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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Whiting

Whiting traduction Portugais

169 traduction parallèle
- Good morning, Mrs. Whiting.
- Bom dia, Sra. Whiting.
Take George to Mr Whiting, please.
Leve o George ao Sr Whiting, por favor.
There's grilled sardines, fillet of sole, fried whiting, brown-buttered skate, pike quenelles in Nantua sauce, blue trout...
Há sardinhas grelhadas, delícias de solha, merlão frito, peixe-espada gratinado, pescada em molho de Nantua, truta azul...
Mr. Plunkett, what is this whiting in a glaze?
Sr. Plunkett, o que é esta coisa esbranquiçada?
Oh, that would be a lovely whiting with bread crumbs.
É uma graciosa merluza com migalhas de pão...
And the whiting au nature?
E a merluza "au nature"?
Boiled whiting.
Merluza fervida.
So, what's the whiting vapor stuff?
E o que é esta merluza com fumaça?
That, my dear young one, would be whiting, steamed.
Isso, minha querida, é merluza no vapor.
Whiting bordeaux?
Merluza bordeaux?
Whiting bisque, madame?
Sopa de merluza, senhora?
The whiting bisque?
Sopa de merluza?
She couldn't take the whiting, either?
Ela também não pode suportar a merluza?
One day they hate the whiting... the next day, they have to have all five courses.
Numa noite odeiam Merluza... e no dia seguinte querem cinco pratos.
Don't you just love whiting?
Não gosta de merluza?
He shacked up with some babe over in Whiting.
Apanhou boleia de uma tipa em Whiting.
- No? Come down from Connecticut just to buy some whiting?
Vieram de Connecticut à procura de peixe?
I'm going to have to talk to H.R. About this Larry Whiting.
Tenho que falar com o RH sobre este Larry Whiting.
And this Whiting guy worked here at the Rampart...
E o tal Whiting trabalhava aqui.
A 98-year tradition of cheerleading excellence at CSC. Starting back with the remarkable Margaret Whiting in 1938.
Uma tradição de 98 anos de excelência de claques nesta universidade... iniciada com a fantástica Margaret Whiting... em 1938.
The only person he really talks to is Chuck Whiting.
A única pessoa com quem ele realmente fala é o Chuck Whiting.
Chuck Whiting was released from service the day after Grant.
O Chuck Whiting foi dispensado um dia depois do Grant.
And Chuck Whiting was in that firefight, right?
O Chuck Whiting esteve nesse tiroteio, não é?
What do you have on Chuck Whiting?
O que tens sobre o Chuck Whiting?
And Chuck Whiting was discharged without honors.
E o Chuck Whiting foi exonerado sem honras.
Chuck Whiting just showed up at his building, spotted the local PD and took off.
O Chuck Whiting apareceu no prédio, viu a polícia e fugiu.
- Have you talked to Whiting?
- Falou com o Whiting?
Also, according to that report... Grant and Whiting were in the vehicle with you that day. Is that correct?
De acordo com o relatório, o Grant e o Whiting estavam consigo no carro, no dia, não é?
And Whiting was released from active duty on the 20th... one day after Grant, but 90 days ahead of schedule.
E o Whiting for dispensado de trabalho activo no dia 20, um dia depois do Grant, mas 90 dias antes do esperado.
We suspected Whiting was making little looting forays on his days off.
Achámos que o Whiting andava a fazer um dinheiro extra nas folgas.
Why didn't you guys prosecute Whiting?
Por que não processaram o Whiting?
- What's going on with Chuck Whiting?
- O que se passa com o Chuck Whiting?
They found Whiting's Oldsmobile in the same parking lot.
Encontraram o carro antigo do Whiting no mesmo estacionamento.
You think we have enough for a warrant on Whiting's place?
Conseguimos um mandado de busca para a casa do Whiting?
These are the serial numbers of the cash we found in Chuck Whiting's place.
Estes são os números das notas que encontrámos na casa do Chuck Whiting.
- Chuck Whiting's a bank robber?
- O Chuck Whiting rouba bancos?
So then, he's Whiting's accomplice?
Então, o Grant é cúmplice do Whiting?
Chuck Whiting was just apprehended at a bus station in Buffalo.
O Chuck Whiting foi apanhado numa estação de camionetas em Buffalo.
Mr. Whiting, I'm Bennett Holiday.
Sr. Whiting, Bennett Holiday.
You know, if people in oil deals talked to U.S. Attorneys, there'd be no oil business.
Sabe... Se as transacções petrolíferas passassem pelos procuradores dos EUA, seria o fim das transacções petrolíferas. Bennett Holiday, conhece o Dean Whiting,
We should write thank-you notes to Mr. Whiting and the U.S.A for producing one-quarter of the world's garbage and one-quarter of the demand.
Devíamos agradecer formalmente ao Sr. Whiting e aos EUA por produzirem 1 / 4 do lixo mundial e 1 / 4 da procura.
I've heard of you, Mr. Whiting.
Já ouvi falar de si, Sr. Whiting.
Mr. Janus chairman of Connex and Dean Whiting, founding partner of your firm are proud members of the Committee to Liberate Iran.
O Sr. Janus, o presidente da Connex e o Dean Whiting, o fundador da sua firma são digníssimos membros da Comissão para a Libertação do Irão.
The business of Whiting Sloan is not under discussion at this time.
Não estamos a discutir a firma Whiting Sloan.
Dean Whiting who represents not only these aggrieved royals and my brother but also Connex Oil they've been pressuring my father to invalidate the Chinese contract.
O Dean Whiting que além de representar essa realeza ofendida e o meu irmão representa também a Connex Oil tem pressionado o meu pai para revogar o acordo com os chineses.
Hello, is this Mr. Whitting?
É o Sr. Whiting?
Yes, this is Mr. Whiting.
Sim, fala o Sr. Whiting.
Larry Whiting. 29.
Larry Whiting. 29 anos.
Did Larry Whiting... know Benny?
Larry Whiting conhecia Benny?
Thank you, Mr Whiting.
Obrigado, Sr. Whiting.
Bennett Holiday, you know Dean Whiting, founding partner of our firm.
- o sócio fundador da nossa firma?

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