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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ Y ] / You've got to understand

You've got to understand traduction Portugais

201 traduction parallèle
They've got to like you, understand?
Eles têm de gostar de ti, compreendes?
Listen, there's something you've got to understand and try and forgive.
Há uma coisa que tens de entender e de tentar perdoar.
You've only got to read this note to understand.
Pode ler este bilhete para entender.
You've got to understand and you've got to forgive me.
Tens de entender e perdoar-me.
You've got to understand, María.
Tens que entender, Maria.
I understand you've got a room to rent.
Tem um quarto para alugar?
You've got to understand.
Você tem de compreender.
What all of you don't understand is I've got to know it's around.
O que você não entende é que tenho que saber que está por perto.
You've got to understand something before you go home this time.
Tens de perceber uma coisa, antes de ires para casa, desta vez.
Johnny, I know it's hard for you to understand, but you've just got to believe me.
Johnny, sei que é complicado, mas tens de acreditar em mim.
- You've got to understand me.
- Tens de me compreender.
I understand you've been lying to me ever since I got here.
Percebo que me tens mentido desde que cá cheguei.
I've tried to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and it's got to be because of you.
Tentei compreender porque não vem embora comigo, e tem que ser por sua causa.
- You've got to understand...
- Tens de compreender...
- I don't understand you, but you've got to help me do something. Warn them, bring them back.
Não percebo por que não avisa os homens para que os tragam rapidamente de volta.
That's what you've got to understand.
Isso é o que você tem que entender.
You've all got to understand that the reason you were picked is immaterial.
Não interessa o motivo por que foram escolhidos.
But you've got to understand Marylin's position.
Mas você tem que entender a posição de Marylin.
Now you've got to understand, Mr. Mason,
Agora você tem que entender, Sr. Mason,
You've got to trust me, understand?
Você tem que confiar em mim, entendeu?
But you've got to understand. I've come from the front.
Mas tem que perceber, eu vim da frente.
Can't you understand I've got stockholders to think about?
Não percebes que tenho de pensar nos accionistas?
- Ari, you've got to understand...
- Ari, tens que compreender...
Doc, you've got to understand. I can't come back.
Doc, tens de compreender, eu não posso voltar.
You with children will understand they've got to be helped.
Quem tem filhos entenderá que elas precisam de ajuda.
If you're staying and I suppose you've got to, understand this :
Como acho que tem de ficar cá, é melhor perceber já uma coisa,
You've got to understand, the man's occupying an area that's like a maze.
Você tem que entender, que ele está numa área que é um autêntico labirinto.
I know it's difficult for you to get on with Frank Towns, but you've got to understand.
Sei que é difícil para você... Ficar bem com Frank Towns, mas... tem que entender, ele...
Max, you've just got to understand- - Ann Ferris is dead.
Max, precisa perceber. Ann Ferris está morta.
- Mary, you've got to understand...
- Mary, tem de entender...
You've got work to do. - I don't understand.
- Não compreendo.
You all understand what you've got to do?
Todos compreendem o que teem de fazer?
Look, Kim, you've got to make them understand what's going on out here.
Tens de fazê-los compreender o que se passa aqui.
Boys, you've got to understand one thing.
É primordial. Temos de acordar.
We've got to find him, do you understand?
Temos de o encontrar, estão a perceber?
Look, you've got to understand something.
Olhe, tem que entender uma coisa.
I know it's going to be difficult for you but we've got to do it, do you understand?
Sei que é difícil pra você mas temos que correr, certo?
But you've got to understand...
Mas têm de compreender...
You've got to understand, opening these is not something any old bloke can do.
Tem de perceber que não é qualquer um que abre estas fechaduras.
I've got to understand what you're feeling and thinking.
Preciso entender o que sente e pensa.
I'm interested in an old man! You've got to find him, and I want him found, do you understand?
Não me interessam as tuas histórias amorosas!
Jennie, you've got to understand.
Jennie, tens de perceber.
It's hard, I know, but you've just got to ty and understand.
Sei que é difícil, mas tens de tentar compreender.
You've got to understand the basics of aerodynamics in a thing like this.
Para compreender isto é preciso saber de aerodinâmica.
Damn it, you've got to understand.
Diabos, Donovan! Tem de perceber.
Now look, you've got to understand something.
Tem de compreender.
You've got to understand there are other sellers.
Tens de perceber que há outros vendedores.
You've got to understand the criminal mind. What leads him to put the advertisement in the paper? Psychology.
Deve ter passado um mau bocado no hotel termal, com os colegas a tratá-lo mal por ser estrangeiro.
You've got to understand that.
Tem que perceber isso.
You've got to understand, Dennis, this was the business I was in.
Tens que entender, Dennis, eu estava envolvido nesta actividade.
We understand, but you've got to realize - -
Nós percebemos como te sentes, mas tens de perceber...

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