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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Wend

Wend traduction Portugais

15 traduction parallèle
No, I must wend my way downriver on the Lord's business.
Não, tenho de seguir rio abaixo, ao serviço do Senhor.
Whither do you wend?
Com quem, com quem vais casar?
There my steps I wend
Hei-de eu casar
- Unanwendbar.
The long, tenacious roots of the'ohi'a wend their way through the cracks and penetrate deep into the rock in search of trapped water and nutrients.
As longas e tenazes raizes da'ohi'a encontram seu caminho através das rachaduras e penetram profundamente nas rochas em busca de água e nutrientes.
- Wendy?
Tonight, we will be partaking of a liquid repast as we wend our way up The Golden Mile.
Hoje à noite, vamos participar num repasto líquido, à medida que nos deslocamos até a Golden Mile.
It's supposed to wend its way through the forest and return without smashing into a tree.
Deve voar pela floresta e regressar sem bater em nenhuma árvore.
They wend the river and channel to the Irish Sea.
Subiram o rio e o canal até ao Mar Irlandês.
Oh, what the fuck, Wend?
Mas que raio, Wend?
He's fucking with my father, and that's in my head, Wend, which has to be what Axe wants.
Está a meter-se com o meu pai. E não esqueço isso, deve ser o que o Axe quer.
05 : 28,384 idiot... 05 : 49,933 Alistair, drinks... that pleasure that there are Wend. that beams... 05 : 24,873 I came to You to eliminate, PUTA.
Que tocante!
- Fuck, Wend.
I never get used to how you live.
Wend, nunca me habituo a como vives.
Listen, Wend.
Ouve, Wendy...

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