Judge Tolliver.
Elsa, o Juiz Tolliver.
- Where can I find Judge Tolliver?
- Onde está o juiz Tolliver?
Howdy. You made pure fools out of us, stealing that license from Tolliver.
Enganaram-nos, lhe roubando a licença ao Juiz.
My name's Bridey Mae Tolliver.
Chamo-me Bridey Mae Tolliver.
- Bridey Mae Tolliver.
Bridey Mae Tolliver.
- You. Tolliver is artistic.
- A Sra. Tolliver é artística.
- Tolliver.
- Tolliver.
Mrs. Tolliver.
Sra. Tolliver.
And I am the husband, Sr. Tolliver.
E eu sou o marido, Sr. Tolliver
Monsieur and Lady Tolliver, what pleasant surprise.
Monsieur e Madame Tolliver, que surpresa agradável.
The Tolliver told me what returned on board before the lunch.
Os Tolliver contaram-me que voltou a bordo antes do almoço.
Hey, that's Brad Tolliver!
Ei, é o Brad Tolliver!
Luc Robitaille talked to me, and we saw Brad Tolliver close up.
Luc Robitaille falou comigo, e vimos o Brad Tolliver.
Amazingly, Brad Tolliver will play... even though he could hardly walk today much less skate with a fever of 104.
O fantastico, Brad Tolliver irá jogar... Apesar de estar com febre e mal poder andar.
Tolliver makes the save.
Tolliver defende.
Graham moves against Tolliver.
Graham vai contra o tolliver.
He's stopped by Tolliver.
É travado pelo Tolliver.
Hawgood trying to tee it up. Stopped by Tolliver.
Defendido por Tolliver.
I tell ya, Mike, I don't think Tolliver looks like himself right now.
Digo-te Mike, Acho que o Tolliver está fora de controlo.
- Tolliver is gonna head that way.
- Tolliver vai nessa direcção.
I don't believe this. Brad Tolliver is actually coming back into the game!
Não acredito Brad Tolliver está de regresso ao jogo!
Now back in goal for Pittsburgh, number 35, Brad Tolliver, replacing number 31, Ken Wregget.
Regressa para a baliza do Pittsburgh, numero 35, Brad Tolliver, subestitui numero 31, Ken Wregget.
There's Tolliver, with the crowd here literally crazy on their feet.
Ai está Tolliver, com o publico a seus pés.
They have to stay on offense. Tolliver is not challenging the shooters.
Têm que estár na ofensiva.Tolliver não me parece completamente recuperado.
Tolliver hits his head on the ice, and he's hurt, but play continues.
Tolliver bateu com a cabeça no gelo, está magoado, mas o jogo continua.
Tolliver hit his head on the ice so hard his kids will be born dizzy.
Tolliver bateu com a cabeça tão forte que seus filhos nascerão tontos.
What a save by Brad Tolliver!
Que defesa de Brad Tolliver!
- Tolliver, what the fuck are you doing?
- Tolliver, Que merda estás a fazer?
He's gonna get a game misconduct and a fine.
A equipa vai ser acusada de má conduta graças a Tolliver.
Strange night for Tolliver.
Noite estranha para Tolliver.
Tolliver, that's a thousand-dollar fine!
Tolliver, É uma multa de mil dollares!
- Capt. Tolliver, coffee?
- Capitão Tolliver, deseja um café?
I'm following the direct orders of Capt. Tolliver, MD who'd like to see your diet contain less...
Cumpro as ordens directas do Capitão Tolliver que gostaria que a sua dieta contivesse menos...
Mr. President, Morris Tolliver is dead.
Sr. Presidente, Morris Tolliver morreu.
Creighton Tolliver.
Creighton Tolliver.
Okay, one thing we didn't talk about was, I am thinking about, uh, calling the place Tolliver's.
Bem, uma coisa de que não falamos, foi, que eu estou a pensar em chamar àquilo "Tolliver".
So, Tolliver's is okay, then?
Então, pode ser "Tolliver"?
You're under arrest for the murder of Creighton Tolliver.
Está preso pelo assassinato de Creighton Tolliver.
Belongs to Given Tolliver, one of Blackie Conroy's men.
Pertence a Given Tolliver, um dos homens do Blackie.
Well, actually, we just want to talk to one of your associates, Given Tolliver, in connection with the murder of Casey Dean.
Queremos falar com Given Tolliver, por causa da morte de Casey Dean.
His man, Given Tolliver, just confessed to pushing Casey Dean off the roof.
O Tolliver confessou ter empurrado o Casey Dean do telhado.
That's how I feel when I look at people like Hank Tolliver and Gertrude Rose and Miss Emma bein'driven out'cause they don't fit the plan of the new developers.
É assim que me sinto quando olho para pessoas como Hank Tolliver e Gertrude Rose e a Sra. Emma que estão a ser despejadas porque não se enquadram nos novos planos.
Cy tolliver.
- Cy Tolliver.
Mr. Tolliver?
Sr. Tolliver.
- It sticks in my craw, Mr. Tolliver.
- Fico entalado com isso, Sr. Tolliver.
That very attractive solitary woman is Miss Joanie Stubbs, a supervisory figure at Cy Tolliver's Bella Union Saloon.
Aquela mulher muito bonita e solitária... é a Menina Joanie Stubbs, a supervisora... do Bar Bella Union, do Cy Tolliver.
Jimmy, what become of that dope-fiend, faro dealer that I hired to apprise me of what transpired over at Tolliver's?
Jimmy, o que aconteceu com o traficante de droga... que eu contratei para me informar do que se passava no Tolliver?

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