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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Waved

Waved traduction Portugais

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And then he lifted me up onto the most beautiful horse on the carousel, and he stood and he waved and watched as I went round.
E depois içou-me, para cima do mais bonito cavalo do carrossel, e ficou de pé, acenou e olhou, à medida que eu andava às voltas.
Waved up and down for danger... across the window when all is clear.
Movida para cima e para baixo para perigo, de um lado ao outro é seguro.
You'd make me swallow insults from this bookkeeper who never waved anything more dangerous than a quill?
Obrigais-me a engolir insultos deste guarda-livros que nunca brandiu nada mais perigoso que uma pena?
He couldn't see her without his glasses, but he looked up and waved. And no one would hit him.
Ele não conseguia ver sem óculos, mas olhou para cima e acenou e ninguém o matou.
I wouldn't bet they were British if they waved roast beef at us.
Não acredito que sejam ingleses, nem que nos agitem com bifes.
It waved both hands at me.
Até me acenou com ambas as mãos.
I don't need a flag waved to get me to charge.
Não preciso de um pano vermelho para atacar.
He even waved at me.
Até me acenou.
He waved to me.
Ele acenou-me.
Sister Mae looked up and smiled and waved... and that drunk shot a squirt of tobacco juice... right in her face.
A Sister Mae, olhou para cima, sorriu e acenou-lhe. O bêbado cuspiu o tabaco mascado e acertou-lhe na tromba!
They waved gently for a long time as he left.
Quando o comboio partiu, agitaram as mãos longa e docemente.
- He actually waved good-bye to me.
- Chegou a dizer-me adeus.
- I waved him through.
- Eu o deixei passar.
The gearbox froze coming out of the tunnel and I waved him through.
A caixa de câmbio travou na saída do túnel e eu sinalizei para passar.
They'd only think it was us as usual, we've waved so often before.
Pensariam que éramos nós como de costume, acenamos tantas vezes.
A couple of hours ago, out on the marina, somebody waved at me.
Sr. Barnes, há umas horas, na marina, alguém me acenou.
The Demon King waved his wand and I was dispatched to bring you to him.
O Rei Demónio agitou a varinha mágica e eu vim buscar-te.
" Everybody cheered,'Hooray,'and waved goodbye.
" Toda a gente aplaudiu,'Hooray,'e se despediu.
And I just took off. I waved good-bye to Mrs. Peck and drove away. Mm-hmm.
Depois, fiz adeus à Sra. Peck e fui-me embora.
Christ, you know I love you Did you see I waved
Cristo, sabes que te amo Não me viste a acenar
Then, it opened the window, it was leant over and somebody waved e it said : "They are English"
Então, abriu a janela, debruçou-se e alguém acenou e ele disse : "São ingleses!"
They waved goodbye to the mad priest and his servant.
Despediram-se do sacerdote doido e do criado.
She smiled, kind of waved at me... and I thought she was saying "hello".
Achei que ela estava... dizendo olá.
She even smiled a little and waved.
Até sorriu um pouco e... acenou.
And I did wave and Linda waved back.
Eu acenei à Linda e ela acenou para mim.
Yes, she probably waved but there was no noonday gun, was there?
- Mas não tinha soado o canhão, certo?
I waved.
* Where are you now that yesterday has waved goodbye
Onde está agora, se ontem me acenou num adeus...
I didn't notice that he was not quite his usual self but I should have been alerted by the fact that he waved to me.
Não reparei que agia de forma invulgar, mas devia ter percebido isso quando ele me acenou.
She's waved that at me a million times.
Já a apontou para mim um milhão de vezes.
Vic waved.
O Vic acenou.
Before they took the cattle out, those cowboys waved their hats in the air and yelled "Yee-ha!"
Antes de levarem o gado, os cowboys atiraram os chapéus ao ar. ... e gritaram "Yee-haw!"
Se pudesse ao menos imaginar, naquele desfile, enquanto acenava que a minha mulher seria aquele pequeno peixe-lapa que ia atrás...
I waved to him but he didn't see me.
Acenei-lhe, mas ele não me viu.
I waved up to him, but he was looking at something else.
Eu acenei-lhe, mas ele estava a olhar para outra coisa.
When he finished they waved him thanks... then up come that shotgun.
Quando ele acabou eles acenaram como agradecimento... e então pegaram aquela espingarda.
He made the man lie down and he jumped on him, kissed him on the neck, but in seconds some doctors appeared on the walk dressed in white, embarrassed, he waved that he was going but he started
Obrigou o homem a deitar-se, saltou-lhe em cima e beijou-o no pescoço, mas, segundos depois, apareceram uns médicos vestidos de branco.
- And you waved it away.
- E a senhora recusou. - Exactamente.
There he is, he waved to you.
Está ali, acenou-te.
Whatever happened to that jogger... the one who waved at you when you first came into town?
Que aconteceu ao corredor? Aquele que te acenou quando chegaste á cidade?
If I was on the outside, if there was a good fairy and she waved a wand and I was on the outside you and me, would we be friends then?
Se estivesse do lado de fora. Se tivesse uma... fada e ela agitasse a sua varinha de condão, seríamos amigos?
He waved at me.
Ele acenou para mim.
Luc Robitaille waved at me.
Luc Robitaille acenou para mim.
But there's two types of smarts, book smarts, which waved bye-bye to you long ago, and there's street-smarts, the ability to read people.
Mas existem dois tipo de espertos, o dos livros, que já te escapou á muito tempo, e os espertos de rua, a capacidade de ler as pessoas.
Waved it in front of me, then tore it up....
Acenou-me com ela e depois rasgou-a.
He just waved!
Acabou de acenar!
Also, you waved goodbye to your friends.
Tambem disse adeus aos seus amigos.
Thinking about it since it happened, he did it in a vague sort of way, just waved the torch about aimlessly, as if he hadn't the faintest idea what he was there for.
Quando viu o corpo, reconheceu-o? Não.
I waved it.
O que terei feito?
And I waved to you at the game yesterday.
E... e acenei para ti durante o jogo de ontem.
O'Neil rounds third, being waved in. Yeah!

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