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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Wheelock

Wheelock traduction Portugais

27 traduction parallèle
This mornin', one of the new men, Toby Wheelock, started roughing up that storekeeper, McGivern.
Esta manhã, um dos homens novos, o Toby Wheelock, começou a disparar até no comerciante, McGivern.
- It ain't McGivern, it's Wheelock.
Não é o McGivern, é o Wheelock.
McGivern knew Wheelock was one of my men.
O McGivern sabia que o Wheelock era um dos meus homens.
This man killed Toby Wheelock.
Este homem matou Toby Wheelock.
Henry Wheelock.
Henry Wheelock.
Where is Wheelock from?
De onde era Wheelock?
And how long after the Currys, did the Wheelocks get their baby?
Quanto tempo passou desde que os Curry receberam a sua criança e os Wheelock a sua?
Wheelock, New Providence, Pennsylvania.
Wheelock, New Providence, Pensilvânia.
How can I call Wheelock and tell him he's going to be killed by the people who gave him his baby?
Como telefonar para Wheelock e avisá-lo de que o vão matar as mesmas pessoas que lhe deram o seu filho?
And Mrs. Wheelock, is she at home?
E, a senhora Wheelock, está em casa?
Go down the stairs, Mr. Wheelock.
Desça as escadas, senhor Wheelock.
Mr. Wheelock.
Senhor Wheelock.
Mr. Wheelock!
Senhor Wheelock!
Did you kill Wheelock?
Matou o Wheelock?
Bobby Wheelock and ninety-three other boys are exact genetic duplicates of him.
Bobby Wheelock e noventa e três rapazes mais são exactos, duplicados genéticos dele.
I'd like an ambulance and a police car to the Wheelock residence on Old Buck Road, please.
Uma ambulância e um carro da polícia para casa dos Wheelock, em Old Buck, por favor.
Neither is Simon Harrington, nor Jack Curry or Bobby Wheelock.
Nem Simon Harrington, nem Jack Curry, nem Bobby Wheelock.
So tell me about this guy Wheelock. He contacted the power company. What else did he say?
Então, fala-me desse tipo, Wheelock, o teu contacto na central eléctrica.
This Chip Wheelock, the guy at ECH.
- Este Chip Wheelock, o da HCE...
Chip Wheelock, senior manager at East Coast Hydroelectric.
Chip Wheelock, gestor sénior da Hidroeléctrica da Costa Este.
- Sorry, Wheelock.
Desculpe, Wheelock.
- He told you I was Chip Wheelock? - Yeah.
- Ele disse-lhe que eu era o Chip Wheelock?
Stanzler told you that Wheelock would be here to lure you out. - Why?
O Stanzler disse-lhe que o Wheelock estaria cá para o atrair aqui.
Deputy wheelock.
Como vai?

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