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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ T ] / Tooty

Tooty traduction Portugais

16 traduction parallèle
- It was all certainly pretty rooty-tooty.
- Era cheio de esquisitices.
You ought to make like one. Be here ready for clients, not fishing and playing that rooty-tooty jazz.
Deves comportar-te como tal, estar apto para clientes e não a pescar... ou a tocar esse jazz de segunda classe.
Do ya fancy a fibreglass fruit flan or a polystyrene tooty-fruity?
Apetece-te um pudim de frutas em fibra de vidro, ou um tutti-fruti em poliestireno? Queres uma chávena de chá?
Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity.
Rooty Tooty Fresco e Frutoso.
I want the tutti-frutti rooty-tooty special. - Tutti- -
Eu quero o tutti-frutti rooty-tooty especial.
The Citizens League for a Rooty-Tooty Freedom Liberty.
A Liga dos Cidadãos para um Menu da Liberdade.
But you wouldn't have had to create the sun... if you knew Mack was gonna be sittin over there in that bright yellow shirt... lookin'sunny-side up like a Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity.!
Mas tu não irias criar o Sol se soubesses que o Mack iria estar ali sentado com aquela linda camisola amarela parecendo um frutinha!
Rooty tooty music.
Música fina.
I'll take it. And a salutey-rooty-toot-tooty back to you, my friend.
Eu aceito e para ti uma saudação de ancas, amigo.
Rooty-tooty. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Devem estar a brincar.
I'll have the sea bass! You gotta like this, the girlfriend and the ex-girlfriend bonding over your rooty-tooty stinky booty.
Há que gostar disto, a namorada e a ex-namorada a gozarem com o teu traseiro malcheiroso.
Which'll hold us over till our noon-30 rooty-tooty fresh and fruity breakfast.
E eu também... se a iluminação for a correta.
Y'all had an IHOP, I'd be in there having... the Rooty Tooty Fresh'N Fruity.
Se tivessem um IHOP, eu estaria lá dentro a comer panquecas.
I mean, if she wants the hooty-tooty lifestyle of dating a famous comic, she's gotta deal with her private shame being exploited for cheap laughs.
Digo, se ela quer ter o bom estilo de vida de namorar com um cómico famoso, ela terá que lidar com a sua vergonha privada de ser explorada por gargalhadas baratas.
Time to "Too-tooty-too" with The Turtlenecks!
Está na hora de "Too-tooty-too" com os Gola-Alta!
♪ Tootooty-Too ♪

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