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Whittaker traduction Portugais

216 traduction parallèle
Fred. Fred whittaker.
- Fred Withaker.
Miss Evie Turner and Mr John Whittaker.
Srta. Evie Turner e o Sr. John Whittaker.
My name's Annie Whittaker.
Chamo-me Annie Whittaker.
( Alison ) But Mr Whittaker! Mr Whittaker!
Mas, Sr. Whittaker!
Walt Whittaker.
- Walt Whittaker.
- You Mrs Whittaker?
- É a Sra. Whittaker?
My name is Walt Whittaker.
Chamo-me Walt Whittaker.
Aren't you that Whittaker fellow from out at Duck Head Point?
Não é o Whittaker, de Duck Head Point?
Walt... Pay mark to this, Whittaker Walt.
Fixe isto, Whittaker Walt.
- My name is Whittaker.
- Chamo-me Whittaker.
- Mr Walt Whittaker?
- Sr. Walter Whittaker? - Sim.
Lady, you and Whittaker Walt, you have nice conversation some other day, yes?
Senhora, a senhora e Whittaker Walt, podem ter conversa simpática noutro dia, sim?
Whittaker Walt, you have some idea of getting men from boat place.
Teve a ideia de ir buscar homens ao sítio dos barcos. Não!
Whittaker Walt, if you're a man who makes prayers, this is time for special prayer that all is going well.
Whittaker Walt, se és homem de fazer rezas, é altura de uma reza para que tudo corra bem.
- Name's Whittaker.
- Chama-se Whittaker.
But you, Whittaker Walt, you are crazy too?
Mas tu, Whittaker Walt, também estares doido?
- Whittaker Walt, this is very bad.
Whittaker Walt, isto é muito mau.
Whittaker Walt.
Whittaker Walt.
Walt Whittaker, and he's telling the truth.
Walt Whittaker. Ele está a dizer a verdade.
I'm Frank Forrester.
Eu sou o Alex Whittaker. Eu sou Frank Forrester.
Speaking of poor, innocent men... have you finished your brief on the Whittaker appeal?
A propósito de inocente, já terminou o recurso do Whittaker?
The Whittaker case is a raw nerve with Sloane.
O processo de Whitaker é do Sloane.
His name is Marcus Whittaker.
Marcus Whittaker.
Murder suspect Marcus Whittaker... accused of beating Audrey Price to death in her apartment... was arrested in the early morning hours in his janitor quarters... of this West L.A. apartment building.
O suspeito Marcus Whittaker, acusado de espancar Audrey Price até á morte foi preso esta manhã nos arredores do seu apartamento em Los Angeles.
Marcus Whittaker has an unusual benefactor in this case... his employer, real estate magnate Michael Metzger... whose company owns the building in which the murder took place.
Whittaker um benfeitor excepcional : o seu empregado, Michael Metzger, proprietário do imóvel onde ocorreu o assassínio.
Audrey Price's death is a tragedy. But Marcus Whittaker shouldn't be forced to take the rap... for the sloppy handling of this investigation.
A morte de Audrey Price é trágica, mas Whittaker não devia ficar com as culpas de uma má investigação.
Mr. Whittaker is the only possible perpetrator.
Mr. Whittaker é o único culpado possível.
- The Whittaker trial?
- O caso Whittaker.
Michael Metzger buys Whittaker the most expensive lawyer in the city... and the guy drops the ball.
Michael Metzger paga ao Whittaker o advogado mais caro e ele perde.
We had witnesses... who said that Marcus Whittaker was obsessed with Audrey Price.
Tínhamos testemunhas que diziam que Whittaker estava obcecado pela Audrey Price.
Marcus Whittaker was guilty of murder.
Whittaker foi culpado de assassínio.
Mr. Whittaker suffers from a severe learning disability.
Mr. Whittaker sofre de uma deficiência.
Bradley, will you check my brief for the Whittaker hearing?
Podes ver o meu resumo do recurso Whitaker?
I wanted to congratulate you on the Whittaker appeal.
Parabéns pelo recurso do Whittaker.
On the record in People vs. Whittaker... the court hearing a defense motion to present new evidence.
No caso Whittaker, a defesa tem novas provas.
To assign it to another attorney is to deny Marcus Whittaker a chance at fair representation.
Designar outro advogado é negar a Marcus Whittaker uma defesa justa.
Mr. Sloane, you represented Marcus Whittaker to the very best of your ability.
Mr. Sloane, representou Marcus Whittaker o melhor que soube, certo?
- Marcus Whittaker would gladly testify to it under oath.
Marcus Whittaker poderá testemunhar.
Only before you got there, Mr. Whittaker arrived.
Só que antes de lá chegar, Mr. Whittaker chegou.
Mr Whittaker called. Mr Howard rang again for a response on the Jensens case. And Judge Russo asked about golf.
O Sr. WhitaKer telefonou e o Sr. Howard quer uma resposta sobre o caso janson e o juiz Russo não desiste do golfe.
Lois! You wanna do this Whittaker thing today?
Lois, queres tratar hoje do caso WhitaKer?
Cancel this Whittaker thing and call Clyde, tell him what's happening.
Cancela isso do WhitaKer, telefona ao Clyde e conta-lhe o que se passa.
Susan Whittaker, BCT.
Susan Whittaker, BCT.
She didn't let me get to Whittaker Chambers and the secret pumpkin.
Não me deixou chegar ao Whittaker Chambers e à abóbora secreta.
- Mackie Whittaker.
- Mackie Whittaker.
Mackie Whittaker, man.
Mackie Whittaker.
Mr Whittaker!
Sr. Whittaker!
I wanted to ask you some questions... about the Whittaker trial. I understand that.
Eu sei.
Marcus Whittaker?
Marcus Whittaker.
- I did a paper... the People vs. Whittaker, at UCLA.
- Fiz um trabalho sobre o caso.
Mr. Whittaker, is there an attorney you'd like to represent you?
Tem algum advogado que queira que o represente?

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