What you did was wrong traduction Portugais
160 traduction parallèle
Alex, what you did was wrong.
Alex, o que fizeste foi errado.
Now, Bud, you know what you did was wrong, don't you?
Bud, sabes que aquilo que fizeste está errado, não sabes?
You realize what you did was wrong.
- Percebeste que fizeste mal, não?
Okay, look. Kelly, what you did was wrong.
Tenho um amigo que tem uma escola de treino para pit bulls.
What you did was wrong!
Não está certo o que vocês fizeram.
Look, I know you know what you did was wrong... or else you wouldn't be calling.
Ouça, sei que sabe que o que fez foi errado, senão não telefonava.
Forgiveness means that when you did something really wrong, you want somebody to tell you... that it wasn't really, really wrong, when you know what you did was wrong because you did it!
Perdão é quando fazes alguma coisa mesmo má, quereres alguem que te diga... que não foi assim tão má. quando sabes que o que fizeste estava errado porque o fizeste!
What you did was wrong.
O que fizeste está mal.
I think what you did was wrong.
Acho que procedeu de modo errado.
What you did was wrong.
O que fizeste, foi errado.
- You think what you did was wrong? Oh, baby.
Pensas que o que fizeste foi errado?
Now, what you did was wrong... But perhaps i deserve some of the blame. I should've spent more time with you this week.
O que fizeram foi errado, mas talvez eu tenha culpa.
What you did was wrong.
E nada que digas a pode corrigir.
That's a lie! / Because you knew what you did was wrong.
A rapariga estava histérica e obrigou-a a correr?
What you did was wrong, and we have to make it right.
O que fez estava errado, e temos que corrigir.
You know what you did was wrong.
Sabes que não o devias ter feito.
What you did was wrong.
O que fizeste está errado.
What you did was wrong.
O que fizeste foi errado.
Just because what you did was wrong doesn't mean that giving up on your life is right.
Mas só porque o que fizeste foi errado, não implica que desistires da tua vida é certo.
Just because what you did was wrong, it doesn't mean that giving up on your life is right.
Mas só porque o que fizeste foi errado, não implica que desistires da tua vida é certo.
What you did was wrong, but you made it right.
O que fizeste foi errado, mas já reparaste o mal.
You know what you did was wrong.
- Tu sabes que o que fizeste está errado.
- What you did was wrong.
- O que tu fizeste foi errado.
Look, what he did was wrong, but you going along with it, then shooting him down, that was all right?
Olhe, o que ele fez estava errado, mas o que você fez não é melhor. Está certo matar?
Aron, your last season with me you did nothing but tell me what was wrong with our cars.
Aron, na sua última temporada comigo... tudo o que você fez foi dizer-me o que havia de errado com os nossos carros.
But what you did tonight was very wrong.
Mas o que fizeste esta noite foi errado.
What we did was wrong... but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay... telling you who we think we are.
O que fizemos foi errado... Mas achamos que o Sr. está louco de nos fazer escrever uma redação dizendo quem achamos que somos.
So what did he say was wrong with you?
Ele disse-te qual era o teu problema?
What you did tonight was wrong.
O que fez hoje foi errado.
What the military did to you was wrong, but maybe your testimony can help.
O que lhe fizeram foi errado. Mas talvez o seu testemunho ajude.
Whats wrong with you? What's wrong w- - You didn't tell me she was a hooker... and that she did porno films and had sex with hundreds and hundreds of men... and women and who the hell knows what else!
Não me disseste que era pêga, que fazia filmes pornográficos e que já foi para a cama com centenas de homens e mulheres, e sei lá que mais!
What you did was wrong.
Os Campos Elísios para pensar, como tenho Tartarus e os Prados de Asphodel!
Leigh-Anne, there's no question what you did was really wrong.
Leigh-Anne, não há dúvida que aquilo que fez não está correcto.
I don't know yet if it was wrong, what you did.
Não sei, ainda... Se foi errado o que fizeste.
Sometimes I wish that I had stayed, you know...,... stand up to him, tell him what he did was wrong...,... instead of running.
Não posso. Tenho medo de meu padrasto. Sabe?
What you did was wrong.
Não Raj.
You know, I guess it was wrong, what I did with Laurie.
Acho que foi errado o que fiz com a Laurie.
What he did to you was wrong.
O que ele fez com você foi errado.
Dr. Skoda, you say the defendant knows what he did was wrong by our standards.
Porque mentiu a Kristy em relação à sua idade? Quando estava no ponto para o Korska, já era mais velha que as outras miúdas, por isso eliminou uns anos.
You're upset, and what I did was so wrong.
Está chateado, e o que fiz foi muito errado.
What you did last night was terribly wrong.
O que fez ontem à noite foi errado.
My mother is one of those women that never did anything but raise children. So, if you came out wrong, like the opposite of what she was trying to make you into, then, you know her whole life is a failure.
A minha mãe nunca fez nada na vida além de educar os filhos, por isso se saíssemos mal, o contrário do que ela queria, a vida dela seria um fracasso.
It was wrong what you did.
O que fizeste foi errado.
What you did to me was wrong.
O que fizestes comigo foi errado.
If I can forgive myself for what I did to that woman today, maybe I can forgive you for trying to actually do right by me, even when it was wrong.
Se conseguir perdoar-me pelo que fiz hoje àquela mulher, talvez lhe perdoe por ter tentado fazer-me bem, embora fizesse mal.
Look, I know what he did was wrong and obviously you have some things to work out but he really needs you right now.
Olhe, sei que o que fez está mau e é evidente que têm problemas que resolver mas agora é quando mais a necessita.
Do you think what I did was wrong?
Achas que o que fiz foi errado?
I know what I did was wrong and I'm not gonna make excuses about it. I just... I just want you to know that I'm really, really sorry.
Sei que o que fiz foi errado e não vou inventar desculpas, mas... só quero que saibas que lamento mesmo muito e quero compensar-te.
What you did was very wrong.
O que fizeste foi muito errado.
chandler, would you just tell her what she did was wrong?
Chandler, diz-lhe que o que ela fez está errado.
- Did they tell you what was wrong?
- Disseram-te o que se passa?