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Wuthering traduction Portugais

60 traduction parallèle
Wuthering Heights was a lovely place in those days... full of summertime and youth and happy voices.
O Monte dos Vendavais era um local encantador nesse tempo... cheio de calor e de vozes jovens e felizes.
And as the children grew up, Hindley was indeed master of Wuthering Heights.
E enquanto as crianças cresciam, Hindley tornou-se de facto no... dono da casa do Monte dos Vendavais.
After some happy weeks, Mr. Edgar brought her back to Wuthering Heights.
Após alguma semanas felizes, o Sr. Edgar trouxe-a de volta ao Monte dos Vendavais.
The angels were so angry, they flung me out in the middle of the heath... on top of Wuthering Heights.
Os anjos estavam tão zangados, que me atiraram para o meio do prado... no topo do Monte dos Vendavais.
That's not to be found at Wuthering Heights.
Não os deve encontrar no Monte dos Vendavais.
I've just bought Wuthering Heights- - the house, the stock and the moors.
Acabei de comprar o Monte dos Vendavais... a casa, o recheio e os terrenos.
I'll have Wuthering Heights back.
Eu recuperarei o Monte dos Vendavais, estás a ouvir?
What brings you to Wuthering Heights?
O que te traz ao Monte dos Vendavais?
Many months later at Wuthering Heights... during one of Dr. Kenneth's increasingly rare visits- -
Muitos meses depois no Monte dos Vendavais... durante uma das cada vez mais raras visitas do Dr. Kenneth...
It's on the hill... beyond Wuthering Heights.
Na colina... por detrás do Monte dos Vendavais.
Now here's Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.
Agora, aqui está Wuthering Heights por Emily Bronte.
From Emily Brontë's'Wuthering Heights and from the'International Guide to Semaphore Code',
A partir do Wuthering Heights de Emily Brontë e a partir do Guia Internacional do Código das Bandeiras a Twentieth Century Vole apresenta :
Twentieth Century Vole presents'The Semaphore Version of Wuthering Heights'.
A Versão em Bandeiras do Wuthering Heights.
- Wuthering Heights.
- "O Monte dos Vendavais."
i always fancied playing heathcliff in "wuthering heights."
Pois é... sim. Sempre quis fazer de Heathcliff em "O Monte dos Vendavais".
And wuthering heights.
- E o "Wedderind Highs".
Lockwood has stumbled into the end of a strange story... a story that began 30 years before when an old man returned to Wuthering Heights... weary after a long journey.
Lockwood chegou no fim desta estranha história. Uma história que começou 30 anos atrás... Quando um homem voltou ao Morro dos Ventos Uivantes... exausto... após a longa jornada.
And eventually, Cathy turned away from her old life at Wuthering Heights.
Eventualmente, Catherine deu as costas à sua... antiga vida no Morro dos Ventos Uivantes.
At Wuthering Heights.
No Morro dos Ventos Uivantes.
Hindley Earnshaw invited you to stay at Wuthering Heights?
Hindley Earnshaw convidou-o a ficar lá?
I am the owner of Wuthering Heights now.
Eu sou o dono do Morro dos Ventos Uivantes agora.
Why do you forbid me to visit Wuthering Heights?
Por que me proíbe de visitar o Morro dos Ventos Uivantes?
Perhaps Uncle Edgar has forbidden you to visit Wuthering Heights.
Talvez o tio Edgar a tenha proibido de visitar o... Morro dos Ventos Uivantes.
I've come to fetch you home to Wuthering Heights.
Vim avisá-la que sua casa é no Morro dos Ventos Uivantes.
He's robbed you of Wuthering Heights.
Ele lhe roubou o Morro dos Ventos.
Wuthering Heights?
Wuthering Heights?
Wuthering Heights.
De Wuthering Heights.
I was wondering if you'd ever read this. It's called Wuthering Heights.
Já leu "O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes"?
- It's Miss Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights.
- É a srta Earnshaw de Wuthering Heights.
The angels were so angry, they flung me out on top of Wuthering Heights.
Os anjos ficaram tão raivosos, que me jogaram do topo da montanha.
At Wuthering Heights.
Em Wuthering Heights.
I was at Wuthering Heights.
Eu estava em Wuthering Heights.
You're welcome to visit him at Wuthering Heights whenever you wish.
És bem-vindo para visitá-lo em Wuthering Heights sempre que quiser.
Father has forbidden me to isit you at uthering Heights
Meu pai me proibiu de visitá-lo em Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights.
O Monte dos Vendavais.
Wuthering Heights, Tess of the d'Urbervilles?
Que novelas formidáveis. Wuthering Heights, Tess de d'Urbervilles?
I can't get through Wuthering Heights.
Eu não consigo perceber o Alturas Uivantes.
I read Wuthering Heights every Christmas.
Leio O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes todos os Natais.
"Wuthering Heights by Ellis Bell."
"O Monte dos Vendavais", de Alice Bell.
It's the plot of Wuthering Heights.
Isso é a trama do "Montes dos Vendavaís".
Chuck and I played Wuthering Heights in it.
Eu e o Chuck encenámos "O Monte dos Vendavais" com ele.
Reminds me of the kind of place where, like, Wuthering Heights...
Este lugar faz-me lembrar de lugares como Wuthering Heights.
Oh, Wuthering Heights.
Wuthering Heights, sim.
Oh, okay. Wuthering Heights.
Wuthering Heights.
Mrs. Gessler, do you know the name of Catherine Earnshaw's immortal beloved in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights?
Sra. Gessler, sabe o nome do eterno amado da Catherine Earnshaw no "Monte dos Vendavais", da Emily Bronte?
I made you turn off the o.C. And read wuthering heights.
Fiz-te desistir da "O.C." e pus-te a ler "O Morro dos Ventos".
It wasn't wuthering heights, it was the exorcist.
Não era "O Morro dos Ventos", era "O Exorcista".
Oh, Emily, Wuthering Heights was truly splendid.
Emily, "Wuthering Heights" foi mesmo magnifico.
That's "Wuthering Heights."
Isto é "O Monte dos Vendavais".
We were watching Wuthering Heights.
- Estávamos a ver "O Monte dos vendavais".
from Wuthering Heights.
"Morro dos Ventos Uivantes".

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