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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Wagoneer

Wagoneer traduction Portugais

9 traduction parallèle
Of the Wagoneer?
Do jipe?
a 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer.
num Jeep Grand Wagoneer de 1986.
So do you remember when I was teaching you how to drive in the Wagoneer, and you sideswiped that taxi and knocked off his side mirror?
Recordas quando te ensinava a conduzir a Wagoneer, e passaste por aquele taxi e lhe arrancaste o espelho?
Get the fuck out of here with that wagoneer.
Desaparece daqui com essa carripana.
All that came through the wire was that the body of Lucy Robbins was found in the front seat of her Wagoneer at the bottom of a ravine 15 miles west of Newberry Springs in the Mojave Desert.
Só me disseram que... O corpo da Lucy Robbins foi encontrado... no seu carro, no fundo de uma ravina... 24 km a oeste de Newberry Springs... no Deserto Mojave.
The Wagoneer Oasis.
- O Wagoneer Oasis.
Her Wagoneer's not out front.
A "Wagoneer" dela não está ali à frente.
My Wagoneer.
Não... o meu carro!

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