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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / What are you trying to say

What are you trying to say traduction Portugais

601 traduction parallèle
What are you trying to say?
O que estás a tentar dizer?
My darling what are you trying to say?
Meu querido... o que está tentando dizer?
What are you trying to say, Charlie?
Charlie! O que estás a tentar dizer, Charlie?
What are you trying to say?
O que está a tentar dizer?
What are you trying to say, Miriam?
- Que tentas dizer, Miriam?
What are you trying to say son?
O que estás a tentar dizer, filho?
What are you trying to say?
O que está insinuando, Sr. Bannion?
What are you trying to say?
O que você está querendo dizer?
What are you trying to say?
O que é que está a tentar dizer?
- What are you trying to say?
- O que está tentando dizer?
- What are you trying to say?
Que queres dizer?
- What are you trying to say?
- Que quer dizer com isso?
John, what are you trying to say?
John, o que está tentando dizer?
What are you trying to say, Nickie?
Estás a tentar dizer o quê?
What are you trying to say?
Que estás a tentar dizer?
Look, what are you trying to say?
Olhe, o que você está tentando dizer?
- Just what are you trying to say?
- O que está insinuando?
What are you trying to say, Lopez?
O que estás a tentar dizer, Lopez?
What are you trying to say?
Que está a querer dizer?
Just what are you trying to say, Senator?
Que está tentando dizer, Senador?
- Mrs. Grubach? - Yes? - What are you trying to say?
Sra. Grubach, o que está querendo dizer?
What are you trying to say, that I might have killed Charles and Scobie?
O que estás a tentar dizer, que foi eu que matei o Charles e o Scowby?
Just what are you trying to say?
O que estás a tentar dizer?
O que quer dizer, Mr. Smart?
What are you trying to say, Frank?
Que está a insinuar, Frank?
- What are you trying to say?
- O que é que queres dizer?
What are you trying to say, Max? Well, maybe we can get together and give KAOS enough money to keep going for a few years.
Talvez consigamos trabalhar juntos e dar à KAOS dinheiro suficiente para a manter por mais uns anos.
What are you trying to say, 99?
O que está a querer dizer, 99?
What are you trying to say?
Que quer dizer?
- What are you trying to say, Max?
- O que está a querer dizer, Max?
What are you trying to say?
O que quer dizer?
Just what are you trying to say?
O que quer dizer?
What are you trying to say, Larry?
O que estás a tentar dizer, Larry?
What are you trying to say?
Que está a tentar insinuar?
What are you trying to say?
O que você está tentando dizer?
What are You trying to say?
O que está a tentar dizer?
- What are you trying to say?
- Só você mesmo. - O que você está tentando dizer?
Say, what are you trying to do, insult me?
O que está a tentar fazer, insultar-me?
And find out what the devil you are trying to say to yourself.
Por as peças nos seus devidos lugares e descobrir o que raio está a tentar dizer a si próprio.
Say, what are you trying to do?
O que está a tentar fazer?
What I'm trying to say is, the children are just not happy away from you and the theater.
O que quero dizer é : os miúdos não são felizes longe de vocês.
What are you trying to make me say?
O que está a tentar fazer-me dizer?
BEN : What in thunder are you trying to say?
Que diacho estás tu a tentar dizer?
You know what your brothers are trying to say, Hoss?
Sabes o que os teus irmãos estão a tentar dizer, Hoss?
What these warriors are trying to say, Sergeant is that if you know anything about running this thing, you can stay.
O que estes soldados querem dizer, é que se souber alguma coisa sobre o manejo desta coisa, pode ficar.
What are you trying to say?
- Que estás a dizer?
What the devil are you trying to say?
Que raio está a tentar dizer?
What is it you are trying to say?
O que me está a tentar dizer?
- What are you trying to say?
- Pelo quê? Pelo quê?
What are you trying to say?
- Que pretendes dizer?

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