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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ Y ] / You want to see them

You want to see them traduction Portugais

314 traduction parallèle
- Do you want to see them?
- Quer vê-Ios?
Do you want to see them get killed?
Quer vê-los serem mortos?
CHAVEZ : You want to see them, captain?
Você quer ver eles, capitão?
- Don't you want to see them?
- Não quer vê-los?
You want to see them?
Queres vê-los?
Do you want to see them?
You want to see them?
Quer as ver?
If you want to see them in one piece, you'll sign right on the line.
Se quer voltar a vê-las... assine já.
Tell Sipo to bring the children here whenever you want to see them.
Obrigada. O Sipo que traga cá os teus filhos sempre que quiseres. Sim, patrão.
00H, if you want to see them.
00H, caso queiram falar com eles.
You want to see them?
Quer vê-las? Venha cá.
Do you want to see them again?
Quer voltar a vê-las?
You see, Laury, there's all those other kids... ... hundreds of them, in the streets and bad environment... ... whom I don't want to see grow up like Rocky did.
É que há todos os outros miúdos, Laury, centenas deles, nas ruas e em maus ambientes, os quais não quero ver a crescer como o Rocky.
I don't want them to see you dance.
Eu não quero que te vejam a dançar! Está a partir-me o pulso.
You see, laws are written above all for those who don't want to follow them.
Reparem, as leis são escritas sobretudo para aqueles que não querem segui-las.
Sherry, the next time you do not want to see anybody just let me know, and I'll usher them right in.
Sherry, quando voltares a não querer ver alguém, avisa - me, que eu faço-os entrar imediatamente.
Oh, I see. You want them to think that I forced you to leave.
Quer que pensem que o obriguei a ir embora.
Do you want to see the rest of them?
Queres ver as outras?
They want to see you over there, Mr. Bannister and them.
Querem falar contigo, o Sr. Bannister e os outros.
You wouldn't want the poor old man to have to get on his knees to see them?
Não íamos fazer o pobre senhor ajoelhar-se para os ver.
Tell them. They thought you'd want to see them about the practice mission.
Pensaram que queria falar com eles acerca da missão de treino.
We don't want to have to shoot nobody, and we won't if you keep your hands where we can see them.
Não queremos matar ninguém e não acontecerá nada se deixarem as mãos onde eu as veja.
These people... you know, all of them, every one of them want to see that you're safe.
Tu conheces... aquela gente toda, todos querem ver se estás bem.
I want you to check them right now to see whether they're in order or not.
Verifiquem se estão a funcionar.
Now, I am sure there are some of you who don't want to see them do that. So I suggest instead that you listen to our sponsor's message.
Decerto, alguns de vós não vão querer ver isso, por isso sugiro que vejam antes o anúncio do nosso patrocinador.
You want to see them again?
- Não gostavas de as reencontrar?
You only see things the way you want them to be.
Tu só vês as coisas da maneira que queres que elas sejam.
Because I didn't want anybody but me to see you in them.
Não quis que mais ninguém te visse assim.
I thought you'd want to see them.
Gostaria de os ver?
She'd like to see that, those two are not married, you see, but she'd surely want them to be.
Ela fiscaliza esses dois. Ele não são casados, veja, e ela acha que deveriam ser.
You see, I want to surprise them.
- Queria fazer-lhes uma surpresa.
Can you imagine for one minute that I want to see them hurt?
Acha sequer por um minuto que quero ver algum deles sofrer?
When you want to see the receipts, you tell me : "I want to see the receipts", and I'll show them to you.
Quando quiseres ver as contas dizes-me : "Quero ver as contas", e eu apresento-tas.
i'm going to show you three numbers and i want you to tell me if you see any similarity between them.
Vou mostrar-lhe três números, diga se notar alguma semelhança.
I want you to take them the offer, see?
Quero que lhes faças a oferta, vês?
I don't want them to see you, girl.
- Não, não podem. - Querem que eles vos vejam, meninas?
I don't want them to see you.
Não quero que eles te vejam.
When Daddy and Janina come, do you want them to see us like this?
Quando o pai e Janina chegarem, queres que nos vejam assim?
I want you to see them.
Preciso do teu parecer.
When you see the men dicing for water rations I want you to stop them from now on!
Quando vir os homens apostando água, quero que os impeça.
You just want them to see you with your hair up like that.
Só queres mostrar o penteado.
See, if you don't want them to trace it back you've gotta punch in to some little rinky-dink outfit that has a little Mickey Mouse computer- -
Se não quiserem que eles vos descubram têm de se ligar através de um lugar insignificante que tenha um computador de segunda...
Yeah, but you can really see them if you want too, can't you. I mean you can go home with them, if you want to, all these places say that.
Mas se quiseres, podes encontrar-te com eles, ir com eles para casa.
See, power is giving people what they want... and making them realize they got to come to you to get it.
O poder dá às pessoas o que elas querem e fá-las perceber que têm de vir ter contigo para o obterem.
It is possible... well, to love someone so much, or to think that you want to love them so much that you just don't even see anything.
É possível amar tanto alguém, ou pensar que se quer amá-lo tanto que não se vê nada.
They want to see you, and if you don't go to them, they'll come here, and we can't afford to reglaze the bathtub.
Eles querem vê-Ios. Se não forem lá vocês, vêm eles cá. Não temos dinheiro para voltar a esmaltar a banheira.
You see, they bought something that we hate without asking us, and that is bad, but now we have the right to go out and buy whatever we want without asking them, and that is good.
Eles compraram uma coisa que nós odiamos sem nos consultarem, e isso é mau, mas, agora, temos o direito de comprar o que quisermos, sem os consultarmos, e isso é bom.
I want you to live to see them win.
Quero que você viva, para os ver vencer.
And you want to see where i'll be arranging Them!
Vão ver como as disponho. Não da forma habitual.
Right now, I want to go through that green door to see the place where you guys take those cigarette butts and put them out in your navels.
Quero passar por aquela porta e ver o lugar onde pegam em beatas e as apagam nos umbigos, entendido?
And you've got your search engine and all your little home videos. See, if people want a piece of you... you give it to them, right?
Ninguém sabe nada que me possa danificar, exceto o Corder e a Elizabeth.

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