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You didn't kill her traduction Portugais

263 traduction parallèle
You didn't kill her, did you?
Não a matou, pois não?
You didn't kill her.
Não a matou!
But you didn't kill her.
Mas você não a matou!
Sam says you didn't kill her... and I've known Sam a long time.
Sam diz que você não a matou... e conheço o Sam a muito tempo.
But you didn't kill her!
Mas você não a matou!
I didn't kill her, I tell you.
Eu não a matei, estou a dizer-lhe.
I didn't kill her, if that's what you're thinking.
Não a matei, se for o que está pensando.
And didn't you threaten to kill her if she wouldn't come back?
- E não a ameaçou de a matar se ela não voltasse?
Even if you didn't actually kill her, you're responsible for her death.
Mesmo se não a mataste, és o responsável pela morte dela.
You didn't see her kill the biggest bull?
Não a viu matar o touro?
You didn't kill her.
Não a mataste.
It's just as well you didn't kill her.
Fez bem em não tê-la matado.
Didn't you tell me... that if you tried to operate on her again, you'd kill her?
Não me disse que se a tentassem operar de novo, que isso a iria matar?
I didn't kill her, I told you that.
Eu não a matei. Já te tinha dito.
You didn't kill her, Thomas.
- É sua vez. - Certo. Desculpe.
I didn't kill her.! You did.! Stay still.
Sinatra ficaria louco por isto.
- The widow Callaghan, she really did kill her husband, didn't she? Like you said.
A viúva Callahan matou mesmo o marido, não foi?
But I didn't kill her... and you can't prove that I did, now get out of here!
Mas eu não a matei e não pode provar que matei, agora saia daqui para fora!
Said she'd taken a lot of pills... and was gonna kill herself if you didn't call her. No, no. I get those calls two or three times a week.
Não, não, tenho chamadas dessas três vezes por semana.
You didn't kill her.
Tu não a mataste.
I hope you didn't have to take struggle much to kill her.
Espero que não tenha tido que lutar muito para matá-la.
I didn't ask you to kill her, but you were smart!
Não te peço para a matares, mas seria inteligente.
You wanted to kill her, didn't you? But you had to wait till she was drunk!
Querias matá-la, mas esperaste que ela se embebedasse.
Everything you say is true, but I didn't kill her.
Tudo o que diz é verdade. Mas eu não a matei.
So you mean he didn't kill her.
Quer dizer, então, que ele não a matou.
I didn't want to kill her... but since you talked to her, she knew too much.
Eu não queria matá-la... mas já que você falou com ela, ela sabia demais.
She ought to get something to settle her stomach. You didn't kill Salmoneus, did you?
Mas você, meu amigo melhor estar pronto para visitar Hades.
- You didn't have to kill her.
- Não precisavas de a matar.
How do I know you didn't kill her?
Como sei eu que não foste tu que a mataste?
Did you tell her that you'd kill him if she didn't?
Disseste-lhe que o matavas se ela não o fizesse?
Tell me you didn't kill her, even if it's a goddamned lie.
Diz-me que não a mataste, ainda que seja mentira.
I know you didn't kill her, but- -
Ok. Tenham calma, rapazes.
Why are you so sure I didn't kill her?
Como é que podes estar tão segura?
- So you didn't kill her, then?
- Não a mataste, então?
- And you didn't kill her?
- E não a mataram?
I know you didn't kill her.
- Mas não fui eu quem a matou.
- So you didn't kill her.
- Então tu não a mataste?
You didn't kill her!
Não a mataram!
So, unless you didn't kill her.
A não ser que não a tenhas matado.
But I'll tell you what didn't kill her... Smoking.
Mas posso garantir-lhe que não foi a fumar que ela morreu.
You didn't kill her there.
Não a mataste lá.
Why didn't you kill desiree, And how could you abandon her on elba nine?
Porque não matou Desirée, e como pôde abandoná-la em Elba 9?
See, I think this is about the baby and how you didn't want the baby to cramp your style so, you force-fed Lisa Marie enough demerol to kill her.
Acho que o problema foi o bebé. Você não queria compromissos, por isso obrigou a Lisa a tomar analgésicos suficientes para a matar. - Acertei?
Because I spoke to your warden, and I know you didn't have any access to the Net, so you couldn't have written those sweet letters to Marsha. You know, the ones that said you wanted to kill her.
O guarda disse que não tinhas acesso à internet, portanto não podias ter escrito à Marsha dizendo que querias matá-la.
But I didn't know you were gonna kill her.
- Mas eu não sabia que a ias matar.
You didn't mean to kill her.
Não queria matá-la.
But you didn't kill her.
Mas não a mataram.
I didn't kill her, you crazy shit!
Eu não a matei, seu louco de merda!
I'm so contemptible that I brought you up alone! Shit! You bastard, I didn't kill her!
Sou tão desprezivel que tive de criar-te sozinho!
You went with it because you didn't want to see him kill her and you knew he wouldn't do it but I was shocked by him thinking that way, "An experiment."
Aceitávamos porque não queríamos vê-lo matá-la e sabíamos que não o faria mas fiquei chocado com o pensamento : "Uma experiência."
I heard you had an opportunity to kill her in Milan and that you didn't take it.
Ouvi que tiveste oportunidade de a matar em Milão e que não o fizeste.

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