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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Wetx

Wetx traduction Portugais

8 traduction parallèle
The city of Miami has been gripped with a local news story, first reported here on WETX yesterday afternoon.
A cidade de Miami tem estado atenta a uma notícia local, reportada em primeira mão, aqui na WETX, ontem à tarde.
you thought the recording would make you a reporter at wetx.
E pensou que a gravação faria de si uma jornalista de WEXT.
Invoices from WETX News.
Recibos da WETX News.
Okay, so we talked to the WETX News Director.
Falámos com a directora da WETX News.
Nate handed out burner cells to all kinds of people... homeless dudes, anybody who hung out on the streets.
Segundo a senhora da WETX, o Nate distribuiu pré-pagos a todo o tipo de pessoas, a sem-abrigos, a quem andasse nas ruas.
He was just on the phone was WETX, trying to sell them his unique angle - on a strip club fire.
Ele estava ao telefone com a WETX, a tentar vender-lhes a sua versão única num clube de strip.
Because they knew he'd be right down the street at WETX.
Porque sabiam que ele estaria ao fundo da rua na WETX. Vês?
According to the lady from WETX,
Estás a falar de quê?

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