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Wilfrid traduction Portugais

86 traduction parallèle
Teeny-weeny steps, now.
Passinhos pequenos, agora, Sir Wilfrid.
Sir Wilfrid, if you don't mind, I'd like to read you a poem to welcome you back.
Sir Wilfrid, se não se importar, gostaria de ler um poema de boas vindas ao seu retorno.
I'm not a religious man, but when they carted you off, I went out and lit a candle.
Não sou um homem religioso, Sir Wilfrid, mas quando o levaram, eu acendi uma vela.
- 2 : 30, Sir Wilfrid.
- 2 : 30, Sir Wilfrid.
We called him Wilfrid the fox.
Nós o chamávamos, Wilfrid a raposa.
Is it possible to see Sir Wilfrid?
Será possível falar com Sir Wilfrid?
Sir Wilfrid has all that he can handle.
Sir Wilfrid não pode aceitar nada.
Absolutely not, Mr. Mayhew. Sir Wilfrid is still convalescent.
Absolutamente não, Sr. Mayhew, Sir Wilfrid ainda está convalescente.
Olá, Wilfrid.
Sir Wilfrid!
Sir Wilfrid!
I wish you could help us, Wilfrid, but I quite understand. Take care of yourself.
Gostaria que nos ajudasse, Wilfrid, mas eu compreendo.
Sir Wilfrid, please.
Sir Wilfrid, por favor.
I distinctly told Sir Wilfrid no criminal cases.
Eu disse claramente a Sir Wilfrid. Nada de casos criminais.
- Sir Wilfrid!
- Sir Wilfrid!
Sir Wilfrid is a barrister.
Sir Wilfrid é advogado.
- I second Sir Wilfrid's recommendation.
- Concordo com a recomendação de Sir Wilfrid.
Sir Wilfrid, I have never known such insubordination.
Sir Wilfrid, eu nunca vi uma insubordinação dessas.
If you were a housewife, you'd see it right away.
Se fosse dona de casa, Sir Wilfrid, saberia imediatamente.
Tell Sir Wilfrid about the evening of the murder.
Conte para Sir Wilfrid sobre a noite do assassinato.
- That's very kind of you, Sir Wilfrid.
- Muita gentileza da sua parte, Sir Wilfrid.
Either you take care of yourself or I, too, shall resign.
Sir Wilfrid, ou o senhor se cuida ou, eu também, me vou demitir.
- I am Wilfrid Robarts.
- Sou Wilfrid Robarts.
Come now, Sir Wilfrid, you must not think of it.
Venha logo, Sir Wilfrid, não deve pensar em nada.
Don't you agree, Sir Wilfrid?
Concorda, Sir Wilfrid?
Sir Wilfrid?
Sir Wilfrid?
- Go right ahead, Sir Wilfrid.
- Vá em frente, Sir Wilfrid.
Do not worry, Sir Wilfrid.
Não se preocupe, Sir Wilfrid.
Oh, I'm sorry, Wilfrid.
Oh, desculpe-me, Wilfrid.
Sir Wilfrid.
Sir Wilfrid.
And my learned friends Sir Wilfrid Robarts and Mr. Brogan-Moore appear for the defense.
E os meus distintos colegas Sir Wilfrid Robarts e Sr. Brogan-Moore actuam pela defesa.
I trust we are not to be deprived of the learned and stimulating presence of Sir Wilfrid?
Confio que não seremos privados da distinta e estimulante presença de Sir Wilfrid.
My lord, may I assure my learned friend that Sir Wilfrid is in the Old Bailey.
Excelência, asseguro ao meu distinto amigo que Sir Wilfrid se encontra em Old Bailey.
My lord, may I express my regret that Sir Wilfrid is even slightly incapacitated.
Excelência, posso expressar o meu pesar por Sir Wilfrid estar ligeiramente incapacitado?
Be a good, brave boy, Sir Wilfrid.
Seja um rapaz bom e valente, Sir Wilfrid.
Now, Sir Wilfrid, in the courtroom, you must avoid overexcitement.
Sir Wilfrid, no Tribunal, procure evitar muita excitação.
Mr. Myers, Sir Wilfrid has joined us just in time to catch you on a point of grammar.
Sr. Myers, Sir Wilfrid juntou-se a nós justo a tempo de apanhá-lo numa questão gramatical.
Let us not surmise, Sir Wilfrid, but confine ourselves to facts.
Deixemos as conjecturas de lado, Sir Wilfrid, para nos atermos aos factos.
Have you, in fact, concluded your examination of the prisoner, Sir Wilfrid?
Terminou, de facto, o interrogatório do acusado, Sir Wilfrid?
Good evening, Sir Wilfrid.
Boa noite, Sir Wilfrid.
Oh, Sir Wilfrid.
Oh, Sir Wilfrid.
- You'd better slip these on, Sir Wilfrid.
- Será bom que as prove, Sir Wilfrid.
Suba, Sir Wilfrid.
- Wilfrid, do you think she lied?
- Wilfrid, acha que ela mentiu?
- This Sir Wilfrid Robarts'place?
- É da casa de Sir Wilfrid Robarts?
This is Wilfrid Robarts speaking.
É Wilfrid Robarts quem fala.
- Where to, Sir Wilfrid?
- Para onde, Sir Wilfrid?
Sir Wilfrid, where are you going?
Sir Wilfrid, onde vai?
- You wouldn't be Sir Wilfrid, would you?
- Será você Sir Wilfrid, será?
That is, if Sir Wilfrid is at all interested in our proceedings.
Isto é, se Sir Wilfrid tiver algum interesse no processo.
What is this new evidence, Sir Wilfrid?
E agora, qual é esta nova prova, Sir Wilfrid?
Wilfrid the fox!
Wilfrid, a raposa!

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