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You didn't know her traduction Portugais

644 traduction parallèle
I was just gonna try and make things better, and, like, apologize, and just wanted to let her know that I didn't, you know,
Eu fui apenas tentar compor as coisas, e, tipo, pedir desculpa, e eu só queria que ela soube-se que eu não, estás a ver,
Why, you idiot, you didn't even know about her until we arrested you.
Eu odiava-a! Seu idiota, nem sequer sabia de nada antes de o prendermos!
But I found you didn't need to know what a girl looked like to like her.
Para gostar de uma rapariga não precisamos de lhe ver a cara.
I oughta know. I introduced you to her, didn't I?
- Fui eu que os apresentei.
Why didn't you know her when you walked in that day?
E como sabias como a encontravas?
Oh, I see, Then from the moment you met her until the day she was taken into custody you didn't know the truth about her character.
- não soube a verdade. - Protesto!
You told her you didn't know why you let her back into your dirty life.
Disseste não saber por que é que ela não saía da tua vida.
- What didn't you like about her? I don't know.
Do que é que não gostou nela?
You see, I didn't know it was her dog because she never brought it before.
Não sabia que o cão era dela, porque ela nunca o tinha trazido.
The girl you said you hardly knew, didn't even know her name?
A rapariga que disseste que mal conhecias, que nem mesmo sabias o nome?
I know you didn't mean it but I'm afraid you have put her in an extremely dangerous situation.
Eu sei que não queria mas receio que a pos numa situação extremamente perigosa.
I held out because I didn't know if you were big enough to handle her.
Estive hesitante até hoje, não sabia se eras homem suficiente para a teres na tua parede
- Didn't you know? Her husband left her because he always found some ghost in bed.
O marido deixou-a porque encontrava sempre fantasmas na cama com ela.
Elvira, you didn't know her when she was a child.
Elvira, não a conheceste quando era nova.
Luisa, I didn't know. I'm seeing her for the first time, like you.
Luísa, não sei de nada, vejo-a pela primeira vez, como vocês.
I didn't know what was going on between you two until that night. That night I got it out of her.
Eu não sabia nada sobre vocês dois até aquela noite... quando arranquei tudo dela.
Well, Danke didn't know what to buy you, so she took her favorite bone and had it bronzed.
Bem, a Danke não sabia o que comprar para ti... então ela pegou o osso favorito e dourado.
You didn't know her?
Não a conhecia?
I suppose you didn't know her either?
Suponho que também não conhecesse esta.
Oh, I didn't know you knew her that well. Oh, yes.
- Não sabia que a conhecia tão bem.
- And you didn't know her last name?
- E não sabias o apelido?
- You didn't jump her bones, and you know it.
Claro que a cheirei.
I didn't know Brenda. It's possible. Maybe you just wanted to get rid of her.
- Talvez quisesses ver-te livre dela.
You didn't happen to know her, did you?
Por acaso, não a conhecia?
I know you didn't shove those sleeping pills down her throat.
Eu sei que você não a forçou a engolir as pílulas.
Whoa, man. I didn't know you hung your label on her.
Não sabia que era sua!
I didn't know you were gonna let her win.
Não sabia que a ias deixar vencer.
I didn't know, you like her?
Não sabia que gostavas dela. Eu vou lá.
Cos I, you know, I didn't wanna lead her on or anything.
Não queria estar a dar-lhe esperanças ou assim.
You mean the one who didn't know who Mary Baker Eddy was? - That was her?
Aquela que não sabia quem era a Mary Baker Eddy?
I didn't know you meant to turn her into a human girl.
Não sabia que pretendias transformá-la numa rapariga humana.
You told me you didn't know her.
- Disseste-me que não a conhecias.
You didn't know how to hold her.
Não sabia nem segurá-la.
Caroline! I didn't know you knew her.
Não sabia que a conhecias.
I didn't know that you were fighting to protect her from the pirates.
Não sabia que lutavas para a proteger sos piratas.
I didn't know that you were fighting to protect her from the pirates.
Não sabia que lutavas para a proteger dos piratas.
i made up the story about her ankle, because... i didn't want you to know that i couldn't stand my best friend.
O que estás a fazer aqui? A tentar ficar quente. A garagem está gelada!
You know, when she got her t-shirt wet, and you said something about... taking her for a little spin, but you didn't use the car?
Sabes, quando molhou a camisola, e tu disseste qualquer coisa sobre levá-la a dar uma voltinha, mas não foram de carro?
You know, it's no mistake that she didn't have any pupils in her eyes... carla, that was such a sweet thing you did.
Não era mentira que não tinha pupilas nos olhos... Carla, o que tu fizeste foi muito querido.
I know you didn't mean it when you killed her, and now you'll make it right.
Sei que não estava a sério quando a matou, agora ainda a pode salvar.
- Five years ago I didn't know her. - Sure you did.
Não a conhecia nessa altura.
You know, even though she dies this morning, that doesn't mean that Nick didn't catch up with her before that.
Sabe o que? Embora morra esta manhã... não quer dizer que Nick não a tenha encontrado antes.
But you didn't even know her.
Mas tu nem a conhecias.
- I know you didn't bone her.
- Sei que não a comeste.
- l know. You didn't see her at my place.
- Sei, mas não a viu em minha casa.
You didn't know her before?
Não a conhecias?
- You just said you didn't know her.
- Disse que não a conhecia.
So you didn't know her before.
Portanto não a conhecia antes.
How do you know Bobby didn't give her that?
Como é que sabes, que o Bobby, não lhe deu isso?
You didn't know she stuffs her bra?
Não sabias que ela usava sutiã? Usava?
I didn't know you wrote for her show.
Não sabia que escrevias para o programa dela.

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