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We'll see you tonight traduction Portugais

59 traduction parallèle
Tonight and tomorrow we can talk our heads off, but just now, I'll see you later.
Até logo.
By seven o'clock tonight, we'll be out of the country and you'll never see us again.
Às sete já teremos saído do país e não voltarão a ver-nos.
We... we'll probably never see each other again after we split the money tonight, but... in my book you'll always be a stand-up guy.
Nós... provavelmente não nos voltamos a ver, depois de dividirmos o dinheiro logo à noite, mas... para mim, serás sempre um tipo às direitas.
We'll see you tonight at Maw's.
Nos vemos no rancho de Maw.
Don't show up tonight. We'll see what happens to you.
Não apareças hoje à noite, e verás o que te acontece.
See you tonight. We'll have dinner.
Vejo você à noite.
Maybe we'll see you tonight at the banquet?
Talvez o veremos esta noite no banquete?
- We'll see you later tonight.
- Vemo-nos hoje à noite.
'Like you see here tonight, we'll need surgeons who will rid society of his kind.
Como podem verificar, precisaremos de cirurgiões, que limpem a sociedade, de tipos dessa laia.
'We'll need surgical procedures, like you see here tonight.
Precisaremos de técnicas cirúrgicas como viram esta noite.
- We'll see you tonight.
- Bem, vejo-o logo à noite.
- We'll see you later tonight?
- Nós vemo-nos logo á noite?
Mr. Hanson, you play the boss and we'll see what you've learned tonight.
Sr. Hanson, tu fazes de chefe e nós iremos ver o que aprendeu esta noite.
We'll see you tonight!
Vejo-a mais logo.
All right, we'll see you tonight, OK?
Come see us tonight when we open, we'll find you a place to lay down.
Venha cá à noite, quando abrirmos. Arranjaremos onde o deitar.
- We'll see you tonight.
- Vemo-nos logo à noite. - Sim.
I want you to meet me down there tonight. - We'll see what we see.
Quero que te encontres comigo lá hoje à noite.
Maybe I'll see you tonight when you and Sachs bust the party we're going to.
Talvez hoje quando tu e o Sachs forem chamados à festa para onde vou.
So on behalf of my mother and father and my brother and sister thank you all for being here with us tonight and for being our family and we'll see you right here next year.
Em nome da minha mãe, do meu pai e do meu irmão e irmã, agradeço terem estado connosco e serem a nossa família e encontramo-nos aqui no ano que vem.
So I'll see you at lunch, and we'll hand out flyers for the show tonight.
Vemo-nos à hora de almoço para distribuirmos panfletos para o concerto desta noite.
We're gonna win this bloody war. - I'll see you tonight.
Primeiro, vamos ganhar esta guerra.
- We'll see you later tonight.
- Vemo-nos logo à noite.
We'll see you tonight.
Vemos-te esta noite.
Well, if you happen to see her, tell her we'll miss her tonight.
Se por acaso a virem, digam-lhe que sentiremos a falta dela esta noite.
All right, Anthony, we'll see you tonight.
Certo, Anthony. Até à noite.
I'll see you at the championship after we win tonight.
Vemo-nos na final depois de vencermos hoje à noite.
- Well, we'll see you guys tonight then.
Até logo, rapazes.
We're taking the kids to school. We'll see you tonight.
Terry vamos levar as crianças a escola!
If we stay up tonight and we get lucky, we'll see something you'll remember.
Se ficarmos acordados e tivermos sorte, vamos ver algo que nunca esquecerás.
Wait'll you see what we got planned for tonight.
Espera até veres o que planeámos para esta noite.
So, we'll see you tonight? Mm-hmm.
Então, vemo-nos esta noite?
We'll see you tonight.
Claro que não.
Perfect. We'll see you tonight.
Vemo-nos logo à noite.
So y'all are gonna have to go without us tonight, and we'll see you back here in the morning?
Vão ter que ir sem nós. Vejo vocês pela manhã?
We'll see a movie tonight, you and me.
Vamos os dois ao cinema, esta noite.
- We'll see you tonight. - Okay.
Vemo-nos esta noite.
So we'll see you at the dance tonight?
Vê-lo-ei no baile desta noite?
We'll see you boys tonight.
- Vamos vê-los à noite.
We'll be over to see you later tonight.
Nós passamos por tua casa à noite.
- We'll see you tonight, then?
Vemo-nos logo à noite, então?
We made a deal. You'll see my costume tonight at the party.
Veem o meu disfarce, esta noite, na festa.
Then I guess we'll see you tonight.
Então, acho que nos vemos esta noite.
Yeah, we'll see you tonight.
- Tenho de ir. - Vemo-nos logo.
Well, we'll see you tonight.
Bem, nos veremos à noite.
We'll see you tonight.
Vemos de noite.
You're to sleep in His Lordship's dressing room tonight, and we'll see what can be saved tomorrow.
Deverá dormir no quarto de vestir do Sr. Conde hoje e veremos o que conseguimos salvar amanhã.
We'll see you tonight?
Ver-te-emos esta noite?
We'll see you tonight.
Vemo-nos à noite?
- Trust we'll see you tonight?
- Vejo-te logo à noite?
We'll see you tonight.
Até logo à noite.

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