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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Why wouldn't you tell me

Why wouldn't you tell me traduction Portugais

105 traduction parallèle
I'd like to know why you had gall to tell Kenneth he wouldn't have to worry much longer about David and me.
Porque disseste ao Kenneth que não pensasse em mim e no David?
- No, I wouldn't like you to tell me why.
- Não, não quero que me diga porquê?
Will you tell me now why you were so sure I wouldn't give you away?
Quer me contar agora, porque estava tão seguro que não iria traí-lo?
Why do you suppose they wouldn't tell me?
Porque é que achas que eles não me contaram?
Tell me, can you see any reason why men wouldn't like my legs?
Diga-me... Vê alguma razão para os homens não gostarem das minhas pernas?
No, I wouldn't like you to tell me why...
Não, não quero que você diga por quê...
will you tell me why CatareIIa wouldn't let me in?
Entre! Pode saber-se porque é que o Catarella não me deixa entrar?
Why wouldn't you tell me?
Por que não me contaste?
Well, why don't you tell the governor yourself? Oh, he wouldn't listen to me.
Porque não fala você com o governador?
You knew where the kid was, you knew where the kid was and you wouldn't tell me- - why? - What kid?
- Porque não me disse onde estava o miúdo?
You knew... Why wouldn't you tell me?
Ela não é muito boa com pessoas novas.
Why wouldn't my dad want to operate? - You tell me.
Porque não quereria o meu pai operar?
Why wouldn't you tell me that? - That changes everything.
Porque não me disseste, é que isso muda tudo!
You came back, why wouldn't you ever tell me what you saw?
Tu voltaste. Por que não me dizes o que viste lá?
Why wouldn't you have the decency to tell me?
Porque é que não tiveste a decência de pelo menos me contar?
Why wouldn't you tell me?
Porque não me contarias?
Why wouldn't you tell me before you went and tell me now?
Porque não me contaste antes de ires e contas agora?
I don't understand why - why wouldn't you tell me before you went and tell me now?
Eu não compreendo porque não contaste antes de ires e contas-me agora.
Why wouldn't you tell me- - It wasn't relevant.
- Porque não me disseste? - Era irrelevante. - Porquê?
Why wouldn't you tell me something like this?
Porque não me contaste?
And I don't understand why you wouldn't you tell me something like this.
E eu não entendo porque não me contaste.
Why wouldn't you just tell me?
Porque é que não me disseste?
Why don't you humor us and tell me something Luthor would know and a spy wouldn't?
Porque não nos conta algo que apenas Luthor saberia?
- Why wouldn't you tell me?
- Porque não me contaste?
Okay, why wouldn't you tell me about the kiss?
Porque não me contaste do beijo?
And why wouldn't you tell me?
Por que não mo disseste?
Why wouldn't you just tell me?
Porque não me contaste?
Why wouldn't you tell me that? Why would I tell you?
- Porque não me disseste nada?
Why wouldn't you tell me?
Porque não me contaste?
Why wouldn't you want to tell me?
- Por que não haverias de me dizer?
- Why wouldn't you tell me?
- Porque não me disseste a mim?
Why wouldn't you tell me that she's haunted?
Porque não me disseste que ela está assombrada?
Why wouldn't you just tell me that?
Por que não me disseste?
Why wouldn't you tell me this?
Porque não me contaste?
Why wouldn't you tell me that?
- O quê? Porque nunca me contaste?
I mean, you're my twin brother. Why wouldn't you want to tell me?
És o meu irmão gémeo, porque não quererias dizer-me?
Well, why the hell wouldn't anyone tell me- - You were already on your way back.
- Por que ninguém me disse logo que...
Why wouldn't you just tell me you were mad?
Porque não me disseste simplesmente que estavas zangado?
Tell me one more time why you wouldn't say two black guys robbed your store?
Diz-me mais uma vez porque é que não querias dizer que dois pretos te roubaram a loja?
Why wouldn't you tell me you brought somebody on to watch the grounds?
Porque não me contaste que trouxeste alguém para vigiar a propriedade?
Why wouldn't you tell me that?
Porque não me disseste?
Why wouldn't you tell me something like that?
Porque não me contaste?
Okay, why wouldn't you tell me they were coming when I asked you specifically?
Porque não me disseste que eles estavam a vir quando te perguntei exactamente isso?
Wait. Why wouldn't you just tell ellie That you went to the petting zoo with me?
Porque é que não disseste à Ellie que foste ao jardim zoológico comigo?
But if you were protecting Amy, why wouldn't you tell me?
Mas, se estavas a proteger a Amy, porque não me disseste?
You know, the other night, when you were going to the gala, she was crying the whole way over to your house and she wouldn't tell me why.
Sabe, naquela noite, quando você foi à festa de gala... ela chorou durante todo o caminho até a sua casa... e não me disse por quê.
- What? - Why wouldn't you tell me that before?
Por que não disses te isso antes?
Why wouldn't you tell me?
Porque não mo disseste?
- Well, she didn't have a ring on her finger. - Why wouldn't you tell me that?
Por que não me contas?
- It's... - Why wouldn't you tell me that?
Por que não me disseste?
Why wouldn't you tell me?
Porque não me querias dizer?

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