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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / We don't have to talk

We don't have to talk traduction Portugais

411 traduction parallèle
We don't have to talk about the fire at all.
Nos nao temos que falar sobre o fogo em tudo.
For the present, why don't you run on over to the hotel, and take your bath and we'll have a little talk later.
Por agora, porque não vai ao hotel, toma o seu banho e falamos depois? Muito obrigado.
And if we meet in the future we don't have to talk about personal things — about you and me.
E se nos encontramos no futuro não devemos falar de assuntos pessoais, sobre si e eu.
- Even if we're only friends we don't have to talk exclusively about your problems.
Mesmo sendo só... amigos... não significa que tenhamos de falar só dos seus problemas.
We don't have to talk about him, do we?
Não temos de falar dele, temos?
And if you don't see it that way... I think we ought to sit down right now and have a serious talk.
E se mão quiseres ver assim, vamos sentar-nos e falar a sério.
Apollo we're willing to talk, but you'll find we don't bow to every creature who happens to have a bag of tricks.
Apolo estamos dispostos a falar, mas verá que não nos curvamos a qualquer criatura com truques na manga.
So if you don't mind, I'll go on doing what I have to do and we can talk. If that's acceptable to you.
Se não se importar, vou fazendo o que tenho a fazer e podemos ir falando, se não se importar.
Shouldn't he have the right to talk, even though we're stupid and don't understand?
Podemos falar!
We have to go talk to your boss if you don't talk to us.
Vamos falar com o seu chefe.
We don't have that much to talk about.
Não temos muito tema de conversa.
- We don't have time to talk :
- Não temos tempo para falar.
Ma'am, we don't have time to stand around and talk it over.
Madame, não temos tempo a perder.
You don't have much respect for the law, do ya, mate? If that young lady you shacked up with last night has come to any harm, we'II know exactly who to talk to. Well.
Não tem muito respeito pela lei, pois não?
We don't have to talk about anything at all.
Não precisamos de falar de nada.
I mean, we don't have the time today to talk about that.
Quer dizer, não vamos poder falar nisso.
I don't think we have anything to talk about.
Acho que não temos nada para falar.
Well, I have to talk to some other potential investors... so what say we connect in, oh.... No, no, don't talk about investors.
- Não fale de outros investidores.
But since we have it, why don't we find a dry place to talk.
Mas já que as temos, procuremos um lugar seco para falar.
On second thought, we don't have time to talk right now.
Pensando melhor, não temos de falar agora.
Okay by me, we don't have to talk about it now.
- Tu é que sabes... Não te vou obrigar a falar dele.
We don't have to talk about it ever.
Nem agora, nem nunca.
Okay, we don't have to talk about him!
Está bem, não falaremos dele.
I don't see why we have to talk at all.
Não vejo por que teremos de falar.
Look, Kel. I don't think we have much to talk about.
Kell, não me parece que tenhamos muito que falar.
We don't have to talk about that now.
Não vamos de falar disso agora.
John, we don't have anything to talk about.
John, não temos nada para falar.
We don't have time to talk.
Não temos muito tempo. Diz-me como.
Okay, we don't have to talk about him.
Não temos de falar nisso.
Vada, Vada, we don't have to talk about him.
Não temos de falar nisso. Calma.
We don't have to talk about her.
Não falamos nela.
Lieutenant, we don't have time to talk about this now.
Tenente Ballard, não há tempo para falar disso agora.
No, we don't have to talk. You can read, can't you?
Não temos nada a dizer.
You don't have to say another word as long as we're here, but I think I really need to talk.
Não tem de dizer uma palavra enquanto estivermos aqui, mas eu acho que preciso realmente de falar.
We don't have to talk.
Não precisamos de falar.
Well, I, er, I would like to talk to you and, er... Why don't we have one?
Eu gostava de conversar contigo.
You gave a talk on women's issues at my school on how we don't have to be second-class citizens.
Deste uma palestra sobre direitos das mulheres e como não temos de ser cidadãs de segunda.
If you don't want to have kids, we should talk about it.
Se não quer ter filhos, precisamos conversar.
I don't mean to interrupt, but we have to talk.
Eu não pretendo interromper, mas temos que falar.
Listen, we don't have to talk about it now but we do have to talk about it.
Não temos de falar já disso. Mas temos de falar.
Well, I came to talk about Danny, but we don't have to do that right now.
Vim para falar sobre o Danny, mas pode ficar para depois.
We don't have time to talk, Houston.
Sim. Temos pouco tempo.
We don't have to talk about this now.
- Não fales nisso agora.
I don't have to hear this now. We don't need to talk about it. Everything's gonna be fine.
Não vamos falar agora, vai correr tudo bem.
Listen, we don't have to go hang out with a bunch of drunken frat boys. We could just go someplace and talk.
Não temos de ir até lá, podemos ir conversar a outro sítio.
Yes. But what if we don't really have anything to talk about?
Sim, mas e se não tivermos nada para falar?
It's not like we don't have a lot to talk about.
Não que não tenhamos muitas coisas que falar
We, ike,'m gonna have to, like, talk to Donald about that because don't think that he, like, hangs out with kids his own age.
Tipo, vou ter de falar com o Donald sobre isso, tipo, porque acho que ele, tipo, não anda com malta da idade dele.
I mean, I'll still like you, but I don't think we'll have anything to talk about.
Eu vou continuar a gostar de ti, mas não vamos ter nada sobre o que falar.
We don't have to talk so much either.
Nem precisamos de falar muito.
We don't have to talk about it now.
Não temos de falar agora sobre isso.

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