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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / What do you think of that

What do you think of that traduction Portugais

779 traduction parallèle
What do you think of that?
O que te parece?
Well, what do you think of that, huh?
O que achas disso?
Well, what do you think of that?
O que achas disto?
What do you think of that slide?
O que acha desta lâmina?
That wall, skipper. What do you think of that?
Olhe para o muro, capitão.
- What do you think of that?
- O que te parece?
What do you think of that?
O que lhe parece?
- Let's get going. - What do you think of that?
- O que achas, Dutchy?
What do you think of that set, Mr. Engle?
O que acha do cenário, Sr. Engle?
-... what do you think of that?
- que pensa disto?
What do you think of that?
O que achas?
What do you think of that?
O que achas disto?
What do you think of that one?
O que acham disto?
Well, what do you think of that?
Bem, o que acha disto?
What do you think of that?
Que acham disso?
Georgie, what do you think of that?
Georgie, o que achas disto?
Now what do you think of that?
- O que pensa disto?
All they have is dogs, anybody could have dogs, but a tame squirrel, what do you think of that?
Esse só tem cães, qualquer pessoa os pode ter... mas um esquilo domesticado, Que achas?
- What do you think of that?
- Que achas disto?
Well, I'm going to marry Oliver, and what do you think of that?
Bem, eu vou casar com o Oliver. O que achas disso?
What do you think of that?
- Que te parece?
What do you think of that?
E agora, Fleming, que pensas disso?
What do you think of that?
O que pensam disto?
What do you think of that, Stonewall Torrey?
Que pensas disto, Stonewall Torrey?
What do you think of that fellow?
Que achas deste?
What do you think of that?
O que acha disso?
What do you think of that word, "affluence"?
Que acha da palavra "afluência"?
What do you think of that?
Parece ser o indicado para termos ao nosso lado.
But now, what do you expect me to think of you and that woman?
Mas agora, que espera que acredite em voce e nessa mulher?
What do you think of that?
Que achas disso?
Then what do you think of an egg that would give me...
O que acha de um tipo que me...
Now that you're Secretary of War, what kind of an army do you think we oughta have?
Agora, como meu Secretário de Guerra Que tipo de forças armadas acha que devemos ter?
What have I always told you? Do you still think in spite of it that I don't mean what I say?
Ainda pensa que, apesar de tudo, eu não queria dizer o que Ihe disse?
What do you think of when you can't walk like that?
Queria conseguir andar.
"What do you think of us fellows that come back with Psychoneurosis Anxiety State?"
" O que pensas dos homens que voltam num estado de ansiedade psiconeurótica?
What do you think of that?
O que pensa disso?
What kind of a person do you think would be calling at that time of night?
Que pessoa iria lá a essa hora?
- What do you think? Milly was instructed that and the ladies of the kitchen.
Que devo fazer quanto ao pequeno-almoço?
Well, now that you have had an opportunity to examine it closely... what do you think of our Atlantic wall?
Agora que examinou atentamente, o que acha do nosso Muro Atlântico?
And suppose I told them... that what they're doing is stupid to the point of imbecility! - Who do you think would listen?
E se eu dissesse o que penso - que o que estão fazendo é estupidez - quem me daria ouvidos?
What do you think of a man like that?
- Que pensa de um tipo assim?
They think you stole the Star of Kuristan. That's what I've been trying to tell you.
Eles pensam que o tio roubou a Estrela do Kuristan.
I'd like to ask you one question, after months of pleading for just this kind of action, what makes you think that anybody, anybody could force me to reveal the identity of my confederate?
Gostava de te perguntar mais uma coisa. Há tanto tempo que se implorava o que é que te faz pensar que alguém podia forçar-me a revelar a identidade do nosso cúmplice?
That should give you an idea of what people think of your next husband.
E isso deve dar-te uma ideia daquilo que as pessoas pensam do teu futuro.
What kind of a life do you think you will lead among them in a prison camp, when they know that your glory is largely fictitious?
Que tipo de vida pensa que levará entre eles num campo prisional quando eles souberem que a sua glória tem muito de ficção?
- What do you think of that?
- O que é que achas?
- What might expect you to think of that speech, Mr. Anderson?
- O que devemos pensar do seu discurso, Sr. Anderson?
And what, may I ask, do you think of that, Mr. Holmes?
O que é que acha disto, Sr. Holmes?
If you think that's out of line, take a look in the saloon, see what rot-gut whiskey's going for.
Se acha que está mal, vá aos saloons ver o preço do whisky reles.
You see, that's what I'd do if I were the kind of girl that you think I am.
Sabe, Isso era o que eu faria se eu fosse quem pensa que eu sou.
So, you're that Eaton. What do you think of the strike?
O que pensa da greve?

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