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You just said that traduction Portugais

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I can't believe you just said that.
Nem posso acreditar que disseste isso.
Come on, you--she--you just said that she- -
Vá lá, tu... ela... acabaste de dizer que ela...
But you just said that he didn't.
- Sim. - Acabas-te de dizer que não.
- You just said that we're gonna be gone
Acabaste de dizer que vamos ser demitidos?
I was like, " I can't believe you just said that, Louis Walsh.
E eu tipo : "O meu Deus, nem acredito que acabas de dizer isso"
[gasps] I cannot believe that you just said that.
Não acredito que acabaste de dizer isso.
You know, I'm pretty sure you just said that.
Sabes, tenho quase a certeza que já disseste isso.
- Did he? You just said that.
- Acabaste de o dizer.
- You just said that I look nice.
- Disseste que eu estava bonita.
I can't believe you just said that.
- Não acredito que disseste isso.
- But you just said that... - No, no, no.
- Mas acabaste de dizer...
Well, it's just that you both said "sorry" in that cute little Canadian way, and I... Sorry.
É que ambos disseram'desculpe'com jeitinho canadense, e eu...
That's just stupid what you said.
O que acabaste de dizer é uma estupidez.
That's funny,'cause it just sounded like you said you're staying.
Que engraçado, pareceu-me mesmo que tinhas dito que ias ficar.
- Here. - That's funny,'cause it just sounded like you said, "here."
- Que engraçado, pareceu-me mesmo que disseste "aqui".
Between all that, when you said your girlfriend just had an aneurysm because she got the wrong bouquet, you had time to put all that out of your mind and solve the case?
Com o aneurisma da tua namorada que se enganou no bouquet tiveste tempo para te concentrar em descobrir o culpado?
What you just said, that's how we're gonna take down the Drill.
O que acabaste de dizer, é assim que vamos acabar com a perfuradora.
And of course at five and a half years old he didn't understand, and so I said, "Sweet let me just show you, that'll be the easiest way to do it."
É claro que, com cinco anos e meio, ele não percebia e eu então disse-lhe : "Filho, deixa-me... deixa-me mostrar-te, é a forma mais fácil."
So you're saying that if I said that I wanted to come live here, you would just make it happen.
Quer dizer que se eu tivesse dito que queria vir morar para aqui, terias feito com que isso acontecesse?
This woman came here and just said that you, she said that you were dead.
Esta mulher apareceu aqui e disse que tu... Disse que tu estavas morto...
And just FYI, I spoke to my lawyer, and he said that even if Kandi takes you for everything you've got, you'll still have to pay me alimony, here's his bill.
E só para tua informação acabei de falar com meu advogado e ele disse-me que mesmo que a Kandi ficar com tudo o que tu tens, ainda tens que me pagar a pensão de alimentos. Aqui está a conta.
[Charlie] I've done a lot of research and it's not just me, it's the people that have come before me, the experts, the engineers and the physicists, and the scientists, and the scholars that raised a lot of this things. And I took a look at their research and said : yeah, it didn't add up, a lot of it doesn't add up, and there are these questions, you know, there's two areas : there's building 7, and there's the 5 frames from the Pentagon.
Agora, os arquivos da CNN aparecem mostrando um policial dizendo para jornalistas e civis para se afastarem do WTC7, que o edifício iria explodir
Finally, he just said to me, " Lady, if you're that worried about it,
Por fim, ele disse-me : " Senhora, se isso a preocupa tanto,
Interesting, I just read a piece by some analysts that said you may not want to go after the top people in these organizations.
Acabei de ler um artigo de um especialista dizendo que podemos não querer capturar os líderes destas organizações.
But... you just said I shouldn't... That was a test.
Mas acabaste de dizer que não o devia fazer.
I just wanted to tell you that what you said to me last night was truly... disgusting.
Só queria dizer-te que o que me disseste ontem foi absolutamente... nojento.
You said it was over, that it was just one game!
Disseste que tinha acabado! Que era só um jogo!
I mean, he pretty much just said that that was it, and, you know, that was it.
Ele disse que tinha terminado e acabou assim.
You know, you didn't just think that. You actually said it.
Você não só pensou isso, como o disse mesmo.
When you said just then when you told me you were leaving, that's when I definitely knew.
Quando me disseste que me ias deixar, foi quando percebi definitivamente.
# There's just a little bit of dust in my eye # # Dust from the path that you made # # When you said your goodbye #
Tenho pó nos olhos Do caminho quando partiste
Because 99 percent of me is sure that we're gonna be totally happy, but then what you said, it just stirred up that pesky one percent. Honey, please.
Porque 99 % de mim tem a certeza de que seremos totalmente felizes, mas o que disseste provocou-me 1 % de dúvida.
You know how you said... you just wanted things to go back to the way that they were?
Lembras-te de dizer que só querias que tudo voltasse a ser como antes?
Because I just wanted to let you know, that Dad said it's okay for me to move in with him. Okay?
Só queria dizer-te que o pai diz que posso ir viver com ele.
Is that what you just said?
100,000 dólares? Foi o que acabou de dizer?
Listen, you just tell him that his daughter said to go to hell.
- Olhe, diga-lhe... - que a filha o mandou para o inferno.
Those things you said, about listening to the patient, was that just TV crap?
Aquilo que disse sobre escutar o paciente eram tretas para a televisão?
It's just... you're the one who said this morning that this is a new life, and maybe I should have a new life that I want.
Esta manhã, disseste que isto era uma nova vida. Talvez eu deva ter a nova vida que sempre quis. Talvez devas.
You're gonna let the fact that I just said LOL get in the way of me giving you the best BJ of your life?
Vais deixar que o facto de eu ter dito LOL impeça que te faça o melhor B. da tua vida?
Those fat comments during her surgery, you just said all that to push me away so you could swoop in, didn't you?
Os comentários da gorda durante a cirurgia, fizeste-os para me afastar e poderes avançar!
took the blame himself, you know. He said that he was standing in the wings at the stage, watching the band play without him, and he just had this feeling that he was looking down and they were carrying on without him, and that they were gonna carry on without him,
Mãe eu tentei acredite Faço o melhor Que posso Me envergonho das coisas Que vivi Me envergonho de A pessoa que sou Em lugar disso, estava ao flanco do cenário vendo a banda tocar sem ele.
He said he's really sorry and, that he will love to have you in there but he just... can't bend the rules, fire regulations or something
Ele pede desculpa e, E que adorava ter-te ali ao pé dele, mas infelizmente não pode, Quebrar as regras, por causa do regulamento de incêndios...
Mr. Kenworthy said you went up to that roof and just started shooting.
Sr. Kenworthy diz que você foi até ao telhado e começou a disparar.
If it was toxoplasmosis, we'd have seen enlarged lymphs, and because you're not pretty enough to be an idiot, you must know that already, which means you just said it because you want to do an LP
Devíamos fazer uma pulsão lombar para detectarmos uma infecção. Se fosse toxoplasmose, teríamos visto linfas aumentadas. E como não és suficientemente giro para seres idiota, já deves saber isso.
Well, the gas station attendant said that you took off before the cops showed up and... I was just curious why you didn't stick around to file a police report.
O empregado da estação de serviço disse que abalou antes da chegada da Polícia, e tinha curiosidade de saber por que não ficou para apresentar queixa.
Hey, witnesses at the party said that you received a phone call the night of the murder And then you just left.
Testemunhas na festa dizem que recebeu uma chamada telefónica na noite do homicídio e que depois saiu.
Look, Dad, if you weren't going to pay for it, you should have just said so and saved me the humiliation of having to tell all my friends that you're a loser.
Olha, se não ias pagar, devias ter dito logo e poupar-me à humilhação de ter de dizer a todos os meus amigos que és um falhado!
Lilac, I have just said I have it to you that to see Matt in the dinner in 5 minutes
Lila, acabo de dizer-te que tenho que ver Matt ao jantar dentro de 5 minutos
Apart from that stuff you just said in the toilet.
Tirando a parte do que dissestes na casa de banho.
You said that your wife spoke to you just moments before you found her, right?
Disseste que a tua mulher te falou pouco antes de a encontrares, certo?
- Just the way you said that.
- É a maneira como disse isso...

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