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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ Y ] / You could have told me

You could have told me traduction Portugais

373 traduction parallèle
You could have told me she was your girl, and I'd go away like a gentleman.
Devia ter-me dito que era a sua garota e partia como um cavalheiro.
You could have told me, you idiot!
- Devias ter-me avisado, sua idiota!
- Listen, you could have told me about it.
- Podias ter-me dito.
But You could have told me that in private.
Mas você poderia ter dito isso em privado.
You could have told me in a different way.
Teria preferido saber de outra maneira...
You could have told me.
Podias ter-me dito, não?
You could have told me that Laurent was coming.
Podias ter-me avisado... que o Laurent tinha chegado.
You could have told me about her. I would publish her...
Você poderia ter me falado sobre ela.
You could have told me you just decided to stand me up.
Podias-me ter dito que tinhas decidido deixar-me à espera.
You could have told me the truth.
Devias ter-me dito a verdade.
You could have told me you were doing a bunk.
Podias ter-me avisado que iam fugir.
"I wish you could have told me... "... how Tommy died, but I guess we must be careful about security.
Gostava de ter sabido como morreu o Tommy, mas calculo que não tenha dito por razões de segurança.
You could have told me this over the phone, you know.
Tu poderias dizer-me isso por telefone, sabes.
It's great! It was a big shock! Albertine, you could have told me, right?
- Podias ter telefonado...
You could have told me that!
Podiam ter-me contado isso.
Didn't want to face my dad, so... You could have told me that.
- Podias ter-me dito.
You know, when you got free, you could have told me.
Sabes quando ficaste livre, podias ter-me avisado.
- Yes,... just like you could have told me there were experiments done on the gate in 1945.
- Sim, tal como me podia ter dito que houve experiências feitas com o portal em 1945.
You'd think maybe you could have told me this- - oh I don't know- - before I packed up my entire life!
Achas que podias ter-me dito isso... Não sei... Antes de eu arrumar a minha vida toda?
You know, you could have told me yourself.
Podias ter-mo dito tu.
You could have told me. You could have said something.
Podias ter-me dito alguma coisa.
You could have told me you were on the run from the police.
Podia me ter dito que andava a fugir à polícia.
You know, pal, you could have told me that before I set it up.
Podia ter-me dito isso antes de eu o ter montado.
You could have told me that.
Já me podias ter dito.
- You could have told me.
- Podias ter-me contado.
You could have told me.
Podia ter prevenido...
I never would have believed that Tarzan could have been caught off guard... if you hadn't told me.
Nunca acreditaria que tivessem apanhado o Tarzan desprevenido se não o tivessem dito.
You told yourself you were rid of me and nobody else could have me.
Se convenceu de que tinha se libertado de mim e que ninguém mais poderia me ter.
You told me I could have it.
Disseste-me que ela era minha.
They could beat me, I wouldn't have told them anything about you.
Podiam torturar-me que não diria nada a teu respeito.
You told them if you could have me for a backstop, you could do the job.
Disse-lhes que se me pudesse ter como apanha bolas, podia cumprir a missão
You could have come out like a man and told me you were gonna bring that dog home instead of hiding it, smuggling it in with the puppies, Mark.
Podias ter sido sérioo como um homem... e me dito que ias trazer o cachorro para casa... em vez de escondê-lo,... contrabando-o com os filhotes, Mark.
Marc, we were told that yesterday in your lecture hall, you read aloud a case history of one of your current patients, and in the discussions that followed, you indicated that one possible explanation... You'll have to forgive me, Marc, but this is what we heard. One possible explanation could be reincarnation.
Marc, soubemos que ontem em sua palestra você leu em voz alta... o caso de um de seus pacientes e... nas discussões que se seguiram, você... indicou que uma explicação possível... perdoe-me, Marc, mas é o que soubemos... que uma explicação possível seria... reencarnação.
You know, Dragon, you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you'd have told me to begin with that the dead agent in Zurich was Henri Baq.
Podia ter poupado incómodos... se me tivesse dito que o agente morto, em Zurique, era Henri Baq.
You could have knocked me over with a feather when they told me.
Fiquei de rastos quando me disseram.
Although you could have told him that you saw my birthmark while I was running or surf-skiing.
Agora me ouça.
She said you told her how she could reach me and I figured you must have because she knew all about it.
... Disse que Ihe faIaste de mim... ... e de facto estava a par de tudo.
If you had told me that night 15 years ago that you were gonna be a nun... I don't think I could have accepted it.
Se há 15 anos me tivesses contado que querias ser freira, acho que eu não teria aceite.
You could have at least told me where you were going, said goodbye.
Poderias ao menos ter me dito para onde ias. Despedir-se, dizer adeus.
Well, you could have just told me you were alive.
Podias ao menos dizer que estavas vivo.
You told me you could have this ship operational in two weeks.
Disse que preparava a nave em duas semanas, dei-lhe três. Que se passa?
Even so... even if nothing could happen to me, you should have told me.
Mas mesmo que não me acontecesse nada, tinhas de dizer.
Great. Could you not have told me earlier?
Não me podias ter dito isso antes?
- This is great, but you could have told me.
- Isto é incrível!
You could have at least told me first before summarily...
Um acordo?
I was instructed not to do that. To drink water. Mr. Donnell told me, since none of you have water it's possible you could resent me for having it.
Donnell disse-me que, visto que nenhum de vocês bebe água, é possível que se ressintam por eu beber.
You should have told me. I could have arranged for you to meet him.
Devias ter-me dito, Ziyal. Podia ter combinado uma entrevista em pessoa.
Lindsay, se não querias distribuir doces comigo, bastava teres-me dito.
If you started smoking again, you could have at least told me.
Se voltaram a fumar, pelo menos podiam ter-me contado.
You have always told me that love leads to pain but I do not know what it was about him... that I just could not stop myself.
Você sempre me disse que o amor conduz á dor... mas eu não sei, o que era eu sem ele... eu apenas não me consigo controlar.
If you had told me, I could have- -
Se me tivesses dito, poderia...

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