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Wings traduction Portugais

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I remember Colin Chapman arrived at 4 : 00 in the morning, and he'd suddenly had this dream... huge wings.
Eu lembro-me que o Colin Chapman chegou às 4 : 00 da manhã, e de repente teve este sonho asas enormes.
Chapman ordered his mechanics to expand the wings the morning of the race for his defending champion,
Chapman ordenou aos seus mecânicos que aumentassem as asas na manhã da corrida para o defensor do título,
We could see from the pits the wings appear to start to buckle.
Conseguíamos ver das boxes que as asas começavam a ceder.
Rindt's wings collapsed at the same turn in the track.
As asas do Rindt colapsaram na mesma curva da pista.
At practice, we often decided to take the wings off the car.
Nos treinos, nós frequentemente decidíamos tirar as asas dos carros.
Seventy-five percent of the drivers take the wings off.
75 % dos pilotos tiram as asas.
The wings were off my car, and the car was absolutely, for me, undrivable.
As asas estavam fora do meu carro, e o carro estava absolutamente, para mim, inguiável.
Jochen felt the only way he was gonna go really fast was to get rid of the wings and sort of hang the consequences.
Jochen sentia que a única forma de ser realmente rápido era de se livrar das asas e acarretar com as consequências.
But the 72 had never been raced without wings.
Mas o 72 nunca tinha corrido sem as asas
You search your brain to see if there's something that you've done wrong, but jochen, he said, "leave the wings off," he said, "for sure."
Procuramos na nossa mente para ver se houve alguma coisa que fizemos de errado, mas o Jochen, ele disse,'deixa as asas de fora', ele disse,'de certeza'.
And on the wings of aerodynamics, a new stable of young guns arrived to fill the empty drivers'seats.
E nas asas da aerodinâmica, um novo estábulo de novos rapazes chegou para preencher os lugares vazios dos pilotos.
Everyone else had their spanners out, wings are going up.
Toda a gente tinha as suas ferramentas à mão. Asas estavam a ser tiradas.
Well, now, James, they've changed the regulations concerning the wings, and yet you're still extremely fast.
Bom, agora, James, que eles mudaram as regras em relação às asas, e no entanto continuas a ser incrivelmente rápido.
They are now sculpting intricate patterns onto the panel, like this vulture, a deity whose wings offer protection to the king.
Estão agora a esculpir padrões confusos no painel como este abutre, uma divindade cujas asas oferecem proteção ao rei.
" He shall cover thee and under His wings shalt thou trust.
" Ele cobrir-te-á com as suas penas, e sob elas encontrarás refúgio.
And her wings are so beautiful like a dragonfly.
Tinha umas asas muito bonitas, como as asas de uma libelinha.
But these wings though, they're...
Mas estas asas, embora sejam...
The locals started throwing chicken wings...
- asas de frango...
Chicken wings. Before I forget, let me, uh... Right.
- Asas de frango, certo.
Sprout wings and soar towards warming embrace of fucking Apollo?
Que brotemos asas e voemos em direção ao abraço caloroso de Apolo?
American and English bomber wings are already on their way.
Bombardeiros americanos e ingleses já vêm a caminho.
That's-that's the body and those... those are the wings.
Aquele é o corpo e aquelas são as asas.
"The flutter of a butterfly's wings."
"A vibração da borboleta...".
You got a thing for wings, don't you?
Tens uma queda por asas, não é?
As soon as their wings dry out, they will take to the air.
Assim que as asas secarem, elas lançam-se nos céus.
Enough for chicken wings.
Suficiente para as asas de galinha.
She said she would dream some nights about escaping by climbing to the roof and flying away on butterfly wings.
Ela disse-me que sonhava fugir dali que escalava até ao tecto e voava para longe nas asas de uma borboleta.
I would fly, but I - - I have no wings, not anymore.
Até voava mas já não tenho asas.
What's an angel without its wings?
O que é um anjo sem asas?
Look at my wings!
Olha para as asas!
♪ Thank God for you The wind beneath my wings. ♪
Graças a Deus pelo vento debaixo das minhas asas...
And I'm telling you... the guys bring the ball down the wings, left defender can save the game.
Estou a dizer... Se passarem a bola ao ala, só o defesa-lateral esquerdo salva o jogo.
Her nose wings were not dilated. She wasn't going off some script, she meant every word she was saying.
As asas do nariz dizem que ela não estava a ler um roteiro, queria dizer aquilo que disse.
Nose wings.
- "Asas do nariz".
All right, will you tell him I got a... big plate of wings from Side Street waiting for him here on me, okay?
Diz-lhe que tenho um... grande prato de asas da Street Side à espera dele aqui comigo, está bem?
♪ I got wings, you got wings ♪
Eu tenho asas Tu tens asas
♪ all God's children got wings ♪
Todos os filhos de Deus têm asas
And some free buffalo wings?
E umas asas de frango grátis?
I was expecting wings and a halo.
Esperava asas e uma auréola.
I like that picture of the sneaker with the wings.
LUTAR - FUGIR Gosto da fotografia dos ténis com as asas.
With wings?
Com as asas?
He didn't receive his wings.
Ele não recebeu as suas asas.
Okay, fine, but you know, you still have a right to speak up and say what you want, even if that's doling out water wings.
Sim, mas sabes que ainda tens o direito de falar e dizeres o que queres mesmo que seja querer ter um filho.
Well, I could go and buy you some water wings in the gift shop.
Bem eu podia ir comprar-te umas braçadeiras na loja das prendas.
How about that? Okay, he gets his wings, and I will fly with him, okay?
Se ele conseguir a licença, eu voo com ele, está bem?
Is that chicken wings?
Isso são assas de frango?
- Oh, chicken wings!
- Assas de frango!
- Chicken wings, yeah.
- Assas de frango, sim.
♪ She said spread your wings
* Ela disse :'Abre as asas'*
Daddy took me out to lunch and we had chicken wings, and I told him about the invasion drill we had at school today.
- Fixe. O papá levou-me para almoçar, e comi asas de frango... e contei sobre a invasão falsa da escola.
( SINGING ) Spread your tiny wings and fly away!
Vá lá!

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