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Yardarm traduction Portugais

29 traduction parallèle
I'll live to see you, all of you hanging from the highest yardarm in the British fleet!
Viverei para vos ver a todos enforcados no mais alto lais de verga da frota britânica!
We'll see Portsmouth again and we'll see Fletcher Christian hanging from a yardarm and every pirate with him.
Voltaremos a ver Portsmouth e veremos o Christian enforcado num lais de verga juntamente com todos piratas.
A yardarm.
Um lais de verga.
Unless he's hanging from a yardarm, not one of His Majesty's ships is safe.
Se näo for enforcado, os navios reais näo estaräo a salvo.
Well, Sir Henry, do we run him through hang him... from the yardarm... or start dancing the minuet?
Sir Henry o atravessamos, enforcamos ou bailamos ao minueto?
I don't know which I'd rather see hanging from a yardarm, you or Leech.
Não sei se prefiro vê-la enforcada ou o Leech.
At the same time I'll request the privilege of being present when Narbonne has you hanged from your own yardarm.
Ao mesmo tempo eu requero o privilégio de estar presente quando o Narbonne te mandar enforcar no teu proprio barco.
Aye, and if he catches us, we'll hang from the yardarm.
Sim, e se ele nos apanha, vai pendurar-nos nos braços do varandim.
And another thing, if I have any trouble from the crew, I'll hang every one of you from the yardarm.
E outra coisa, se eu tiver algum problema com a tripulação, vou pendurar-vos um a um nos braços do varandim.
We ought to hang him from the yardarm. "
Deviam enforcá-lo ".
If you are about to suggest that by some manner or means there's been any dereliction of duty aboard this vessel I will see to it that the culprit hangs from the highest yardarm on the ship.
Se está a sugerir que através de alguma forma ou meio houve um rude desrespeito do dever a bordo deste navio, certificar-me-ei que o culpado seja pendurado num lais de verga.
If the PM gets to hear of this, he'll hang me from the yardarm.
Se o Primeiro-Ministro souber, manda-me fuzilar.
It's the yardarm for you.
Estou-te avisando.
If I may make so bold, they'd look very well hanging from the yardarm.
Se me permitem a ousadia, eles ficariam muito bem pendurados na verga.
So, pirate that I am, I find myself obliged to have your hanged from... the yardarm of your beloved "Neptune".
Então, sendo eu um pirata, vejo-me obrigados a enforca-lo... no mastro do seu amado "Neptuno".
You'll swing from the highest yardarm in Titan Docking Port for this,
Vou vê-lo nadar para vem longe no porto de Titan por isto,
We do it now, or I'll hang him from a yardarm!
Ou tratamos dissojá, ou penduro-o do lais da verga!
You see that last yardarm?
Vê aquela vela triangular?
Let me hang Mr. Shaw now from my yardarm.
Permiti-me enforcar o Sr. Shaw imediatamente no braço da verga.
- Two of you up on the yardarm!
- Subam a verga!
They show be flogged, heel-hogged, strung up from the highest yardarm!
Deviam ser açoitados ou pendurados do mastro dum navio!
Raised from the highest yardarm until the sun rots your skin!
Mando que te ergam da mais alta yardarm até o sol te apodrecer a pele!
- Sun's not over the yardarm.
- O Sol ainda não se pôs.
Sun's not quite over the yardarm.
O sol ainda não se pôs.
That he'd be hung from the highest yardarm.
Que seria enforcado na mais alta das vergas do mastro.
Sun over the yardarm.
O sol já se pôs.
You mean that guy hanging from the yardarm?
Aquele tipo pendurado no poste?
Yet some would like to see him hung from the nearest yardarm.
Outros querem que ele se enforque no lugar mais próximo.
The sun's going down over the yardarm.
O Jordy e a Juana vão mudar-se para Vientecito.

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