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Tom cruise traduction Portugais

257 traduction parallèle
You know, you look a little like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.
Sabes, pareces-te um bocado com o Tom Cruise em Top Gun.
I worked you in right here between tom cruise and mel gibson.
Pus o teu nome bem aqui entre o Tom Cruise e o Mel Gibson.
That's Tom Cruise's pool cleaner.
Aquele é o rapaz que limpa a piscina do Tom Cruise.
Is Tom Cruise in this?
O Tom Cruise entra neste?
- Is that the one with Tom Cruise?
- Esse é aquele com o Tom Cruise?
Who are you? Tom Cruise?
És o Tom Cruise?
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury... who do you find more attractive- - Tom Cruise or Mel Gibson?
Senhoras e senhores do júri quem acham mais atraente o Tom Cruise ou o Mel Gibson?
I was thinkin'Tom Cruise in "All The Right Moves."
Que tal o "All the RightMoves"?
You know, if you pause it just right, you can see his penis.
Se pararmos a imagem no momento certo vemos o pénis do Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise in Mission : Impossible.
Tom Cruise em Missão Impossível.
Who needs the infinite compassion of Ganesha... when I've got Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman staring at me... from Entertainment Weekly with their dead eyes?
Quem precisa da infinita compaixão de Ganesha, quando posso ter o Tom Cruise e a Nicole Kidman a olhar para mim, na capa da Entertainment Weekly com os seus olhos mortiços!
Uh, Tom Cruise, Top Gun, 1986.
Que é isto? Tom Cruise, "Top Gun", 1986.
You know, I hope Tom Cruise is as straight as they come.
Espero que o Tom Cruise seja bem normal.
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.
Tom Cruise e Nicole Kidman.
Did you know Tom Cruise had no idea he was in that vampire movie till two years later?
Sabias que o Tom Cruise só soube... que entrava naquele filme dos vampiros dois anos depois?
But, you know, celebrities like you, Tom Cruise or whoever, you have a responsibility.
Celebridades como tu... ou Tom Cruise ou assim, têm responsabilidades.
When we make love, I pretend it's Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.
Quando fazemos amor, finjo que estou com...
Tom Cruise. I bet you like him, ay?
Gostas do Tom Cruise?
I ´ m Tom Cruise.
Eu sou o Tom Cruise.
I thought your charm was to boost his confidence not turn him into Tom Cruise.
Pensava que o teu encantamento era para aumentar a confiança dele não para o transformar no Tom Cruise.
Like Tom Cruise, they're the Tom Cruise of families.
São o Tom Cruise das famílias.
I would have to say Tom Cruise, "Risky Business".
Tenho de referir Tom Cruise, "Negócio Arriscado".
I don't give a damn if they belong to Tom Cruise.
Não me interessa se são do Tom Cruise.
People say we look like Tom Cruise.
As pessoas dizem que somos parecidos com o Tom Cruise.
I'm just a big fake like the moon landing and Marky Mark's hog in Boogie Nights and Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman!
Sou uma grande farsa e Tom Cruise e Nicole Kidman!
- Uh, that was Tom Cruise.
- Uh, esse era o Tom Cruise.
But I haven't seen Tom Cruise hanging around the set, have you?
Mas eu não vi o Tom Cruise por aí. Tu viste?
Tom Cruise.
O Tom Cruise...
Like... Tom Cruise.
Como o Tom Cruise.
At times, that was not a nice place to be sitting, in that character for that amount of time.
Tom Cruise Actor e Produtor Nem sempre era agradável... ... encarnar aquela personagem durante tanto tempo.
Right. Probably get lost among the pin-ups of Justin Timberlake and Tom Cruise and...
Ia perder-se entre os cartazes do Justin Timberlake e do Tom Cruise e...
A low-rent Tom Cruise with a 10-dollar haircut.
Um Tom Cruise de 5ª categoria com um corte de cabelo de 10 dólares.
- Yes, but think Tom Cruise.
- Sim, mas pensem no Tom Cruise.
Like Tom Cruise in Risky Business?
Como o Tom Cruise em Risky Business?
RASPHAL : Mr. Ramu "Tom Cruise" Gupta?
O Sr. Ramu "Tom Cruise" Gupta?
And your boy, with smile of Tom Cruise and brain of Rain Man?
E o teu rapaz ali, com sorriso de Tom Cruise e cérebro de Rain Man?
Whether it's Bruce Willis, who does an incredible Tony Montana... or Tom Cruise, who does an incredible Tony Montana... or Alec Baldwin.
Tanto faz se é o Bruce Willis, que imita incrivelmente o Tony Montana... ou o Tom Cruise, que imita incrivelmente o Tony Montana... ou o Alec Baldwin.
You know he was sort of Everwood's version of Tom Cruise.
Ele era a nossa versão do Tom Cruise.
Say I was Tom Cruise.
Imagina que era o Tom Cruise.
He doesn't want to look like Tom Cruise.
Não quer ficar igual ao Tom Cruise.
- Tom Cruise.
- Tom Cruise.
Derek Jeter, Tom Cruise... Willie Mays, Brando, Jagger, James Brown...
Bruce Springsteen, Derek Jeter, Tom Cruise, Willie Mays...
Even Tom Cruise is a member.
Até o Tom Cruise é um membro.
"Tom Cruise is 40!"
"Tom Cruise tem 40 anos."
If you didn't, I was gonna lie and say Tom Cruise used to live here.
Se não gostasses, ia mentir e dizer que o Tom Cruise viveu aqui.
Tom Cruise lived here?
O Tom Cruise viveu aqui?
Tom and me will cruise around.
O Tom e eu andaremos por ai.
Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise.
Stanley Kubrick was an enigma to many people.
Narrado por Tom Cruise
Tom cruise, all the big movie stars.
O Tom Cruise, todos as grandes celebridades.
- So make like a Tom and cruise.
- Então põe-te a andar.

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