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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Why would you want that

Why would you want that traduction Portugais

334 traduction parallèle
Why would you want that nice pin?
E para que querias um alfinete tão bonito?
- Why would you want that?
- Por que queres fazer isso?
Why would you want that piece of shit when you got a ride like this?
Porque iria querer aquela merda quando tem essa máquina?
And you can't get callused, because each fresh hurt stings like the first. Why would you want that?
Por que alguém desejaria isso?
Why would you want that short-haired Judy head?
Porque haveria de querer a cabeça com cabelo curto?
But why would you want to know that just now?
Porque quer saber isso agora?
Hey, why would you want to go walking off into that?
Ouça, por que quereria ir caminhar no deserto?
Why would you want to see unhealthy stuff like that?
Porque gostavas de ver um filme tão sem graça assim?
Assuming that's a lie, why would you want me attracted to her?
Presumindo que isso é mentira, porque quereriam que eu me sentisse atraído?
Why in the world would he want to hit me? Are you sure that's all you said to him, just that you didn't like his necktie? That's all I said to him, Chief.
Certamente fez, 99, mas tem que admitir que a minha simulação de medo não foi nada má.
Why would you want to ask me... I already know you planted the phone bugs for Mr. Dobbs. I'm not worried about that.
Já sei que colocou as escutas a pedido do Sr. Dobbs mas isso não me preocupa.
Why on earth would you want to be that?
Porque raios querias ser isso?
Why would I... All right, if you really want to know, I came to apologise for the incident just now, when I thought she was that girl in Johnson's room, you know, when I put my hand on the...
Se queres saber a verdade, vim pedir desculpa pelo que aconteceu, por a ter confundido com a do quarto do Johnson, quando pus a mão...
Why would you want to do that?
Now, why would you want to do a thing like that?
Para que quer fazer isso?
- Why would you want to know that?
- Porque quer saber isso?
Why would the Ghost of Christmas Present - that's me - want to eat a distasteful little miser like you?
Por que o Espírito do Natal Presente, que sou eu, iria comer um avarento insípido como você?
Assuming that's a lie, why would you want me attracted to her?
Supondo que seja uma mentira, porque queriam que me sentisse atraído?
Excelsior? Why in God's name would you want that bucket of bolts?
Para que queres tu um calhambeque daqueles?
Why would you want to do that?
- Porquê?
Why would you want to do that?
Entrar de volta na prisão? Porque haverias de fazer isso?
Why would you want to go back to that dirty little town?
Porque queres voltar para aquela cidadezinha suja?
Why would you get a tattoo that you didn't really want?
Porque é que deixarias que te tatuassem se não querias?
- Why would you want to do that for?
- Para que é que vai fazer isso?
Why the hell would you want to call me that?
Por que foram chamar me assim?
Why would you want to fly for a country that thanks you by lynching you?
Porque quer voltar a um país que te agradece com um linchamento?
Why would you want to do that? Why?
Por que quererias fazer uma coisa dessas?
That's why I'm asking you to show them the same compassion that you would want.
Pode acontecer a qualquer um. Tenho que arranjar forma de tirar Àticus daqui.
Why would you want to do that?
Porque quereria fazer isso?
Then why would you want to go into that with me?
- E então porque queres vir comigo?
- Why would you want to do that?
- E porque quer vir?
Why would you want to know that?
Por quê você quer saber disso?
- Why would you want to do that?
Vou contar como tratei de tudo.
Why would you want to change that?
Por que ias querer mudar isso?
- Why would you want to do that?
- Por que havias de dizer?
But why would you assume that a ULF would want to kill us?
Por que presumes que uma FVD quererá matar-nos?
Why would you want to do that?
Porque queres fazer isso?
Well, why would you want to do that?
Porquê é que quererias fazer isso?
Not that I would pretend to know what you do want... or why you brought him to Em City in the first place.
Não é que pretenda saber o que quer... ou por que o trouxe para Cidade Esmeralda.
Now, why would I want you to do that?
E porque deixaria fazer isso?
Now why would you want to do that?
E por que você iria querer isso?
Why would I want you to do that?
Por que eu iria querer que você fizesse isso?
Why is it, would you say, that some people seem to get whatever they want in life?
Por que será que algumas pessoas conseguem ter tudo o que querem na vida?
Now you want me to risk my ass busting into some place, probably disable some fancy little alarm system, then you want me to play doorman for you and your rich little friends. Now you tell me- - why in the hell would I want to do something like that?
Diz-me lá por que raio havia eu de querer fazer uma coisa dessas?
So, why would you want to tamper with such a rosy timeline? To answer that,
Para responder a isso, eu teria de lhe dizer mais do que você quer saber.
Now, why on earth would you want to counteract that?
Por que diabo quer contradizer isso?
Why would we want him now that we have you?
Porque quereríamo-lo a ele agora que te temos?
You could probably run that power plant. Why would I want all that responsibility?
Provavelmente, poderia monitorar toda aquela sessão de força.
Why in the world would you want to do that?
Porque é que fariam isso?
Why would you want to do that?
Porque é que querem fazer uma coisa dessas?
Why would you want to do that?
Porque queria fazer isso?

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