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Vikner traduction Portugais

58 traduction parallèle
You can call me Vikner.
Chame-me de Vikner.
His name is Alan Vikner, 52.
O nome dele é Alan Vikner, 52.
And it also coincides with Mr. Vikner's stay.
E também coincide com a estadia do Sr. Vikner.
Actually we are down to four. Alan Vikner has an alibi.
Alan Vikner tem um álibi.
I'm quite certain Professor Vikner is a murderous international criminal and the heir to Jamie Moriarty's fetid throne.
Tenho a certeza de que o Professor Vikner é um criminoso assassino internacional e o herdeiro do trono fétido da Jamie Moriarty.
I'd have to see the pseudo Vermeer to be sure, but I strongly suspect that she gave that painting to Vikner, as well as the keys to her kingdom.
Teria de ver o pseudo Vermeer para ter a certeza, mas suspeito que ela deu o quadro dela ao Vikner, assim como as chaves do reino dela.
Professor Vikner, good morning.
Professor Vikner, bom dia!
Joshua Vikner, born 1969.
Joshua Vikner, nascido em 1969.
The police know about Krasnov. How do we explain Vikner?
Como explicamos o Vikner?
We keep the name Joshua Vikner to ourselves for now.
Mantemos o nome Joshua Vikner só entre nós.
I mean, Vikner may have her job, but it doesn't mean he's as good at it as she was.
O Vikner pode ter o cargo dela, mas pode não ser tão bom quanto ela.
You know as well as I do what would happen if Vikner's identity was known by our colleagues.
Sabes bem quanto eu o que aconteceria se a identidade do Vikner fosse descoberta pelos nossos colegas.
Even if he had Vikner killed, I mean, would that really solve everything?
Mesmo que ele mandasse matar o Vikner, isso resolveria alguma coisa?
Moriarty carried Vikner's child to term.
A Moriarty trouxe a filha do Vikner no ventre.
The world would definitely be a better place without Joshua Vikner in it, no question.
O mundo seria um lugar melhor sem o Joshua Vikner, sem dúvida.
Who is Joshua Vikner?
Quem é Joshua Vikner?
I'm quite certain Professor Vikner is the heir to Jamie Moriarty's fetid throne.
Tenho a certeza de que o Professor Vikner é o herdeiro do trono fétido da Jamie Moriarty.
Vikner did this obviously.
É evidente que foi o Vikner!
Mm-hmm. You want to tell me again why you think the person who just tried to kill us does not work for Joshua Vikner?
Queres dizer-me de novo porque achas que quem nos tentou matar não trabalha para o Joshua Vikner?
Taking our lives would cost Vikner his own ; you know this.
Matar-nos custaria a vida do Vikner, já sabes.
The police know nothing of Joshua Vikner, he's not a suspect in the bombing of my father's office, and yet someone left the exact same device in our home.
A Polícia nada sabe sobre o Joshua Vikner, ele não é suspeito da bomba no escritório do meu pai e, contudo, alguém pôs o mesmo dispositivo em nossa casa.
Someone hopes to incite her to Vikner's destruction.
Alguém quer incitá-la a destruir o Vikner.
It would make her an ideal spoke in Vikner's wheels-within-wheels outfit, don't you think?
Seria o travão ideal dos planos do Vikner, não achas?
I'd like her to understand there are other ways to deal with a problem like Professor Vikner.
Gostava que ela compreendesse que há outras formas de lidar com um problema como o professor Vikner.
This woman was willing to kill you just to provoke Vikner's removal.
Ela estava disposta a matar-vos para causar a eliminação do Vikner.
You want to talk about Joshua Vikner, correct?
Querem falar do Joshua Vikner, certo?
And Joshua Vikner will defend his position as furiously as he fought to acquire it.
E o Joshua Vikner vai defender a posição dele tão ferozmente quanto lutou por a conseguir.
Certain candidates emerged- - Vikner among them.
Surgiram alguns candidatos, o Vikner estava entre eles.
That's why Vikner tried to have him killed back then- - because he was in the way?
Por isso é que o Vikner o tentou matar há tempos. - Por estar no caminho dele?
It gave Vikner the time he needed to solidify his position.
Deu ao Vikner o tempo que precisava para solidificar a posição dele.
We want to defeat Joshua Vikner.
Queremos derrotar o Vikner.
We made those calendars based on where the Internet said Vikner had been.
Fizemos esses calendários com base onde a Internet mostrou onde o Vikner estava. - E então?
There's no denying that over his long and storied career, my father has facilitated business deals where death was a likely outcome for someone, somewhere. But Vikner and his people, they pursue death as a business deal.
Não há dúvida de que ao longo da sua longa carreira lendária o meu pai ajudou em negócios em que a morte era um resultado provável para alguém algures, mas o Vikner e o pessoal dele fazem da morte o negócio deles.
My father was never a threat to Vikner's ascendency...
O meu pai nunca foi uma ameaça à ascendência do Vikner.
Joshua Vikner was in New York the night she went missing and the night her throat was slashed.
O Joshua Vikner esteve em Nova Iorque na noite em que ela desapareceu e na noite em que ela foi morta.
Okay, so we have a murder that we're pretty sure was committed by Arthur Tetch and it fits our timetable. How are we gonna pin that to Viktor?
Temos um homicídio certamente cometido pelo Arthur Tetch e encaixa na baliza temporal, Mas como responsabilizamos o Vikner?
We just stash the knife at Vikner's office and then call a tip in to the police?
E depois? Pomos a faca no escritório do Vikner e damos a dica à Polícia?
As well as Autumn Dunbar's blood, I want some evidence which ties it directly to Vikner.
Assim como o sangue da Autumn Dunbar, quero que tenha provas que a liguem directamente ao Vikner.
Professor Vikner, this is Morland Holmes.
Professor Vikner, fala o Morland Holmes.
Gonna do Vikner's work for him, and jump?
Vai fazer o trabalho do Vikner por ele e saltar?
Vikner's fingerprints.
As impressões digitais do Vikner.
I assumed he would only contact you after a suspect was apprehended, but there's been no mention of Vikner's arrest in the news.
Presumo que só te tenha contactado depois de prender um suspeito, mas não há nenhuma referência à detenção do Vikner nas notícias.
And we were able to lift a clean set of prints that matches the suspect you like, Joshua Vikner.
Conseguimos tirar impressões digitais que correspondem ao suspeito que falaste, o Joshua Vikner.
Well, a few hours ago, we went to look for Vikner, and he's gone.
Há umas horas, fomos procurar o Vikner e ele desapareceu.
Vikner's on the run.
O Vikner está fugido.
Clearly Vikner's FBI sources have convinced him that the threat you posed was serious- - upending one's life, becoming a fugitive- - drastic steps for a public figure.
É evidente que as fontes do Vikner no FBI o convenceram que a ameaça era séria, revirando a vida, tornando-se um fugitivo. Drástico para uma figura pública.
I remember, you were looking at Vikner's financials.
A última coisa de que me lembro foi estares a ver as contas do Vikner.
Look, Vikner is a wanted man now.
O Vikner é um homem procurado.
He's giving himself up to Vikner.
Vai entregar-se ao Vikner.
Who is Joshua Vikner?
Quem é o Joshua Vikner?
If we can find Krasnov and connect him to Vikner...
Se encontrarmos o Krasnov e o ligarmos ao Vikner...

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