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Yogis traduction Portugais

19 traduction parallèle
Yogis don't smoke cigarettes.
iogues não fumam cigarro.
Yogis can do all kinds of good things.
Iogues podem fazer todo o tipo de coisas boas.
Our first subject for today will be the asanas ; the asanas are the yogis positions.
Nosso primeiro tema de hoje será as asanas ; as asanas são as posições de yoga.
Starting in my homeland of Yemen, I studied with yogis, fakirs and swamis, learning the ancient arts of body manipulation.
Na minha pátria, no Iémen, estudei com praticantes de ioga, faquires e pânditas, e aprendi as artes antigas da manipulação corporal.
- He had a nervous breakdown not long after he had a retreat for a group of famous yogis and doctors.
- Teve um esgotamento nervoso... pouco tempo depois de estar em retiro com um grupo de yogis e médicos famosos.
Yogis who are able to shut down their somatic systems for days at a time.
Yogis capazes de desligar... Os seus próprios sistemas somáticos durante dias.
Darling, did you know that yogis can breathe through any orifice?
Fofa, sabia que os mestres de ioga respiram por qualquer orifício?
Some yogis can hold out for hours.
Alguns "yogis" aguentam várias horas.
Where are you meeting yogis?
Onde tem aulas de ioga?
That's what the yogis believe.
isso é o que os yogis acreditam.
Yogis don't have to go to second grade.
Yogis não têm de ir para o 2º ano.
The yogis teach the same thing as Plato - - you abstain from expelling energy on the lower level and channel it upwards to the higher.
Os yogas ensinam o mesmo que Platão... tu absténs-te de despender energias no baixo nível e canaliza-as para o nível superior.
And this thought was Yogis of the Himalayas.
E esse pensamento estava nos Yogis do Himalaia.
The Yogis of the Himalayas.
"Os Yogis do Himalaia."
There are Yogis in India who rarely eat.
Há iogues na Índia que quase não comem.
I've read that there are great yogis who have such mastery over their bodies they can draw water in through their genitals.
Eu li que há yogis tão bons que têm um controlo tão incrível que conseguem assimilar água a partir dos órgãos genitais.
But the yogis never taught that.
Mas os iogues nunca ensinaram isso.
He told me he would like me to lead kettle bell seminar while yogis are levitating in one room and psychiatrists are sitting on the couch.
Ele disse-me que gostava de fazer um seminário sobre kettleball enquanto fazem ioga numa sala e há psiquiatras no sofá ao canto.
- about me, okay? - Okay. You got to see it like the yogis, okay?
Tens de ver a coisa como os iogues.

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