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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ Y ] / You know what i was thinking

You know what i was thinking traduction Portugais

337 traduction parallèle
You know what I was thinking about?
Sabes em que estava eu a pensar?
- You know what I was thinking?
- Sabe o que eu estava a pensar?
- You know what I was thinking?
- Sabe o que estava a pensar?
You know what I was thinking, Ethel?
Você sabe o que eu estava pensando, Ethel?
You know what I was thinking?
Sabes em que estava a pensar?
You know what I was thinking?
sabe no que estava pensando?
You know what I was thinking, Matt? - No, what was that?
Oh, está no meio de duas questões, é um bom companheiro, Tom.
You know what I was thinking, Billy?
Sabes no que pensei, Billy?
You know what I was thinking about when I wrote that?
Sabes o que eu estava a pensar, quando a escrevi?
Do you know what I was thinking?
Sabe o que eu estava pensando?
You know what I was thinking?
Sabes em que estava a pensar, Dino?
Look, honey. You know what I was thinking.
Sabes o que estava a pensar?
You know what I was thinking?
Sabes o que estava a pensar?
You know what I was thinking?
Sabes ao que me refiro.
You know what I was thinking?
Sabem o que estive a pensar?
So anyway, you know what I was thinking about?
Bom, George, sabes no que estive a pensar?
You know what I was thinking, Big Bunny?
Sabes o que estava a pensar, grande coelhinho?
You know what I was thinking?
Sabes do que me lembrei?
You know what I was thinking? Maybe we could move in together.
Estava a pensar que talvez pudéssemos viver juntos.
- You know what I was thinking?
Sabes o que estava a pensar?
You know what I was thinking about before?
Sabes em que estava a pensar?
You know what I was thinking?
- Sabes em que pensei?
You know what I was thinking? You're not going, are you?
Sabes o que estava a pensar?
You know what I was thinking?
Sabe o que estava a pensar?
Actually, you know what I was thinking?
Sabes o que eu estava a pensar?
You know what I was thinking?
Sabe o que pensei?
No, you know what I was just thinking?
Sabes no que pensava?
I know what you was thinking, and I won't hear it again.
Sei. E näo quero ouvir de novo.
Do you know what I was thinking?
Sabe no que pensava?
You know what I was just thinking?
Sabem em que estive a pensar? Aquele lugar.
What hotel are you staying in? - Park Plaza. You know, I was even thinking about going out to that old house again.
Ocorreu-me ir ver outra vez essa casa antiga.
You know, Lois, I was sort of thinking, later on I was just wondering what you wanted to do about the arrangements.
Sabes, estava a pensar, que mais logo... estava a pensar em como queres fazer.
I know what you're thinking. A classic diversion. I was supposed to follow them, then they could come back for Norman.
Mamãe falou mal dele por anos e devia estar certa sobre muitas coisas, mas ele é meu pai, e não deixo de acreditar que, se ele fez algo, deve ter tido um motivo.
- You know what I was thinking though?
- Sabe uma coisa?
- You know what I was just thinking?
- Sabes o que estava a pensar?
Fine. You know, I was thinking, what this town could really use is a racetrack.
Bem, mas eu estava a pensar que precisava de uma pista de cavalos.
Well, you know, I was thinking about what you said before and you're right, I've never really been a couple, so if that's the rule I'm gonna go by the rule.
Estive a pensar no que tinhas dito antes e tens razão. Nunca fiz parte de um casal, portanto, se essa é a regra, - sigo a regra.
You know, I was thinking about what Dax said.
Sabe, estava a pensar no que a Dax disse.
I know they can't harm you... but I was thinking it can't hurt to have all the information you can about what's going on.
Eu sei que eles não o podem magoar... mas acho que não faz mal ter toda a informação que possa acerca do que se está a passar.
You know that's precisely what I was thinking.
Sabes... era precisamente nisso que estava a pensar.
Oh, you know, actually, I was thinking about what you said, um, about how there are no nice guys out there.
Estive a pensar no que disseste. Sobre não existirem tipos decentes.
Anyway, I was thinking about what you said about me and Marisa, you know, the two of us getting together.
Bom, mas fiquei a pensar no que disse sobre sobre mim e a Marisa. Acerca de nos conhecermos.
Charlie, that is great that you said that,'cause that's exactly what I was thinking, you know, take time off.
Charlie, é ótimo que fales nisso porque pensei o mesmo, sabes, em tirar tempo de folga.
You know what I was thinking?
Bem tenho tentado perceber.
And before he said a word, I knew what he was thinking, you know.
E antes de ele falar, eu sabia o que ele estava a pensar.
Well, I owe you all a big apology because you don't know what I was thinking of y'all.
Devo-lhes um grande pedido de desculpas, porque não imaginam o que estava a pensar de vocês.
Look, I was thinking about getting a present for... this girl. And... you know, she's about Donna's age... so I was kinda wondering what Donna likes.
Olha, Eu estava a pensar em dar um presente para... essa miúda. e... tu sabes, ela tem a mesma idade da Donna... então eu estava a pensar no que a Donna gosta.
You know, listen, I was thinking about what you said last night.
Sabes, pensei no que disseste ontem à noite.
Anyway, I know that I owe her a lot of money, and I was thinking that... possibly, I would put the money into a trust for Luca... and I wanna know what you think about that.
Sei que lhe devo muito dinheiro e estava a pensar que, possivelmente, poderia colocar esse dinheiro num fundo para o Luca e quero saber o que pensa disso.
If it wasn't for the way my head was thinking, everything would've been fine. You know what I mean?
Se eu não'tivesse só a pensar, tinha dado.
Okay. I was thinking, you know what you could do is read what I've already done - and kind of proofread it.
Estava a pensar que podias ler o que já escrevi e ver se há gralhas.

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