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Wirtz traduction Portugais

9 traduction parallèle
I'm Raymond Wirtz, in charge of security for the Langford organization.
Raymond Wirtz, responsável de segurança da organização Langford.
Are you Madeline Wirtz?
És a Madeline Wirtz?
Maddy Wirtz.
Maddy Wirtz.
It is my intention to establish that Vic Bedford built up enough of a rappon with your Majors Winz and fusseI to engage in the framing of Lamar Archer, conspiring with them in the tent spike incident, which resulted in Archer's death.
A minha intenção é provar que o Vic Bedford se dava suficientemente bem com os seus majores Wirtz e Fussel para poder incriminar Lamar Archer, conspirando com eles no incidente da estaca da tenda, que resultou na morte do Archer.
five minutes later, Colonel Visser and Major Winz enter Barracks 22, and destroy a hidden radio that they had been trying to locate for months.
Cinco minutos depois, o Coronel Visser e o Major Wirtz entram na Caserna 22, e destroem um rádio escondido que andavam a tentar localizar há meses.
Wire it to him, but not to his headquarters. Go through Al Wirtz.
Transfira-lhos, mas não pelo comité.
Then I want to talk to mayor daley and pat brown in California.
Através do Al Wirtz. Depois, quero falar com o Matt Daley e o Pat Brown na Califórnia.

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