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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / What did you do with her

What did you do with her traduction Portugais

102 traduction parallèle
- What did you do with her?
Saem a rodar como laranjas. - O que é que fizeste com ela?
What did you do with her?
O que fizeram com ela?
- What did you do with her?
- O que fez com ela?
What did you do with her?
O que fez com ela?
What did you do with her?
Que fez com ela? !
What did you do with her?
! Que fez a ela? !
What did you do with her?
Que fez a ela?
What did you do with her?
O que é que lhe fizeste?
What did you do with her, share makeup tips?
O que fazias com ela? Partilhavam dicas de maquilhagem?
What did you do with her in Italy?
O que fizeste com ela em Itália?
What did you do with her Lucky Charms?
Que fizeste aos cereais?
What did you do with her?
O que lhe fez?
- What did you do with her?
- O que lhe fez?
What did you do with her?
Que fizeste com ela?
What did you do with her body?
O que fizeste com o corpo?
What did you do with her?
- O que fez com ela?
What did you do with her pictures?
o que é que fizeste com as fotos dela?
What did you do with her?
O que lhe fizeste?
What did you do with her?
O que foi que fizeste com ela?
What did you do with her? Hey!
O que fizeste com ela?
What did you do with her?
- Ouviste os meus recados? - O que fizeste com ela?
- What did you do with her?
- O que fizeste com ela?
What did you do with her?
O que você fez com ela?
- What did you do with her?
- Que fizeste com ela?
What did you do with her?
O que foi que lhe fizeste?
What did you do with her there?
O que fez com ela lá?
What did you do with her? Kiss me and I'll tell you what happened to her.
- Beija-me e eu conto-te o que aconteceu com ela.
What did you do with her?
O que Ihe fizeste?
What did you do with her?
O que fizeste com ela? Onde ela está?
- What did you do with it, give it back to her tonight?
- Que fez com ela, devolveu esta noite?
What did you intend to do with her if you'd succeeded in buying her?
O que iria fazer com ela se tivesse sucesso em comprá-la?
What did you do with the gun? I- - All right, Mason, you said last night you wouldn't let me talk to Miss Bagby unless I was prepared to arrest her, and I'm prepared now.
O que fez à arma? Tudo bem, Mason, disse-me ontem à noite que não me deixava falar com a Miss Bagby a menos que eu estivesse preparado para a prender.
What did you expect her to do? Follow you from town to town until one day you ran into someone a little faster with a gun?
Quem lhe disse isso?
For he danced the first two with her, and then the next with Charlotte Lucas, which vexed me greatly, but lo, there in the very next nothing would please him but to stand up with Jane again. And then he danced with Lizzy, and what do you think he did next?
Dançou as primeiras duas músicas com ela, depois com a Charlotte, o que muito me irritou, mas depois nada lhe dava mais prazer do que dançar outra vez com a Jane, depois dançou com a Lizzy e sabe o que fez depois?
Like you'd drink her coffee after what you did to her with Van Damme?
Tipo, bebias-lhe o café depois do que lhe fizeste com o Van Damme?
The son and his mother, the duke's concubine and her son what did you do with them?
- Perderam - se numa tempestade. - Foram devorados pelo deserto. - Você achou os cadáveres?
The son and his mother, the duke's concubine and her son what did you do with them?
O filho e a mãe, a concubina do Duque e o seu filho... o que fez com eles?
The son and his mother, the duke's concubine and her son what did you do with them?
O filho e a mãe, a concubina do duque e seu filho o que você fez com eles?
What did you do? Try to soften her up with a big present so you could go play golf?
Tentaste amansá-la com um grande presente, para ires jogar golfe?
Tell Her What Did You Do With Us I Don't Want To Scare You
Passaste a vida a cumprir as regras.
The lively, funny, talented girl, what did you do with her?
Que fizeste com ela?
That's one. How do you know what she did with her downstairs?
Como é que sabes isso das partes íntimas?
What did you do? I don't understand. - Why did you break up with her?
Porque acabaste com ela?
What part of "stay with her" did you not understand?
Que parte do "fica com ela" não percebeste?
But as it is that you know what did have to do with her death?
Mas como é que sabes que teve a ver com a morte dela?
Good. Did you do what I asked you to do with her toothbrush?
Fizeste o que pedi com a escova de dentes dela?
If she wasn't a cop, what did you think you were gonna do with her?
Se ela não fosse policia, o que achas que farias com ela?
But if you screw with me today what I did to her is kindness compared to what I'll do to your little girlfriend.
Mas se me lixares hoje, o que lhe fiz não é nada comparado com o que vou fazer à tua namoradinha.
You're gonna tell me what you did with her... then I'm gonna kill you again. - Do you understand, old man? - Don't you get it?
Vai dizer-me o que fez com ela e depois mato-o outra vez.
I know you think you did. But every girl needs a man to tell her what to do with her body.
Eu sei que pensavas que ias tomar, mas todas as raparigas precisam de um homem para lhes dizer o que fazer com os seus corpos.
What did you do with her?
- O que lhe fizeste?

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