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What do you think happened traduction Portugais

576 traduction parallèle
We get halfway over, when what do you think happened?
Chegamos à metade, quando, imaginem o que aconteceu?
What do you think happened to the cake?
O que acham que aconteceu com o bolo?
Uncle Phillip, what do you think happened?
O que acha que aconteceu?
Why, Abby, what do you think happened to him?
O que é que lhe aconteceu?
- What do you think happened to Basil?
Que achas que aconteceu a Basil?
Well, what do you think happened?
Que pensas que aconteceu?
What do you think happened to him?
O que achas que lhe aconteceu?
What do you think happened?
O que acha que aconteceu?
What do you think happened?
Quem pensas que fiz?
What do you think happened in here?
O que acha que aconteceu aqui?
What do you think happened to these people?
O que terá acontecido a estas pessoas?
Now, what do you think happened?
O que achas que aconteceu?
What do you think happened?
Que achas que aconteceu?
What do you think happened?
O que pensas que aconteceu?
What do you think happened?
O que será que aconteceu?
What do you think happened?
O que achas que aconteceu?
Mrs Aylwood, what do you think happened to Karen?
Sra. Aylwood, o que você acha que aconteceu com Karen?
And what do you think happened?
E o que acha que aconteceu?
And what do you think happened, Madame Gardener, as soon as you had disappeared?
E o que acham que aconteceu a seguir? Assim que a Sra. Gardener desapareceu?
What do you think happened?
O que houve?
What do you think happened to the inspector?
O que acha que aconteceu ao inspector?
What do you think happened?
O que achas?
What do you think happened to the sheriff?
O que achas que aconteceu ao xerife?
What do you think happened to them?
- O que acha que aconteceu com eles?
What do you think happened after the war?
Que pensa que aconteceu depois da guerra?
What do you think happened, sweetheart?
O que é que pensas que aconteceu, querida?
- What do you think happened?
- O que achas que aconteceu?
What do you think happened?
O que é que achas que aconteceu?
No. Madge, what do you think has happened to me?
Sabes o que me aconteceu?
What do you think would've happened if she hadn't left you when her money was gone?
O que acha que teria acontecido, se não o tivesse deixado quando o dinheiro se acabou?
Do you really think it was my fault what happened?
Acha realmente que tive culpa do que aconteceu?
What do you think has happened to MacGyver?
O Peter Thornton pertence a uma organização terrorista.
What do you think has happened?
Martha! O que achas que aconteceu?
What do you think happened, Pete?
O que você acha que aconteceu?
You think we had anything to do with what's happened?
Acham que tivemos alguma coisa a ver com o que aconteceu?
Just the other night, what on earth do you think happened to Elwood Dowd?
No outro dia, o que é que aconteceu ao Elwood Dowd?
And after what happened this afternoon, I should think maybe you'd call me Scottie. Maybe even John.
Depois do que aconteceu esta tarde, deveria chamar-me Scottie, até mesmo John.
After what happened to you, I should think you'd sympathize with us.
Depois do que lhe aconteceu, era de esperar que simpatizasse connosco.
Do you think Starr had anything to do with what happened to Roy?
Acha que o Starr tem a ver com o que aconteceu ao Roy?
If anything happened, it's nice to know there's somebody along that could do something about it. That's what you think?
Se acontecer algo, é bom saber... que nos acompanha alguém que faria algo sobre isso.
What do you think could have happened?
Que pensa que se passou?
What do you think could've happened?
Que dizes, comissário?
You know, despite what happened I'm still convinced that you have very fine qualities, and I think you can still become a gentleman some day.
Sabes, apesar do que aconteceu estou convencido de que tens muito boas qualidades e um dia serás um cavalheiro.
Mum, what do you think really happened to Karen Aylwood?
Mãe, o que você acha que realmente aconteceu com Karen Aylwood?
Well, what do you think has happened since you ran off?
Que pensas que terá acontecido desde que fugiste?
Do you think that's what happened?
Acha que foi isto que aconteceu?
Did you think I could go back to Moscow after what happened?
Achas que podia voltar a Moscovo depois do que aconteceu?
What do you think has happened to MacGyver?
Que acha que aconteceu ao MacGyver?
Did you ever think what happened after we left that hotel?
Alguma vez pensaste no que aconteceu depois de sairmos do hotel?
Did you ever think what happened after we left that hotel?
Alguma vez pensaste sobre o que aconteceu depois de sairmos do hotel?
I'm not. What do you think happened to me in the church Robert?
O que acha que aconteceu na igreja?

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